
7D Future Timeline New Earth Update From Arcturus

I’m in amazement at the level of intervention and support from the multiverse coming through for us now.

Recently, I spoke to my Arcturian Council Team who showed me that they’re working in the somewhat near future where earth’s 7-Dimensional Timeline exists. They’re sending the future 7th Dimensional Ascended Earth Records to us now so that we may accelerate a massive push towards the destruction of the black Sun draco timeline that is currently running omicron death seals and being more imaginative than ever with their tyranny and constant dark attack towards awakening Angelics and starseeds to try and block us from receiving and anchoring 7D timeline updates…

Arcturian Templates Streaming in from 6/7D Akashic Libraries

I’m seeing a lot of souls coming into Earth from this area and contact/communication with the Arcturian Councils/Guardians becoming much stronger.

They’re so strong in my field running major DNA upgrades and communication, purple/indigo streams sending lots of data through the crown especially records and information from high dimensions connected to the akashic records and libraries…

The Core of my Father Wound and Merging with the True Inner Christ Masculine

What an insane 2 weeks it’s been.

I’ve had the most incredible breakthrough of my life and yet I have been in the midst of one of the most intense and confronting soul shadow purges of my life as well.

The layers and depth of this cavernous wound have been playing out in a myriad of painful ways throughout the years and one of the main things that has been used to target me for quite some time.

Ya know what it’s like when you just resist and fight the vital and yet painful confrontation that’s about to decimate your ego and phantom reality and level you up?…

The Ecstasy of Being One with GOD

Imagine a being that loves you so deeply, so unconditionally that it longs to not only be one with you, but to actually “be” you, experience you, become you.

To feel it all with you. To experience every sorrow, every fear, every ounce of heartache. To never separate itself from your existence.

Well, look no further because that’s God, the One, the Creator.

Let me take it a step further…

Spiritual Abuse and Exploitation using Spiritual Information and Ascension Mechanics

Spiritual Abuse and Exploitation using Spiritual Information and Ascension Mechanics

It’s truly something to behold watching people secondhand regurgitate and misinterpret spiritual information and utilize it to bully and even dehumanize others.

Just like someone who uses biblical scriptures to feel morally superior to “sinners”, anyone can use any doctrine or spiritual teaching to persecute or bully another who they view as not on the same level.

Obviously, it is our individual responsibility to reclaim our relationship with the Divine and put boundaries to all violating forces or people that seek to middle man or distort that relationship, but it is easier said than done in the age of social media…

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Sexual Alchemy and Shared Spiritual Experiences in Union

Sexual Alchemy and Shared Spiritual Experiences in Union

The sexual polarity in my relationship is currently off the charts. This is a new experience, not because we haven’t had amazing sexual polarity before but because we’re finally merging as one.

It’s added a spiritual and telepathic/empathic element that is almost surreal and yet is scarily real.

The process that occurs between two souls that are one through the Christos-Sophia Angelic Template Avatar in the Heavenly Realms is one that when activated through the first words spoken and then love-making, begins a process that completely cleans you out of all inversions, corruptions, and pain body ego constructs while also going through every layer of your etheric and spiritual bodies so that it can…

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The Organic Meanings of Triple Numbers

The Organic Meanings of Triple Numbers

111 – In this moment you can create with God. The new timeline energy is anchoring. Get into your full passion for what you want and it will be yours.

222 – Divine Union is sparking.
Another layer of Divine Union is anchoring. Inner Union or Physical Union needs to be looked at. You’re in flow with what God is wanting. Two divine energies are coming to meet in your life.

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Above All, God Values Authenticity

Above All, God Values Authenticity

Trying to appear to be holy, good and well behaved while you’re deep down angry, resentful and feeling some type of way is the program that God wants us to clear called “you have to be loving, or fully self loving to be loved, you can’t be loved where you are”.

It hurts to live without having a real relationship with God where you say what’s truly in your heart and are understood and completely loved regardless.

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Field Update: The Second Coming of Christ. Grail King Update. King Arthur is Waking Up

Field Update: The Second Coming of Christ. Grail King Update. King Arthur is Waking Up

The U.K grids holding the Original Soul Blueprints of King Arthur/ Melchizedek Soul Groups are on fire right now.

God woke me up very early to begin to process this activation.

My experience with the Emerald Princess Moana of the Sophia Grail Line recently was a precursor to the Emerald Grail Lines both Masculine and Feminine going through profound regeneration.

We understand that false alien gods such as Thoth had been using the Emerald DNA for dark purposes which created a lot of false light beings parading around like good guys…

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Completions of very Difficult Soul/Mission Contracts. Emerald Princess of Hawaii Sophianic Returns. Heaven on Earth Grids + Cervix to Crown Activations.

