Sophia Feminine Christ Return Comes Full Circle

In this Update:

Sophia Feminine Christ Return Comes Full Circle

Pre Lions Gate Portal Purge

Full Body Template Density Purge

We are nearing the Lions Gate Portal.

The Pre Lions Gate brings in the spark of cosmic energy that mirrors who we truly are on a soul level.

God manifested our physical form to emulate our exact soul signature. The beauty of who and what Christ is and represents actually emanates from our cells and into the grids around us.

When we are sponging and taking on the insanity around us and allowing it to define us we become completely dejected, depressed and suffocate our soul essence from having an impact, fearing that the power of who we truly are will be too powerful and allow us to be seen or known as something different when we’re trying to fit in and convince others we are just a regular human like them.

This is from aeons of persecution towards the most powerful leaders ever born.

We automatically assume our Soul Signature being inhibited by diminishment is somehow going to get us into trouble or unable to be held and seen. This is where lessons around non-attachment and our internal reliance on God are essential. Our Avatar Self (Soul) is the cosmic manifestation of embodied truth and love which wants to bring our deepest betrayals to the surface at this time to be understood as not a rejection of who we truly are but a rejection of Gods energy and what that brings up for others when they’re around us.

There are constant bombardments and threats towards us for daring to represent the Christ on this earth as God’s Will has asked us to do, but this must be done regardless as we move into the New Earth Timeline.

You cannot pass through the initiations if you are not willing to die to God. Period.

Every fear, every excuse, every resistance will be burned in the fire and we will rise from the ashes of what this matrix tried to convince us we are.

We are in a great revolution of the human soul and freeing those trapped souls by example.

Through the years we have seen the DNA and Lightbody activate to receive the Light of Heaven and to transfer it into our children, family, grids etc. That is essentially what Grid Work is, transferring Source Light back into where it has been deficient or missing.

Lions Gate reminds us of the opportunity for Spiritual Power which is very incentivizing.

The idea of coming into Union, gaining Spiritual Power, anchoring our Mission Template, healing the earth and doing what our soul calls us to do is all very highly empowering and incentivizing for us.

To please our Creator and end the infection of evil against the sacred and the innocent…

This is why we move through these portals. To allow for a massive layer of Soul Evolution to occur and drop big layers of purgatory and DNA fracturing that we’ve been holding for generations.

The energy begins to fire up and the Sirius Star Constellation blended with Leo, Fire Star Lyra Energies ignite that closeness within us and the cosmos for communication with our Families of Light and clarity on the next steps for our personal mission and collective work.

We become so close, so intimately mirrored by our future Starseed Lightbody potential and Galactic Team connections. Their will is linked with the Will of the Creator and together as we accept each other we embody more energy and support to complete this earthly process.

Right now, our body is feeling it all. If you’ve felt tired as ever, sick, under the weather or super strong, rested etc, everyone responds differently to the portals that open and usually, it’s a blend of fatigue and bliss lol. I’ll be honest, I’ve been more on the side of tired as eff. My boyfriend and I have been sleeping a lot. I’ve been noting my body is receiving plasma-like never before – we will see the good effects of this process sooner than later once we go through shedding the layers and trying to sleep as we integrate.

If you’re noticing symptoms at the moment, just know we are all feeling a lot. This pre portal has to prep the body for those that actually move through the portal and not around it.

People that reject ascension move around and usually don’t feel anything, and if they do they make up some reason as to why but their soul rejects the upgrade so to speak. This is how people end up on different timelines anyways, some move through and let their soul receive while others reject and stay linked into the false timeline energy. Eventually, that energy won’t be able to maintain its presence on this ascending planet because the whole planet will go with this. This reversal dimension is splitting and breaking apart even as we watch these psychotic demons on TV act as if they own the fucking place.

For the last few years, I and many others were prepping for the Sophia Holy Spirit Feminine Christ Return that was able to make it through August 8 of 2020 last year and blast out so many dark feminine implants, dark portals, false light, dark mother and so on and to begin being received by the Angelic and Starseed Sophia Collective.

This caused a huge fall wound within our Feminine Energy to be pulled up and worked on

I was shown every single ancient wound in my feminine this last year, I was able to confront and take responsibility for it all and lift out of the lunar matrix and fallen goddess, allowing for the true Sophianic Diamond Heart Architecture to be anchored within and then my Oracle Priestess Template fully resurrected and shared with others in the community as a how-to process.

We’ve made incredible strides! I am happy to say it has all come full circle and any last stubborn, demonic, Baphomet, fallen goddess overlays are being dealt with by those that are ready for their own Holy Spirit Goddess Architecture which means a lot more than just working with Feminine Energy. It is the actual representation of the Feminine form of Christ and a high responsibility that comes with high standards from the divine.

Again, many disembodied, leaky women will try to come in and run betrayal scenarios on us and think they have the right to pull from our Sophianic Essence and Soul Template anytime they please and take what they want, which is totally false and being reckoned with at this time.

As the return of Sophia through the Bali/UK, Avalon Grids comes full circle we know that anyone in the Feminine Collective playing out enemy patterning is not being allowed to receive the Organic, Sophia Templates as the corruption in their Soul is too big of a risk and not trusted with Higher Gift Activation in case they use it without integrity and safety for others.

Overall, it’s a lot to look forward to for both sexes as their Sophianic Energy ignites more than ever and continues the Hieros Gamos process that is absolutely the Ascension System designed by God to allow our biggest betrayals and attacks in this lifetime to be alchemized into our greatest initiation and fuel to stand up and stand for the truth.

Our Lions Gate Portal Energy will become clearer as we get to the end of this month and as always Aeleo and I will run a webinar for it for full explanation and activation.

If you’re feeling the Solar Christ Feminine ignite more than good for you, you are in your alignment and if you’re still processing your core distortion around the feminine you’re still in the Alchemical Grail Queen Fire that is essential to teach you what is not Sophia and what you must let go of. These patterns and cycles are wanting to die as we simply get sick of these fallen energies trying to thrive on our self-loathing and unprocessed pain. Your righteous anger must be at the forefront of your process so that you may take back your permission and what is rightly yours.

Love You All!

PS: If this post resonated with you I invite you to join the conversation and leave a comment below.

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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.

Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.

If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.



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