
Marilyn Monroe

Last June of 2019 Marilyn Monroe made contact with me in a dream.

I dreamt that she was laying on my bed (naked) lol but she was covered in artistic tattoos and I reached over and touched her skin and said “wow they’re so beautiful”

She’s obviously a very admirable being and in my dream, she was glowing and just so lush and magnetic. The dream was a bit surreal because it was so clear and tangible and she was smiling at me. I wanted to talk more but I suddenly woke up.

I texted a friend and said, “I think Marilyn Monroe wanted to tell me something because she was in my dream”, my friend told me it was actually her bday, June 1st!

I was so surprised but laughing at the same time, I wondered why she came to me.

As you all know I’m an E.T contact and I can talk to all sorts of beings on the other side. I’ve talked to Princess Diana and Jim Morrison, who are both great friends of mine now, but never an actress like Marilyn.

After she made that contact with me I kept meditating to talk with her. She started giving me downloads and information, it was very interesting. I thought I would share for anyone who feels connected to her.

I won’t write it in the first person from her because it would be a very long novel, but I’ll write what she felt was important to share.

This is a very sad story about her true life so bear with me while I go through the tragic details.

Luckily she’s much happier now, in the higher realms.

Marilyn told me that she was experimented on and used as a sex worker in the movie industry for many wealthy executives, wolves and predators that she would be sold to. She told me she had handlers, people who controlled everything in her life and watched her every move. She was heavily medicated and pushed on to prescription pills by these predators, though she actually didn’t desire to be heavily medicated. The more experiments they did to her, the crazier she felt, the more she would take them.

It was all intentional.

She mentioned she had chronic anxiety and depression/ extreme suppressed pain and rage due to being controlled and traumatized to the point of dissociation behind closed doors.

These handlers of hers made sure she never had any baby come to full term. Every time she got pregnant, which was a total of 3, she supposedly miscarried but she told me that they took the babies. They wanted to use her only for her sex appeal and profit off of her, she said they had her money tied up in contracts that they bullied her into signing and that she didn’t have financial control or even a feeling of emotional stability.

She would perform for the camera, she would do as she was told, but she was not free.

She explained that she was so famous that she could not step out without being vampirically siphoned by huge crowds that would literally back her into a corner and suffocate her. She was so famous and sought after by these (wolves) that she would perform sexually for dozens of men a day at times.  She told me that she never felt any man’s heart truly devoted or in love with her in her life besides some true warmth with JFK. 

She mentioned the pain of being used, being the other woman always or just put into the category of a Hollywood prostitute.

In her words, everything spiralled as she rose in the film industry, that her incredibly dysfunctional childhood and mental illness (depression/ anxiety) caused her to make all the decisions she did until she was basically owned by these predators who manipulated her and would even threaten to throw her into a mental institution and call her crazy if she tried to tell anyone or get away.

(They actually did force her into these mental institutions to run MK Ultra experiments on her) She had forced abortions/ rape/ among many dissociation rituals to get her into a sort of promiscuous/ prostitution vibe for the elites.

Every man she met and tried to have a relationship with ended up leaving her when they realized how damaged and incapable of normalcy she was, also the sabotage from the handlers around her. They didn’t want her to have any control over her life. She was like a puppet.

By the last few years of her life, she was not stable in any way.

She mentioned that every call she made was listened to and recorded, so it was very hard for her to get help.

She was always hoping to be rescued and loved eventually by someone but even with JFK she felt it would never be possible for them to have a real union, due to his responsibilities as president but she told me that he did talk to her about it and that they had kind of a soul connection. That he was truly warm and loving with her,  but even he could not save her and ended up moving on and leaving her behind.

His brother and others would actually have intimate relations with her as well, so it was hard for her to gain her humanity and respect with these “powerful men” who knew she was a sex symbol not “wife material”, this was the hardest for her as she was looking for a man who could see that she was broken and needed true love and help out of her ordeal, many knew of her ordeal and were too afraid to do anything about it. So she was very lonely.

When her life ended she was already passed the terror of the inevitable fate, she was not fighting it anymore as she had for years before but instead welcoming it and taking risks in dosing of drugs as if to speed up the process.

She didn’t tell me whether she was murdered or truly overdosed.

She told me her story because she supposedly had it all: beauty, money, fame, but who she truly was and who the trauma shaped her to pretend to be was totally different.

Her true self was a book smart brunette who wanted children to nurture and a lifelong love.

She wanted a real life.

She also doesn’t like how she has been portrayed for so many years and wants us to know that some, not all of these celebrities but many we see are actually slaves to the same dark mob that runs this place.

Many are desperate to get out, many had no idea what they were getting into and are now too deep in to know how to get out without them making them look crazy as they do to all that speak out.

She was one of them.

She also was on the Sophia Line, a pure pastel pink Arcturian Angelic.

She wants her life to be looked at as an example of someone who has it all and yet had nothing that truly nourished her heart and soul.

This lifetime of hers is a perfect example and lesson of feminine exploitation to the max.

These beauty ideals and standards that make someone “sexy or hot or perfect… it was all fake, even the people who desired her, desired an image or a projection.

True beauty is being true to ourselves, that’s what creates a long fulfilling life because at the end of the day all these Instagram models, all this glam is manufactured by beings who hate Sophia/ hate the Holy Spirit and hate the truth of what women really are, so they have perverted and cheapened it to fit their sick desires.

Marilyn Monroe was beautiful not because of her blonde hair or big lips and boobs but because she had a spark in her soul that was sought after by beings who do not have that spark or source connection, so they find innocent truly beautiful creatures to begin a process of degradation and ownership of their essence.

She fought that battle on earth and it is one many are still fighting.

Seeing what I do on Instagram and the insane beauty standards. As women, we should never compare ourselves to this “curated” version of life that is not real or what’s behind the camera. So I guess that was her message for us.

Do not sell your Sophianic Essence or compare yourselves to a false reality, in doing so we are more prone to being used and victimized by predators and never truly seen or loved in the way that God has designed for us.

When we get caught up, we can miss out on our Organic Timeline and God’s Divine Blueprint for our lives and end up wasting years trying to be perfect or prove something, nobody that truly loves or sees us will need us to be anything but our vulnerable self, I know it’s cliche but even I needed to be reminded.

Thanks, Marilyn.

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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.

Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.

If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.



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