Emeral Princess
of Hawaii and Sophianic Returns
In This Update
Completions of very Difficult Soul/Mission Contracts
Emerald Princess of Hawaii Sophianic Returns
Heaven on Earth Grids + Cervix to Crown Activations

The one sentence I want you all to hold onto through this time that King Arthur gave us last night is this…
“No weapon formed against me shall prosper.”
As simple as that is, it is the most potent wisdom he could offer under these circumstances.
Live by God’s Divine Will and Law and you are safe, no matter what synthetic consciousness pretends it can threaten your survival or your life, you are eternal and God is in control.
The only true power ever held is bestowed by God, not any other False God, no matter the profound deception that would project that false reality. The media is a weapon that is desperate to siphon as much consciousness as possible to try and pull energy together for its timeline which is nothing but black magic and desperation. No basis in truth or the multidimensional reality, again, no matter what it seems.
This obviously doesn’t mean to deny or reject the profound impact of this overt abuse and traumatic experience of having our so called freedoms stripped away. But that is not up to them. They can make it impossible for us to use their systems but God is the one who is in charge of our sustenance.
Basic simple wisdom that aligns us to the living truth and the Living God will support our ability to grasp high perspectives on what God is allowing us to go through right now. If God is allowing it, it means God is confident in the Divine Blueprint that is anchored within us to handle it and overcome it.
Cling to our Holy Father and Mother and stretch your faith beyond the images on the screen that are being perpetrated by godless, soulless, powerless beings.
They have to jump through hoops to keep this show up and the more they push to take our “ freedom” the more obvious it is that their fraudulent tv show could never hold a candle to what God has planned.
You are Sovereign, you don’t function based on man-made laws, command your space, command your dominion within your own field and the field of those linked into your DNA. It will support others who are being pulled into the false drama and or believing the voice of someone like Dr. Fauci or Bill Gates over the voice of their creator.
Do not try to override others’ free will by freaking out if they choose to take the vacksene. They are responsible for what they choose to do unless they are innocent children or trying to provide for their families. There are exceptions to the severity of each person’s circumstances.
Death is a sacred process between a being and God.
God chooses who is meant to be here and who is meant to be elsewhere right now.
We need to trust, we are in the end times so to speak. Some people will choose to stay others will leave and that is not up to you.
Right now is the time to trust in a higher power that can hold the outcome and cause and effect of current choices being made. There is more support and protection in the field than there is demonic energy and we can’t comprehend or understand why certain things seem to be being allowed, we cannot see the full picture yet here so relax, plan and trust to the best of your ability.
I’m being shown that some of the most trying, difficult and dense mission contracts taken on by Starseeds are being completed by April 1st – 21st, 2021.
As they complete, new, more elevated, activated and powerful mission templates are being signed in places like “The Halls of Amenti” and or the Garden of Eden in the 10/11D in our sleep or meditations.
In terms of soul contacts, we are a bit on autopilot in how they function. I’m seeing that it’s easier to shift them and clear them right now if the load of personal/ family of collective purging or the curse load from the ancestors is just too much for us.
There is tons of completion from contracts that required years of ego death/ alien love bite false twin flame experiences / poverty/ single motherhood/ addiction/ narcissistic empath cycles/ codependency/ SRA/ Egyptian timelines/ stagnancy/ oppression/ loneliness/ matrix jobs/ targeting/mental issues/ and so much more.
This clogged our ability to create and generate lots of our soul energy into manifestation and co-creation with God. This density being dropped is going to open a clean slate and updated contract that will have its new set of challenges nowhere near what was before but requiring courage as the second beast system rises. There will also be miraculous potential including walk-ins, big soul missions, true love with genetic equal, organic abundance, soul tribe activation and more.
You will begin to feel this happening very soon.
Many of you know that around the Lion’s Gate Portal of 2020, Sophia the Solar Feminine Christ began her very strong return through us and within the ley lines, stargates and earth grids.
This was to return the feminine aspect of God and begin to anchor Christ Sophia Unions. I’ve talked extensively about the Grail Queens that have incarnated here through the Feminine Christ bloodlines. As they have returned to their rightful grids, I’ve made field updates.
The first time the Emerald Princess of Hawaii made contact with me was when I was pregnant in 2015, I was convinced I was having a boy and a flowing emerald feminine being showed up in my dream, put her hand on my stomach and told me “it’s a girl”
I found out the day I gave birth that she was right.
It wasn’t until I moved to Hawaii for the year of 2020 that she fully introduced herself, explaining to me that she was similar to Moana in the way I could understand her. Her mission and purpose as the rightful Sophia Priestess who is returning to heal the incredible soul pain lodged into dark portals in Hawaii.
Over the year she unravelled the dark truth about the island of Maui to me. She showed me a hub of corruption, drug and child trafficking. The exploitation and illegal occupation of Hawaii and the secret underbelly evil that pervaded the government. I knew about the illegal occupation of Hawaii but had no idea the extent of enslavement.
While I was there she led me to many experiences with those holding key pieces and stories that would help me to understand. Hence why Hawaii was so painful for us. It ended up being tons of transmutation/ purging and an experience that rocked us to the core.
Hawaii plays such a big role in the New Earth and there is a divine plan around it. It’s in the midst of bringing everything up to the surface. Emerald Princess Moana’s Soul Essence is returning through those of us that are connected to her and have a mission around the healing and eventual New Earth haven that Hawaii is destined to become. This will not happen overnight but I’m shown that the push from the resurrection of the princess line there is supporting this massively as well as work done over the last 100 years or so. If you’re connected to this, you will feel it
The photos on this post are of the Heaven On Earth Grids that reflect a perfect geometrical blueprint of the sky and sunlight as it permeates, cleanses and returns God’s Divine Light to Santa Monica beach. You can feel this as you look at the photo of the reflection in the water. Aeleo captured these perfectly.
A lot of people feared to stay in California and left for Texas which is understandable. God showed me that although there is a lot of evil here (Hollywood) that the grids here are some of the most alive, activated and fast-moving ascension grids there are. Hence why he asked us to move here. The potential for California to transform is alive and well. The satanists are still in a stronghold here but won’t be forever. Most people here are becoming “red-pilled” and although I look at that as a different consciousness trap, it is far superior to the democrat ideology that once was pedestalled by most people living here.
I’m here and I feel closer to God than ever before. I feel like the Christed Kingdom will begin here and move to different areas. If you’re called here or there, it’s a place on earth that is being purified, changed and anchoring heavenly energy. Christ’s energy above all, through the masculine, seems to be returning here and blasting into the earth. The music and movie industry is changing and there’s revolution potential.
The last thing I’ve been feeling is the cervix to crown activations.
My cervix has been clearing energy and opening up the Soul Star Chakra in the Crown. This is a big activation that’s leaving behind all the trauma, shame and guilt I held in my cervix from the fallen masculine.
As the cervix activates and opens the crown, the ability to perceive spiritual energy is going through the roof. When the Christ energy returns to the cervix, full safety begins to make you relax and heal you and make you capable of holding greater mission and orgasmic potential which works to alchemize your core blocks.
If the cervix and crown feel safe enough to communicate, you can resurrect the Sophia Consciousness and begin communicating with elementals and seeing deeply into the soul mission of yourself and others. I can feel it generating a laser point focus inside of myself around (pleasure, Christ, mission), I feel this is a collective upgrade
I hope this all helps with your own personal journey.
Love You All!

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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.
Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.
If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.
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