Magdalene Walk-ins & Aqua Sophia Bloodline Restoration for Blue Rose Template Holders

On the planet Venus, long ago, Jesus as we know him (the Cosmic Christ) incarnated in an entirely matriarchal society led by the Grail Queen Hatshepsut. 

Hatshepsut was an incredible leader in Egypt and tried to stand up to the fallen draconian patriarchy that came in to destroy all of her teachings and kill her in order to take over and poison her kingdom. She was betrayed and killed, her body was stolen and they planted a false history about who she was. 

If you tune into the Temple of Hatshepsut you will be able to feel her Rainbow Dragon Body and Essence. I’ve worked with her through Egypt as well as when connecting with the histories of Venus. There are many false pantheon Gods in Egypt used to distort and corrupt the Egyptian timelines and our heart chakra connection to the truth there. She is not one of them. She is the real deal as I’ve come to experience. I just love her and I’m sure you will too if you take the time to know her. 

In order to understand the Blue Rose Template, we must understand Venus, Hatshepsut and the Melchizedek and Jesus’ incarnations there. 

First of all, the Blue Rose was given to Mary Magdalene by Melchizedek himself. The template had the recorded histories of Venus and incredible transmutation power – if used through the womb, the Blue Rose Template would activate in a crystalline structure and begin pulsing waves of Aqua Plasma that could transmute and burn away any distortion. It could end womb siphoning, lunar implants and reptilian genetics, all by tuning into the womb chakra itself and through its crystalline intelligence, clearing anything not aligned with its higher Sophianic power. 

This was how I came up with the Crystalline Womb class in the 13 Solar Feminine Christ Codes course – by witnessing the memory of Melchizedek and Magdalene. 

The Blue Rose would then link up the heart and womb and clear any severing between them. It would re-parent the feminine with Holy Mother Codes and regenerate the orgasmic and Amrita fluid (squirting) ability through Divine Union that would then heal the Masculine Lightbody. The Blue Rose Template would also download the rituals of Venus with the priestess lineage connected to Hatshepsut and allow access to records of miraculous healing initiations as well as the Golden 12 Strand DNA Template of Jesus and receiving the organic Christ Masculine Codex to become one with him internally. 

It’s such a multifaceted template that it would take days to write out all of what it can do when one is organically given or born with it and it is activated. The Blue Rose is one aspect of the Rose Template as all the colors have different abilities and unique aspects to them – for example, the White Rose Blueprint is used by those that carry the White Witch Elemental Powers that can override destructive elementals and stop black magic in its tracks. 

I’m focusing on the Blue Rose because what I saw on Venus was that the Melchizedek Collective went there and when they learned the priestess rituals he created a Heavenly Garden with massive plasma roses and flowers of all kinds that engendered the data and information streams of the Venusian Priestesses. Jesus and Melchizedek then added their code into the bloodline and the actual lifetime of Jesus of Nazareth and Mary Magdalene was born. Mary was gifted this template herself inside of her womb and Jesus later activated the Chalice Codes from his own sperm codes and life elixir within her which made the Crystalline Rose fully activate. Mary was working on Jesus; fields using the power from the rose and teaching this information to a select few as well. 

Magdalene was an incarnation from the Aqua Sophia realms and her avatar is here again on earth. The thing about this though is that many are carrying her soul stream. She’s manifested into many aspects of herself from her highest avatar so there are the Rose Lineages of many females where some are actually holding a piece of her. There are some holding more of her and maybe even one holding the most of her essence that can manifest itself here. I’m not sure exactly (this is the hard part to explain) but I can tell that anyone holding the Blue Rose or Magdalene Soul Frequency on any level is having a walk-in experience right now or about to. Whether it be an Aqua Solar Body of a Magdalene Priestess or a Cosmic Whale, Dragon, Lion or Siren is integrating much more or walking in much more at this time. 

We must understand that the Blue Rose has been fought over and hybridized and abused for centuries by reps and the lunar fallen goddesses who have tried to steal and distort it like crazy in order to harness the power and figure out the rituals. They do this so that they can hawk into all women holding the signature and get into the womb to try and plagiarize the Sophianic Template to manipulate and terrorize us and cause separation among the bloodline itself where everyone is fighting over whose it is or using it for profit etc. 

A lot of this is being cleared right now so we are experiencing a trauma/drama cycle with the feminine or female friendships and relationships. Many do not want to allow the rightful owner to restore it and only give it to those that are truly initiated and called to handle it with care. It’s too bad for those that are resisting and lashing out because the Magdalene Collective is walking in big time right now and anyone trying to usurp or pull from the Rose Stream that is not ready or doing so without Organic Initiation will not be able to hold onto it any longer at any capacity and to do so will come with tons of resistance in their own personal mission. 

It’s truly amazing what I’m seeing around this and it’s very exciting honestly, however, it’s coming with the usual lunar/Lilith lash-back where they basically think they have a right to keep it under parasitic control and they are seeing that through the walk-in process, every aspect of the Magdalene Rose Bloodline will restore it and pull all the pieces through soul integration and there is no stopping it. 

This is a massive victory for all women and men as it means the really real, pristine and organic teachings of Magdalene and the Blue Rose will be able to come through and help support us all through this challenging time by the actual holders of the essence itself. 

If you are connected to this specifically you will just know and feel it. You will also feel tons of Aqua Blue Light in your field and more vision/prophetic power moving through you. You may see or remember ancient things or recall long-term memories. 

I hope this helps. 

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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.

Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.

If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.

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Let's Chat!

Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.

Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.

If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.

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