The War on Sophia: Hybridization and Reptilian Ownership

Sometimes, it is vital to speak your truth, essential to live in harmony with your own soul and filter out perspectives or persecution of outside forces that do not match up with who you are and what you stand for. Other times, responding to every discordant voice and judgment that comes at you is a way to reaffirm trauma-drama cycles and that projection onto you because if fallen consciousness knows it can get you riled up constantly, it will continue at many angles to help reinforce this inorganic reflection knowing how much pain it causes. 

An inorganic reflection is a way of exploiting another by taking a flaw or blind spot they have and severely shaming them, hoping they fall into a spiral and spend a lot of energy fighting to be seen as “good” and “worthy”. 

If we get trapped in fighting our shame by trying to fix how we are perceived, we feed those projection mutations and we empower them to continue to have control over us. Many fight to be seen as good and “loving” because they cannot accept their own humanity and ways they may have been less than loving. Instead of this being okay and then learning to level up into more love and compassion authentically, they spend time with the same shaming reflection through people that come into their life via their point of attraction and core wounding causing them to have to constantly fight this projection. 

This is a very insidious form of energy looshing and subtle control by fallen consciousness that try to take us over. When we own our flaws with enough understanding of our humanity and inherited miasma, when we see ourselves as we see others – flawed and mostly doing their best to overcome – we can alchemize and transmute feelings of shame and update our system into understanding and self-forgiveness around living on a fallen planet and a human/angelic template that is healing its reversal perpetrated by other forces. This liberates us to where when this shame and guilt comes at us, we hold it and don’t involve ourselves in trying to be seen differently. We then experience freedom from this pattern and are able to move forward and out of that field of shame into higher perspectives. 

Aspects of spiritual teachings and the spiritual community – especially those hijacked through the new age – have created an environment of internal contempt for their own negative emotions and made this the status quo even if it’s not acknowledged or publicly owned. 

When we’re caught up in how we are seen vs how we internally process our imperfections and pain, we are enslaved to a mask or a way of showing up in life that doesn’t honor the entire human scope of not always responding perfectly or allowing a full spectrum of emotion. This creates an internal split and what happens more often than not is that people constantly defend their goodness to cancel culture, to people that don’t care about who they actually are but just want them to be the projection dumpster of their own unprocessed shame/pain and flaws as well. 

Do you see how the perpetrator and the victim just cycle in this energy by always having someone to blame and someone always feeling blamed?

We can overcome these fields. We can see ourselves how God sees us if we consciously own all that we are and seek to do better without needing another to see us that way. 

The spirit of Christ in another and the demonic projections of those onto Christed people that cause them to be energetically exploited into trying to prove their goodness – since they feel so guilty – getting wrapped up in trauma drama cycles about the pain they’ve inherited and ways they acted when they were in that painful space….

Condemnation is a spirit of the anti-Christ and discernment of those that do this is the spirit of Christ. If we align to this (the spirit of Christ) we can easily forgive ourselves and others even if we have to protect ourselves from them. We can also know when to speak our truth and stand for what is real within us vs war with this force trying to be seen as good. 

The Sophianic Grail Lines or women that came to Earth with the mission of resurrecting the Sophianic Template have had many atrocities placed upon their lineages. I’ve talked extensively and mapped out the Sophianic Grail Lines for years, but today I want to talk about the Ruby Line of White Buffalo. 

The Ruby Masculine Christ Genetics are connected to Avalon and King Arthur, and if you tune in you will see a massive ruby cathedral near the Albion Body that transmits incredible light and healing for those of us connected. They also represent an indigenous, feminine purity that is very strong in her leadership and very connected to the essence of a “woman walks ahead” or a woman who leads the tribe (Sophia/Melchizedek). 

