
Channelling and how I came back to Jesus

First of all, I don’t channel beings. I have never channeled a being in the way others project onto new age/ false light mediumship. From the beginning I had the common sense to not let another being interface with my energy, let alone come into my body. The idea of it actually caused a repulsion and a strong discerning intuitive (no)

When I had my pineal gland awakening, I was approached by a group of Arcturians (who I love) who not only didn’t try to link into my body in any way but actually spoke with total respect for my energetic space and consent.

Channeling: Marilyn Monroe 1

Last June of 2019 Marilyn Monroe made contact with me in a dream.

I dreamt that she was laying on my bed (naked) lol but she was covered in artistic tattoos and I reached over and touched her skin and said “wow they’re so beautiful”

She’s obviously a very admirable being and in my dream she was glowing and just so lush and magnetic. The dream was a bit surreal because it was so clear and tangible and she was smiling at me. I wanted to talk more but I suddenly woke up.

Channeling: King Arthur 3

Right now, I am personally assisting in the end of the Moloch.

My return to this earth is based on ending this psychopathy.

This irreverence for life is detested by men who hold the Christ/ Melchizedek/ Magi/ Grail King consciousness.

I am not here to stop humanity from learning it’s own lessons, but I am here to help stop and dismantle these satanic networks as a part of what has been called and needed by the children down there, they have called for Christ. They have called for their fathers and mothers.

The guardians are finally able to reach them.

Channeling: King Arthur 2

I heard king Arthur’s voice this morning in a whisper. He said, “Merge with me, find my voice. Here in the depth of your heart. Hear me roar like a lion”

He wanted me to convey a very deep message:

Fear of death permeates the ethers and I feel the human collective suffering. We all do, all of the guardians.

I want to say…

All that can truly die is illusion anyways. Life is eternal, the living light of God is eternal and everything that it encompasses. Wether in higher dimensions or the lowest, you are who God created you to be.

That will never change….

Channeling: King Arthur 2

Channeling: King Arthur 2

I heard king Arthur’s voice this morning in a whisper. He said, “Merge with me, find my voice. Here in the depth of your heart. Hear me roar like a lion”

He wanted me to convey a very deep message:

Fear of death permeates the ethers and I feel the human collective suffering. We all do, all of the guardians.

I want to say…

All that can truly die is illusion anyways. Life is eternal, the living light of God is eternal and everything that it encompasses. Wether in higher dimensions or the lowest, you are who God created you to be.

That will never change….

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Channeling: Princess Diana

Channeling: Princess Diana

Imagine being the most threatening force on earth at one time to a legion of demons and you will begin to understand my life.

The unfoldment of events, each one symbolic. Symbolic of the war against the True Royal Bloodlines. The ones who are meant to be leading the masses through purity, grace and the natural ability to inspire hearts.

My angelic team named me the “Queen of Hearts” before I incarnated.

They told me I would be a glimmer of hope in a dark abyss of tyranny.

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Channeling: Jim Morrison 3

Channeling: Jim Morrison 3

This is the end, my only friend … the end.

The return of the Masculine Christ force would happen in 3 stages.

The wild tender rough poet, to penetrate you deeply, to touch every ounce of pain and love it. To expand your soul and to reawaken your senses, to open you up to a Cosmic Orgasmic Synergy and to burn everything false in your reality.

Essential, this force is here to fuck you like you have never been fucked before … Soul to Soul

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Channeling: Jim Morrison 2

Channeling: Jim Morrison 2

I miss the sensation of sex, the smell even.

I remember having lustful cosmic animalistic thoughts. I would look out into the crowd during my shows and think of reaching my hand out, taking the first girl and bringing her back with me and showing her God.

Cosmic Soul Fucking.

I had a specific energetic intention that allowed immense cellular pleasure, a sort of shamanic code, actually.

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Channeling: Jim Morrison 1

Channeling: Jim Morrison 1

I was always more of a poet then a singer.

I was never going to settle for any other path than letting people see what was truly inside of them.

I wanted to be just that, I wanted to be boundless, and I wanted to be king, king of nothing in particular but a rippling consciousness that could perhaps bring change. I didn’t want to be arrogant or pretentious either. It wasn’t about me in my body, it was just fascinating and curious to be here on this plane of existence and to have this outreach and in a way just have access to the world in its entirety.

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