Yahweh the Dark Father who Wants to Punish Sophia
(This post is a personal update on my current process of clearing Yahweh)
God doesn’t want to punish you, but Yahweh does.
Yahweh is an Annunaki being represented covertly as God in the Old Testament of the Bible and many religious texts around the world. This Annunaki being is the essence of the dark, jealous, angry, bloodthirsty tyrannical father.
It’s a complete distortion of the real Holy Father aspect of creation and its desire is that you live in total fear of it, allowing it to control every aspect of your life. It wants you in the smallest box possible, fearing all other spiritual knowledge. It does not want your true spiritual gifts to come online so it will use religious fire and brimstone indoctrination to stifle you at every corner. Every time you try to go beyond its limitations it will try to guilt, shame and even terrorize you back into its control. It wants its foot on your neck, it wants you obedient, it wants you enslaved and worshiping it above all and when you begin to see it for what it is and start searching for what the real God feels like, it will use every stronghold it has on you to try and not let you go.
I see why I incarnated into a very Old Testament, religious household in this lifetime and a bloodline that happened to be very Sophianic, very aligned to the Christ Mission but also very wounded by forced religious programming and extreme sexual shame that occurred through sustaining spiritual and religious abuse from the matriarchs down the last few generations. For some reason, the women were highly devoted to Yahweh and then began giving their religious wounds to their daughters. I am the first one in this line to want to stray from the Bible and get the idea of Jesus and God out of the small boxes that were forced onto my child self.
Yahweh has this way of mind-controlling people and giving them false power to condemn others through their imperfections or desire to build their relationship with God outside of the Bible and church. It’s a spirit of condemnation that is a demonic frequency but it’s also anti-christ because it often goes against everything Jesus said and stood for.
Spiritual abuse was a very common thing down the bloodline for us all, there was a response of fear if you brought up anything outside of the Bible as intriguing or inspiring in your spiritual journey. There was also a use of scripture and Old Testament to abuse, bully and diminish the feminine in all ways. Not allowed to be beautiful, sexual, or exude your light because of how threatening it was to beloved Yahweh. After all, he wants all of Sophia’s sexual energy to be controlled or for there to be massive wounds so that she will leak energy that he can feed on in her promiscuity or reptilian masculine lovers that resulted from the suppression. It is just so damaging.
I don’t say any of this with resentment towards my family members or grandma who did this and continued this cycle full force and with tons of added abuse. I actually see what happened to them and why. It’s all about controlling Sophia. It’s all about getting her to reject her Inner Feminine and allow Yahweh to control her consciousness as she steps into her wounded, corrupted masculine and begins continuing the cycle of harm that was done to her.
If anything, I have had to grieve tremendously what allowing Yahweh in caused to the women in previous generations. Obviously, there is a historical origin of this inverted patriarchal religious takeover when the god of the Bible began harvesting unbelievable amounts of energy and going on to kill and destroy anything Sophianic or outside of the Puritan dogmatic soul-crushing idea of God that has to be completely severed from the Feminine (Holy Spirit) and stripped of any real Soul for the Inner Feminine to look up to.
You must cultivate the courage to see the Dark Father for what he is and recognize mind, body, spirit and soul that he is not GOD! That that is an imposter on the highest level. And not just recognize it, but also tell him that you’re done being controlled through shame, guilt, fear-mongering, dark attack etc and that you’re reclaiming your relationship with the One True Living God that is not only not trying to stop your spiritual growth and knowledge that goes way outside of the Bible, but actually created you with those gifts in the deepest part of your heart and soul through the utmost reverence and love for you as a being, wanting you to expand and not be held back or diminished and spiritually abused by Yahweh Matrix Agents who see you breaking out of the frequency fence that’s oppressing them.
God told me recently, “Please don’t limit me. I am unlimited in power, glory love and imagination and so are you because my DNA is inside of you.”
As I’ve been on the journey of healing and clearing Yahweh and the False Alien Annunaki Ideologies, I’ve been attacked relentlessly and always through women who worship Yahweh as their daddy. They cannot stand that I’m reclaiming my relationship with God/Christ/Sophia and teaching that to my daughter, that her relationship with God belongs to her and that the multiverse is filled with life and light and energy and not limited to the Bible by any means. She asked me one day, “What color are my wings?” I was so happy that she felt inspired to understand her Lightbody colors and Angelic Origins. I explained them to her and she was genuinely inspired to create a lot of art and paintings.
I’ve had many days of feeling nothing but anger, grief and resentment at having to process all the shame, fear, dark attack and self-suppression I endured because of the Dark Father’s desire to stop me from embodying my Oracle Template, Sophianic Essence and finding Christ.
Thank the Lord, as I called out for God to reveal itself to me and reclaimed that relationship it began collapsing all of these core wounds and helping me out of the tangled-up mess I was in, wondering if I was going against God from the religious wounding and going to hell if I fully owned my spiritual gifts. I was having so many Lightbody Activations and visitations from Guardian Beings but would often push them away out of fear, or actually have anxiety attacks thinking that Yahweh was going to be angry with me. Not to mention what it did to my sexual energy and my womb. The wound itself led me to a very traumatic series of sexual experiences and numbing out for a long time. The full acceptance of my multi-orgasmic, sexual, creative, erotic, kundalini fire, Sophianic Priestess Energy completely healed all of my dysfunction in that way and took all my gifts and magnetism to the next level.
It’s been an insanely incredible ecstasy-filled journey merging back with God as one again, banishing all aspects of the Dark Father and Annunaki Genetics out of my life and Lightbody and breaking the curse of that entanglement for future generations.
Through this clearing, this bloodline is reclaimed back to the living Akashic Realm of the Holy Spirit and all soul fragments being fed on by Annunaki coming back to the Soul of Sophia so that she may become all that God intended for her to be and lead the way for others experiencing this kind of ancient evil.
This force got into many Priestess Lineages long ago and began terrorizing and breaking her down until she couldn’t even recognize herself anymore.
I spent so many nights lost and confused between who God is and isn’t and what the nature of God truly is as a Holy Father and Holy Mother aspect. So many nights questioning myself even when things were going well in the way I was showing up and serving in the spiritual community.
God has had to really break me out of this imprisonment and it took years, but these last few months I feel the last core tie I had to the False Father and the shame and emotional religious abuse I endured in childhood melt away and so, I just wanted to remind anyone else going through this that….
There is a way out.
Your gifts were given to you by God, embrace them, don’t reject them.
There are benevolent ETs that come from higher Heavenly Realms that are here to help and you’re allowed to communicate with them – religion was designed to harm and suppress, the God of the Old Testament is an Annunaki being.
You won’t be punished for being sexual – God wants to protect you which is why there are universal laws and suggestions around how to handle your sexual energy, gifts and power but it’s not about punishment.
Dark attack comes in the strongest when you’re about to level up because it wants you to stay small and suppressed.
Condemnation is a demonic spirit.
God is doing something about evil and God is revealing itself to us more than ever at this time.
You can let go of this battle with Yahweh at any time and become who you were born to be with God’s help.
Love You All!

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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.
Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.
If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.
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