When we begin to dig into relevant timelines connected to the Cathar Code (aka the Sophia code) and those who hold that essence, we come up to multiple traumas from antichrist forces
When we begin to dig into relevant timelines connected to the Cathar Code (aka the Sophia Code) and those who hold that essence, we come up to multiple traumas from antichrist forces.
For example: the Reptilian force where we process Divine Union Hijacking and False Twin Flame Interfacing into our Christ- Sophia Template. The Draco force where we go through cervix trauma/ astral torture and take back our womb. Annunaki trauma where we clear our biological father of origin bloodlines and anywhere the false/dark father forced us to worship it or put it on a pedestal.
The Annunaki and Yahweh traumas are deeply intertwined and come from a similar place in the space-time continuum and are something I’ve been processing for a long time. These processes need tons of love, presence and sensitivity due to the multiple profound layers of evil we’ve had to digest through to reclaim parts of ourselves. I want to share some profound insights around Yahweh (the false father) and Sophianic Bloodlines.
We know that during the time of Jesus and Magdalene the Nazarenes and Essenes were the disciples (both male and female) who were privy to what Jesus really had to say – and that all went far beyond anything that we’ve seen written down. Jesus was teaching about the Holy Spirit as Sophia and the Christ-Sophia as the template for ascension. Anytime the Solar Feminine (the feminine aspect of God) was making any progress on this planet, something awful occurred that made sure the Christ/ Sophia Bloodlines were punished for trying to resurrect her. When Yahweh was introduced as God in the Old Testament, it was intentional to do one of the worst things that could be done which was to hijack people’s relationship to the Creator and give them a counterfeit version of who God really is.
They know that Antichrist forces cause immense pain and can actually ruin a person’s ability to feel loved and connected to Source at all. They get into a relationship with the dark father and well, can you see what religion has done to the world? Can you see what people who believe in Yahweh do to others? They weaponize God and try to attack and sometimes destroy anyone who dares stand outside of that black cube belief system. They also threaten that those people will go to hell if they don’t give up their authentic spiritual path and bend the knee to the false father. There is just so much damage that has been inflicted and the why is extremely layered but mainly the why was for Yahweh (Metatron) to gain immense power and energy from humans who are severed from the one true living God through worship and persecution of anyone they deemed outside of that accepted religion.
Jesus has nothing to do with Yahweh and the truth is, he spoke against him as the father of lies. Jesus himself wanted to restore our relationship with the true Holy Father who he represented.
The linking together of Jesus and Yahweh was done intentionally to confuse people and associate believing in Jesus with seeing Yahweh as God. For some reason, religious people more often than not, believe that they have some type of moral and spiritual authority to weaponize the most sacred thing in the world which is a person’s relationship to their Creator. They feel they have the right to condemn and judge others by persecuting them for rejecting their perverse ideological black box. This feeling they get from believing in the false father is like a go-ahead or permission slip to condemn, persecute, judge, shame and overall traumatize and try to indoctrinate others. With the false father standing behind them, they feel empowered and arrogantly confident in doing this. I’ve worked with 100s of people on the end of religious abuse from the church or their parents or a partner that turned religious. I’ve seen what it does to people, especially if it happens in their childhood – it creates a core trauma that expands into a profound God wound and the result of the devastation can be felt in the heart which is why they hide themselves from God because they feel if those who supposedly represent God reject them, then that’s how God feels to. Yes, we are all responsible for healing our God wound and not staying victims to religious zealots, but Yahweh has been targeting us for thousands of years at this point and the wound is deep. Even if we know logically that God is not like that, it doesn’t mean our hearts have been mended from the weaponization of how we were indoctrinated to perceive him. If you have ever weaponized religion/Jesus or God please apologize to the person/people you did this to as soon as possible. We must take action to lessen the harm Yahweh has caused our fellow humans. Anywhere that we have been a portal for this force we should forgive ourselves and immediately make amends. Abrahamic religions and religious abuse were all pre-planned intentional traumas called “mission destroy humanity’s relationship to the Holy Father and get them to worship Yahweh so that we may control the ascension timeline by amassing tons of loosh.”
The specific relationship the dark father has to the Cathars or Sophia Bloodlines is deep and needs to be explored/discussed and addressed thoroughly for soul-level healing. Obviously, this is just a Facebook post so I won’t be able to address everything, but I want to start by discussing the first intention which was misogyny.
