Our Future Timeline is NOT what they’re pumping into the Collective Mind Fields

The amazing news is that our future timeline is not the NWO, satanic, full control timeline that they’re pumping into the collective mind fields right now.

That’s not the future…. that’s not even reality for the majority of us …

A false timeline is made up of deception and black magic that is grasping at straws to control the material realm and it’s doing it through the media and through big corporations – that is not the force that’s in control of our entire Destiny as a humanity.

It has no spiritual power beyond the false timeline that it tries to control and right now has maintained by having to constantly and tirelessly work to stay at the level it is now.

Imagine the amount of blood sacrifice and black magic being used to tighten its grip on the descending timeline that has about 37 percent of human consent (way more than ever before) and is working overtime to convince people you have authority and what you’re saying is true is just working against them.

It’s crashing and burning. That’s why it has to get more and more totalitarian.

If you had all the numbers you needed when it comes to human souls on this planet and everyone was doing as they were told, we would see these people resting easily and confidently. However, that’s not what we see. We see exhausted, ghoulish, ugly, evil, cruel and old satanists telling us their patience is running thin, like okay, what’re you about to do? Shut down the power grid? Sorry, but God won’t allow that!

I know they’re trying to scare us with climate change, lockdowns, cutting off our power grid, and all sorts of bullshit that the higher-ups won’t allow at this point, a lot of the Galactic Support Teams are landing here and yes, it’s going to take the time it takes and yes, the satanists haven’t been fully dismantled in the way we would like to see yet, but it’s being worked on and if they do allow a power grid shut down at this point it would be for our total liberation and sovereignty.

This whole next level of lockdowns and control is a satanic wet dream that just will not manifest unless it is for the highest good of God’s plan for this earth. If it gets darker it’s because at the highest level that’s what supports awakening.

These satanists and the non-human controllers are all gathering for this final battle. Kohvhidd was their ultimate hand in the game so to speak and look what it’s done? Awakened WAY more souls than ever before.

They have had to actually kill the ones who believe in them in an attempt to create dark portal human beings with the DNA mutilation shot. It’s like a shot in the dark, okay, many will die from these shots but some will stay alive to be totally controlled (mind body and soul) and then we will somehow win? Wow, that’s next-level desperation If you ask me.

I’m not saying this to in any way diminish the reality and pain a lot of us are facing during this painful awakening, spiritual battle period of ascension, or to minimize the extremely evil things that are still taking place and the crimes against humanity that they are attempting every day.

I’m actually being shown and given this data by the Guardians who are clearly not allowing the number of death the satanists we’re hoping for. They’re allowing enough for the awakening to get stronger so everyone will see wow, okay something is super wrong and I don’t trust this anymore.

Those souls that are dropping their bodies now from the vaackxs have their own soul contracts around supporting this realm – every soul is eternal and can go back to source at any point unless they’re too far gone which can happen.

This is the hardest part. Everyone will awaken or they will fall with the satanists. It’s that simple.

The Ascending Timeline is gathering more strength and energy, while the extremely infected dark one is like a big evil dragon that’s gnashing its teeth and hurting whatever it can in its path before it finally dies. This process with take a bit longer and the massive activations pouring into our earth will continue to wake up the sleepy ones.

In terms of timing, I feel all of this within the timeframe of 2022-2024 is where we will see the FALL, fall of the cabal.

We will see them continue to attempt to maintain this timeline by using shockingly low blows, and insane propaganda that you will probably laugh at. It is so shocking that they can literally say anything and some people will believe it. It’s like they could say okay, everyone needs to sacrifice their firstborn for this pandemic to go away and people would do it! The more they dig their heels in and listen to that narrative the more it means their connection to source is extremely severed and weak if they actually think senile, pedo Joe, Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci have their best interest at heart.

The truth is there for anyone who wants to look

What I’m trying to summarize here is that I don’t foresee a victory here with the satanists but we are watching them play their hand and it’s like a chess game, they make a move, we make a move.

You really have to look at the earth grids to see how we are really doing. When you look at this you can see an honest assessment of the victory ahead for us.

What will happen before that ultimate victory?

More deceptions, false saviours, potential E.T invasion scenario, attempts to lock us down for carbon footprint. These are all potentials, but none of these are going to actually get a stronghold for long. It’s like they may come and go because at this point if you see the number of people protesting you know we’re not just going to let them do this over and over.

Whether or not you believe it, God won’t allow certain things to happen.

God will never allow another nuclear disaster.

God will never allow an actual full power grid blackout unless it was essential for us as a humanity. God did allow the Kohvhid lockdowns and you can see all that has been allowed here has been for a very good reason, although the suffering has been extremely painful to witness and highly disturbing.

We have to be very strong, God is calling us to be so so strong during this time.

God will provide everything for us when we trust.

Don’t make decisions against your soul to stay okay in the matrix. This time will pass and you’ll be way better off not choosing the vackxx or submitting now because when this time period is over, which it will be, you will still be alive and okay and afloat.

I know the creator is taking care of us now and is saying, “Don’t compromise your soul, there are ways out and ways to make money and be okay.”

We have to get really courageous.

Anyways, I wanted to share the good news! Klaus Shwaub is a child rapist and murderer and so is the rest of the black sun gang and “red shoe club”. They will all meet their maker. They will have to answer for all of this.

Let’s stay prayerful and excited for what is to come.

Let’s stay in faith regardless of how scary it is to see the matrix and our attachment to it crumbling.

All these systems have to go for the shifts coming.

We’re almost there.

Hang in there

Love You All!

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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.

Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.

If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.


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Let's Chat!

Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.

Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.

If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.


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