A lot of us have experienced loss in one way or another. The death of a loved one, whether it be a husband, wife, child or family member, each one has its own world of pain.
If a person dies in old age and of natural causes, it tends to be more understandable to the person left here on earth and potentially easier to manage and cope with. When one dies of tragic or shocking circumstances such as suicide, murder or a random set of unexpected circumstances, it tends to be more overwhelmingly earth-shattering and seemingly unbearable to those that love that person. It’s not to compare pain but to try and comprehend the different signatures of loss and its effects on the psyche of those left behind so to speak. We suffer mostly because of the separation and loss of easy access to the one we love and want near us as long as possible.
We also suffer because we have been greatly traumatized to believe that death means the end of our connection to that person forever. We believe that the way the person dies means that they are still suffering or attached to that pain. We project immense pain onto them through their death as if they are trapped in that experience with us on earth. This is not to say that the signature of their death does not still exist, but that they are now, much more than that experience due to being in their higher Soul Body.
All circumstances of life and death are between a person and the creator. It’s a very sacred, private thing.
When one lives and dies is up to two things: their Avatar or Higher Self and God.
God has control of all circumstances – even through free will, God can create a miracle of life on earth to continue against the odds. If a person is not done with what they came to earth to accomplish they are often sent back. They are also given a choice in the in-between – They are asked, “Would you like to go back or would you like to leave earth and go back to God for your next assignment?” If they are not done with their purpose here they will be shown the outcome of their leaving and how it will affect those that loved them, this is not a form of manipulation or coercion, it is a matter-of-fact choice from spirit. Some have no desire to come back because they know that all they could possibly accomplish is done, so they move on and move forward to experience something else.
We have to remember that life is eternal.
All souls are granted the gift of eternal life and experience in different realms and worlds until they ultimately just stay with Source in a heavenly oneness. This can take billions and billions of years, if not more. Many of us want to learn and expand through different realities in different universes and earth may be more temporary in our Higher Selves’ interest and higher purpose. Ultimately, we cannot live just to make others feel secure and happy. We must live in this realm because we are meant to and because our human, our Soul and God all align and agree on this matter.
The person never dies, however, the human aspect on earth may not choose to transition because it is not needed. The Higher Soul and Avatar of a person can go anywhere they’re given clearance to go in the multiverse so while the human body and self is who we are on some level, it is also a temporary identity and body that helps us to understand or face certain experiences. When this person leaves planet Earth they no longer relate to it in the same way, even though their love remains and they may choose to watch over or stay interlinked with soul family that they had a spiritual mission with. They will stay connected while also being totally in bliss with their afterlife experience or a new set of circumstances and challenges. It’s not out of a lack of being alive or present, but out of their own Soul’s necessity of expansion and experience. They can be loving, present and totally with us while also experiencing life in other realms beyond our current imagination.
No matter what negative, fear-mongering projections are implanted into our understanding of death and why it happens, God is in full control of all life and death between itself and a being.
Every person has sovereignty in the universe that gives them the full and free option of where to go and when to leave a place and why at this time. In the past, there were soul traps that tried to push souls to reincarnate into very painful life experiences over and over on earth in order to be used as misery conduits for antichrist forces. These traps have been fully cleared at this time so that we can finally, fully regain our Cosmic Citizenship and move on. Many of the souls that were pushed back into the womb were ones that caused great suffering to others and wanted to come back to find God and break the cycle once and for all. This wasn’t all circumstances, but when I looked at these systems I was shown that God intervened constantly and gave choices and decisions that were specific to each soul’s alignment to Source. Many chose to allow the cycle because they knew it was ultimately for the best for whatever reason.
Source was and is always a part of the ultimate decision-making even when we can’t perceive it.
The person you lost is okay, fully alive and experiencing and living somewhere in the multiverse right now. Their pain here is over or they are on earth on another assignment. Our pain remains because we have to live the full human experience and that involves a limited perception of life and death and the grief, anger, resentment, rage, hurt and all extent of full emotional spectrum experience around what it feels like to lose someone we love.
It’s okay. You may feel a loss right now, but I guarantee that you will see them again, you will understand why things were the way they ended up and all your sorrow will be lifted when you see the plan God had for them.
A lot of people are choosing to leave planet Earth at this time because they do not want to continue forward into the turmoil and had no deeper purpose to even though it may not make sense to those that were close to them. Some do not feel the need to stay at this time. Some long to go home or go elsewhere because they are called to by God or their Higher Self to support in other ways. We do not know and cannot make that decision or be in control of another’s decision even if we wish we were.
Things to remember:
- Life here is temporary. There is a lot more choice in situations around death occurring than you realize.
- Souls are eternal, where they end up and why is up to them and God.
- All matters of life and death are in the hands of the creator.
- Pain eventually ends even if it seems to last a long time. (Grief and sorrow are unavoidable here and they should be allowed as long as necessary)
- Love eternally bonds us to those we have soul connections to. The person you lost is alive and well.
None of this is to try and temper pain that is necessary and very real that needs to be felt and understood. It’s to open the door to the existential cosmic reality in order to soothe the internal battle of why death occurs. It’s also to remind us that life is eternal and souls are eternal and experience is occurring in so many different realities and dimensions that there is no forever loss for any of us.
If God loves us, God has a plan in all things and a purpose for all things. God sees the future and the past and all in between and has the wisdom to allow what he/she allows. If we can grasp this even for a moment, we can feel the essence of aliveness around the one that we love that left this plane of existence and say: I’ll see you soon.

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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.
Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.
If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.
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