
Rainbow Plasma Christ / Magdalene, Blue/White Dove Portal

God’s presence in our current universe is as a Divine Union.

In essence, God expresses itself as masculine and feminine oneness that is in full alignment and harmony. This energetic blueprint is what we call the Christos-Sophia, or Hieros Gamos Template.

This is the ascension. Union is the ascension. The clearing of corrupted masculine and feminine programs until the feminine and masculine merge back together is where we are all moving for ascension to occur.

This is how we realign back to God’s Divine Will and Organic Timeline. We learn how to heal our Inner Union Template by…

Holy Grail Chalice of Jesus and the Womb of Mary Magdalene

Please remember that the blood of Christ has nothing to do with sacrifice and everything to do with the Rainbow Christos 12 Ray Elixir that can clear trauma like it never happened or ever existed.

This essence is stored in the Chalice Grail that Jesus carried with him in his physical incarnation as the Christ in the biblical timeline – this was taken and buried in the Earth and is now being activated near the Glastonbury grid in the UK as King Arthur continues his light body restoration.

This is pulsing back to life and this morning I saw a Golden Chalice in my womb. I traced it and saw the womb of Magdalene and then I saw it buried in the Earth ( the chalice). I saw Rainbow Christos Rays and the Christ emanating it through his body and eyes…

The Divine Union Resurrection of Akhenaten and Nefertiti

I’ve seen a vision of Akhenaten – a Divine Masculine being that held the Christ Oversoul in his incarnation as an benevolent Egyptian Pharaoh who was working with Solar Christ Masculine energy and Emerald/ Ruby Father Arc Codes to heal the Divine Union Template, end child trafficking and adrenochrome harvesting that was occurring underground in pseudo-spiritual male priest circles that were meant to be sacred but were infiltrated by dracos that were perverting the Masculine Consciousness on earth, and beginning to plan their attack on Akhenaten and end his mission to heal the Christ Bloodlines and restore order through Christ Sophia and the return of our true Christ Father.

Basically, Akhenaten was here to bring the truth of the Christ/ Holy Father back, restore spiritual truths by sharing them all over the area…

Our Future Timeline is NOT what they’re pumping into the Collective Mindfield

The amazing news is that our future timeline is not the NWO, satanic, full control timeline that they’re pumping into the collective mind fields right now.

That’s not the future…. that’s not even reality for the majority of us …

A false timeline is made up of deception and black magic that is grasping at straws to control the material realm and it’s doing it through the media and through big corporations – that is not the force that’s in control of our entire Destiny as a humanity.

It has no spiritual power beyond the false timeline that it tries to control and right now has maintained by having to constantly and tirelessly work to stay at the level it is now…

Gods Intention for the Feminine and the Holy Ecstasy of Safety with the Masculine

Gods Intention for the Feminine and the Holy Ecstasy of Safety with the Masculine

What is gods intention for the feminine?

This is the question I ask my higher self when it comes to being a women in a committed relationship and a woman in general. “What is God’s original, Aeonic truth for Sophia as its authentic self-expression in Angelic Human form?”

When we want to understand the embodiment of the Feminine Polarity, we would first need to look at the feminine aspect of God and the Sophia of Jesus which is the Feminine Spirit and Soul of Christ and his innate oneness with the Feminine and reverence for the innocence and sacredness within the Holy Spirit that he embodied…

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The Reclamation of Sophianic Soul Fragments

The Reclamation of Sophianic Soul Fragments

Right now, there is a Soul Retrieval occurring that is being supported by the Aquaferion Guardian Races and Elemental beings coming in from the Mother Arc Realms and in the Crystal Caves and Cathedrals in our oceans.

This retrieval is helping us to re-assimilate Soul Aspects and fragments that have been heavily traumatized and held in catacombs, entombment, sexual enslavement and reptilian harvesting.

There is a showdown between the Sophianic Feminine Christ Bloodlines and the massive bloodline demons that have been terrorizing and using every core wound against her through manufactured consent via unhealed trauma…

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Union Transmission: When you’re truly connected to someone’s Soul

Union Transmission: When you’re truly connected to someone’s Soul

When you’re truly connected to someone’s soul… You will notice that their pain becomes your pain. What their soul is made up of, yours is the same. You will feel the DNA connection.

Your body will light up and vibrate like someone plugged you into an electric socket. Kundalini will begin to rise and burn all old DNA signatures out of your womb. There will only be space for the true beloved.

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Real Love vs False Light Love / When we Emulate God we Hate Evil

Real Love vs False Light Love / When we Emulate God we Hate Evil

If you’ve been spiritually inclined the last few years you will know these terms well.

This is what God wants after all.

For us to be loving, to be kind. To not add pain to pain and add to the misery of others who are already suffering, some worse than others.