Completions of very Difficult Soul/Mission Contracts. Emerald Princess of Hawaii Sophianic Returns. Heaven on Earth Grids + Cervix to Crown Activations.

Right now is the time to trust in a higher power that can hold the outcome and cause and effect of current choices being made. There is more support and protection in the field than there is demonic energy and we can’t comprehend or understand why certain things seem to be being allowed, we cannot see the full picture yet here so relax, plan and trust to the best of your ability.

Im being shown that some of the most trying, difficult and dense mission contracts taken on by starseeds are being completed by April 1st – 21st, 2021.

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Field Update: New Mexico + White Navajo Revival, Native Land unplugging loosh harvesting implants, Dark Masculine releasing hold over important timeline

Field Update: New Mexico + White Navajo Revival, Native Land unplugging loosh harvesting implants, Dark Masculine releasing hold over important timeline

Tonight I worked deeply in the field using my 10th chakra. The solar chakra allows incredible communication from the higher celestial realms. The field work that came in was intense.

Aeleo’s back has been having issues and we’ve been going through multiple layers of energy in the field to map out his injury on a masculine collective scale. Sometimes we make little progress, other times there are big breakthroughs….

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Transmission: An Ultimate Choice Point

Transmission: An Ultimate Choice Point

God has been pushing us through an inner transformation beyond anything before. Since Christmas it’s been unreal. We’ve been in a cocoon/ pressure cooker. We’re being faced with the choice to work for the divine and Gods will FOREAL or to serve ourselves and what we want.

God is asking us right now

Who is your master? Is it the world and opinions of others? Is it money likes and attention? Or is it me and your true mission?

This is an ultimate choice point.

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Oracle Ascension Update: The Elite Plan and the Rainbow Aurora Sophia Dragons/Blue Dragon Kings

Oracle Ascension Update: The Elite Plan and the Rainbow Aurora Sophia Dragons/Blue Dragon Kings

The Rainbow and Blue Dragons from the 11the Dimension, Aurora and Andromeda have been healing A.I infiltration and low-grade frequencies from causing damage to our nervous systems and light bodies.

Take the time to call them in and have them cleanse your field with their color and plasma light.

They can repair the most extensive light body infiltration and damage and heal you with pure love. They are all in direct devotion to Christ, therefore to us in all manners of ways.

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Who GOD Really Is

Who GOD Really Is

When I think of God, I think of rock n roll in the 60s. God sent so many Shamanic rock gods to the planet to introduce this soul changing magic at that time.

I’ve been shown that all good things come from God. Nothing good can exist in the absence of God. That even means rock n roll and rap come from the mind of God for example.

The more you get to thinking of these things, the more you realize just how down to earth God really is.

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Field Update: 4:4 Portal. The Angelic Human Resurrection. Christ Lion Solar Plexus Template coming online. Organic Creation Codes abound in the New Earth.

Field Update: 4:4 Portal. The Angelic Human Resurrection. Christ Lion Solar Plexus Template coming online. Organic Creation Codes abound in the New Earth.

As you know, today is about the most incredible being I’ve ever known. The Christ who lives within our hearts and is our primary key to ascension.

Through the last week this has been made very clear to Aeleo who has passed this sacred knowing onto me.

The number one key to the Organic Ascension process is the revelation of Christ in all ways.

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The Organic Meanings of Triple Numbers

The Organic Meanings of Triple Numbers

111 – In this moment you can create with God. The new timeline energy is anchoring. Get into your full passion for what you want and it will be yours.

222 – Divine Union is sparking.
Another layer of Divine Union is anchoring. Inner Union or Physical Union needs to be looked at. You’re in flow with what God is wanting. Two divine energies are coming to meet in your life.

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Above All, God Values Authenticity

Above All, God Values Authenticity

Trying to appear to be holy, good and well behaved while you’re deep down angry, resentful and feeling some type of way is the program that God wants us to clear called “you have to be loving, or fully self loving to be loved, you can’t be loved where you are”.

It hurts to live without having a real relationship with God where you say what’s truly in your heart and are understood and completely loved regardless.

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Field Update: The Second Coming of Christ. Grail King Update. King Arthur is Waking Up

Field Update: The Second Coming of Christ. Grail King Update. King Arthur is Waking Up

The U.K grids holding the Original Soul Blueprints of King Arthur/ Melchizedek Soul Groups are on fire right now.

God woke me up very early to begin to process this activation.

My experience with the Emerald Princess Moana of the Sophia Grail Line recently was a precursor to the Emerald Grail Lines both Masculine and Feminine going through profound regeneration.

We understand that false alien gods such as Thoth had been using the Emerald DNA for dark purposes which created a lot of false light beings parading around like good guys…

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