Misogyny has many forms, one of the worst forms is the idea that Eve bit the apple and/or that women are not a part of God as if there is no female God aspect or principle.
This belief that God is just patriarchal or just masculine causes immense harm to women and men. It causes what we call ‘internalized misogyny’ – the internalized hatred of the feminine or debasement of the feminine as created just as a hole to be fucked or a companion to man under his control. We know that God is very much feminine and masculine and that even though God goes beyond gender at the highest level and doesn’t actually have a specific gender, he/she prefers to experience relationship based in polarity. We see this in all creation, the relationship between sexes and the Divine Union Template that was given to us for ascension. Clearly, God emanates as both sexes and has clear intentions for the true essences of masculine and feminine on planet Earth.
God had a plan for the feminine and that intention/plan was completely destroyed by Yahweh. He made sure to destroy any idea that women were a part of the Creator so that we would live in submission to him and in fear of ever owning our Cathar/Priestess/Oracle power).
The moment we begin to resurrect the Aqua Sophia ( the Cathar Code) within we get relentlessly attacked by the anti-Christ. When we are truly ready for rehabilitation back to the true Holy Father and Mother and no longer worshipping Yahweh, it’s clear that we are then immensely targeted for suppression. For thousands of years and in almost every timeline relevant to Earth, Sophia was hunted, killed, enslaved, used for sex and breeding programs, used in hybridization lunar programs, hybrid lunar black towers to have her DNA co-opted and abused by dark/fallen feminine and masculine so that she would stay down, afraid, tortured and belonging to the dark father. The inner Sophia rising is one of the most targeted things one can do, especially when she begins reclaiming her womb from Annunaki/rep genetics. We know that Yahweh has an invested interest in misogyny and that Jesus was the first in the last 2 thousand years to threaten that by allowing Magdalene to become his disciple and eventually teach with him as the Female Christ aspect. That’s why Yahweh wants us religious and not in a sovereign relationship to the true Cosmic Christ-Sophia that liberates our inner feminine to rise and become one with Christ so that she may heal her wounds and find herself fully to begin her mission for God.
Once we disentangle our religious wounding and programming and own our Sophianic Essence we begin to anchor through liberation timelines of Sophia returning through the grids and planetary body within and without and above and below. In this we find ourselves and we fearlessly become who God created us to be, and the dreams put into our hearts begin to manifest into reality. It’s complex and intense that’s for sure. The outcome is incredible. We get mission, we get union we get to feel the love of God completely and fully. We walk around knowing that we are loved, that we are redeemed, that we are sacred and that when God created us it was no mistake, we are just as much a part of divinity as the masculine.
Thank God that Yahweh does not represent our holy father.
Our beloved Christ loved the feminine and knew his entire life mission was to protect her innocence and love her back to wholeness. Not to get her on her knees and drive a knife into her heart by threatening her with punishment and eternal damnation if she dare to follow her priestess path instead of becoming religious and patriarchal herself and then spreading the misery to other women.
I am truly floored when experiencing who God really is, who Christ really is, who the Holy Spirit (Sophia) truly is. I’m not surprised they targeted that relationship between women and their higher power. After all, they wanted free access to her womb and her worship. They wanted Sophia to never feel she could come back to life here within her chosen oracle conduits and they did everything they could to try and keep it that way through the emotional and psychological torture they’ve put us and the women before us through. I would love to see the look on their faces when her returns through us begin occurring in mass.
Misogyny and the hatred of the feminine essence must be addressed and cleared. The worship and loyalty to the dark father must be cleared thus rehabilitating the Holy Spirit and our spiritual links to her, giving our hearts back to Christ fully and reclaiming our rightful relationship to the true Holy Father who loves us unconditionally.
This takes work and it also takes the ability to process painful emotions from this ancient wound and targeting. Nobody has the right to middleman our relationship to God, nor do they have the right to try and misrepresent God in order to indoctrinate us.
The voice of God lives within us and we must have the courage to see who the counterfeit is and what his critical voice sounds like. While God is law and is love, God is first and foremost our greatest ally, protector and leader. Building trust with God and not allowing traumatized people to scare us away from building that relationship. People who reject us do not speak for how God feels about us. Women need to know that there is a plan for us and our healing that wants to occur now and this time around they will not be able to kill us and destroy us again.
We are sealed in Christ and safe to restore our Sophianic Template.

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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.
Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.
If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.
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