God even wants us to be kind to the guy who cut us off on the highway or the impatient Starbucks employee who doesn’t look thrilled to take our order.

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Every time you fall down, stand back up and claim Christ

Every time you fall down, stand back up and claim Christ

“I (Jesus) have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart, I have overcome the world.”

There are spirits of darkness that hate the light of Sophia and the Holy Spirit. These spirits are raging in people right now.

Spiritual warfare is at an all time high and yet, there is peace and a calm like never before because what God has set forth, no anti-christ force can possibly stop.

This is proven time and time again.

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Transmission:  A Message of Support from my Galatic Team

Transmission: A Message of Support from my Galatic Team

My Galactic Team wanted me to give a message to everyone for advice right now, a very simple, uncomplicated message of support without all the fancy ascension words.

Anywhere that you’re running from yourself, it’s time to stop and feel. It’s time to have a conversation with God around where you need to reassess and ask for support for the changes you know it’s time to make.

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Transmission: Serving the Glory of God’s Kingdom

Transmission: Serving the Glory of God’s Kingdom

I promise you, the only thing that matters in this life right now, is how we serve the Kingdom of God’s Glory.

This doesn’t mean huge works always, like walking around doing miracles, though that is possible for all of us.

What it does mean is a kind word, a smile, lifting others up, praying for others even if they don’t know about it, dealing with difficult people as compassionate as you can.

And yes, sometimes God’s Kingdom has a sharp tongue to slay the accuser with.

Walking the path of Christ is much more than people’s projection onto him as just a martyr to turn the other cheek always.

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Completions of very Difficult Soul/Mission Contracts. Emerald Princess of Hawaii Sophianic Returns. Heaven on Earth Grids + Cervix to Crown Activations.

Completions of very Difficult Soul/Mission Contracts. Emerald Princess of Hawaii Sophianic Returns. Heaven on Earth Grids + Cervix to Crown Activations.

Right now is the time to trust in a higher power that can hold the outcome and cause and effect of current choices being made. There is more support and protection in the field than there is demonic energy and we can’t comprehend or understand why certain things seem to be being allowed, we cannot see the full picture yet here so relax, plan and trust to the best of your ability.

Im being shown that some of the most trying, difficult and dense mission contracts taken on by starseeds are being completed by April 1st – 21st, 2021.

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Field Update: New Mexico + White Navajo Revival, Native Land unplugging loosh harvesting implants, Dark Masculine releasing hold over important timeline

Field Update: New Mexico + White Navajo Revival, Native Land unplugging loosh harvesting implants, Dark Masculine releasing hold over important timeline

Tonight I worked deeply in the field using my 10th chakra. The solar chakra allows incredible communication from the higher celestial realms. The field work that came in was intense.

Aeleo’s back has been having issues and we’ve been going through multiple layers of energy in the field to map out his injury on a masculine collective scale. Sometimes we make little progress, other times there are big breakthroughs….

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Transmission: An Ultimate Choice Point

Transmission: An Ultimate Choice Point

God has been pushing us through an inner transformation beyond anything before. Since Christmas it’s been unreal. We’ve been in a cocoon/ pressure cooker. We’re being faced with the choice to work for the divine and Gods will FOREAL or to serve ourselves and what we want.

God is asking us right now

Who is your master? Is it the world and opinions of others? Is it money likes and attention? Or is it me and your true mission?

This is an ultimate choice point.

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Union Transmission: When you’re truly connected to someone’s Soul

Union Transmission: When you’re truly connected to someone’s Soul

When you’re truly connected to someone’s soul… You will notice that their pain becomes your pain. What their soul is made up of, yours is the same. You will feel the DNA connection.

Your body will light up and vibrate like someone plugged you into an electric socket. Kundalini will begin to rise and burn all old DNA signatures out of your womb. There will only be space for the true beloved.

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Real Love vs False Light Love / When we Emulate God we Hate Evil

Real Love vs False Light Love / When we Emulate God we Hate Evil

If you’ve been spiritually inclined the last few years you will know these terms well.

This is what God wants after all.

For us to be loving, to be kind. To not add pain to pain and add to the misery of others who are already suffering, some worse than others.

God even wants us to be kind to the guy who cut us off on the highway or the impatient Starbucks employee who doesn’t look thrilled to take our order.

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Every time you fall down, stand back up and claim Christ

Every time you fall down, stand back up and claim Christ

“I (Jesus) have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart, I have overcome the world.”

There are spirits of darkness that hate the light of Sophia and the Holy Spirit. These spirits are raging in people right now.

Spiritual warfare is at an all time high and yet, there is peace and a calm like never before because what God has set forth, no anti-christ force can possibly stop.

This is proven time and time again.

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