This also links into every high-level Sapphire Solar Sophia Coding of the Indigo Beings. Pocahontas was a very embodied Indigo Being who taught indigo children when she was here and in other lifetimes. We see the cloning and reversals in the Ruby Sun DNA that have deeply harmed the Sophianic Collectives on our planet by trying to usurp everything from her. She lost a lot of her indigenous and earthly power by being used in breeding rituals and experiencing separation from the safety of the masculine. In my time with White Buffalo, I’ve spent a lot of time on the Magenta Grid in New Mexico and with the Lyran Matriarchs helping with bio re-genesis and rehabilitation for the fallen feminine who were either so traumatized they lost their power and fell into powerlessness or became so corrupted they began running a reversal solar into lunar fallen feminine consciousness and seeking out the Sophianic Feminine to continue harming them as an energy resource. 

The atrocities done to the Ruby Grail Lines of Sophia (Indigenous lines) are so profound. Many of them were raped and forced into breeding. In clearing this, you will confront Thothian Annunaki beings that chained, enslaved, abused and tortured the feminine creating an anti-union or anti-hierogamic torture device that you could find within yourself if you’re dealing with polyamorous men or men that want to use you for sexual energy to give themselves an energy hit and power themselves up – make sure to end your attraction to Annunaki/Reptilian/Draco signatures in men replaying those scenarios with them over and over never reaching union.

You will feel it as it is the opposite of devotional masculine energy

These are major purgatory fields and we have to pull ourselves up and out of these repeating energies and into the Hierogamic Christ Sophia Union Fields by processing places we feel used and exploited. The black crescent moon implants and wing trauma will purge, opening the heart chakra and true union template to come back into magnetism with Christ Genetics. Black seals will clear as well. We will find ourselves disconnecting from the noncommittal, non-emotionally developed and available masculine. We will also find ourselves processing a mountain of miasma from the Ruby Grail Lines – these memories can be overwhelming but know that you do not have to re-experience the soul fractures if you call in the Holy Spirit to protect you – it will allow you to just process the stuck programs and emotions. Once you process through this, you will see your DNA light up with an incredible Ruby Light, restoring her rightful place within you and your path. 

Sadly, the women that came before us and those of us who have past lives in this timeline will have bore the brunt of physical torture and exploitation. We can correct this chasm of pain through the atonement of all with the golden or aqua light of Christ Sophia. 

There is always a way out

Build your courage. We will see implants that represent reptilian ownership and hybridization. You may see big,  black metal-looking towers where Sophianic beings were held for breeding programs. Where her genetics were tampered with and her body broken down for genetic and memory discovery in order to control her better. You may recognize massive dragon light beings that are female in frequency – these are the bodies that were storing incredible levels of information on how to open portals and stargates ect, you can recollect these dragon body parts along with collecting and retrieving her elementals or genetics. This will allow visions of golden, rainbow temples lighting up and liberating the Sophianic Dragons. 

We are having a huge return of Ruby DNA, templates and genetics all from the Solar Light of Sophia and White Buffalo. The trauma done to these lines has created incredible damage to those that have returned to correct this. You may find yourself in a very intense situation around the masculine and within your own feminine leadership. You are not alone, nor are you late for the ascension process. Do not fear. This is happening in mass right now as the AI ant- Christ system that perpetuated this is taken down. We will receive these upgrades through the solstice. 

Reptilians do not own us. They no longer have the right to hold us in towers, breed us and tamper with our genetics. We have felt owned by them for too long from unprocessed trauma and timelines we are still needing to karmically correct. 

White Buffalo is an incredible being. Words cannot describe her strength, her purity, her leadership. All women she taught and initiated are chosen to hold these Feminine Christ Resurrections. They will come into Hierogamic Union, they will come into their Mission and they will serve the Christ because it is decreed. Do not allow the gaslighting of being “good” or a certain archetype of a woman to stop you from coming into this power. Do not allow shame to define you. God defines you and you are redeemable no matter what you’ve done wrong if you choose Christ. 

I will make a post about hybridization and the process in general for more support around how to correct this but I hope this helps so far. 

PS: If this post resonated with you I invite you to join the conversation and leave a comment below.

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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.

Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.

If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.



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