The True Holy Father: Clearing False Father

The false father is more than an archetype on this planet, it’s a spirit, a very dark, inverted consciousness. We can call this spirit Yahweh, Jehovah, the matrix, dark masculine, fallen father. There are many names and aspects to this spirit. Essentially, it’s a misogynistic, misandrist, dominating, punishing, patriarchal field of energy. When we look at the architecture of this field we can see the black cube or the cube of Saturn. It has every aspect of an abusive father who is harsh, cold, desires worship and utter submission and is very judgmental to anyone who dares to break out of its dogmatic barriers. Men who embody this spirit instead of the spirit of the Holy Father or the Christos/Melchizedek consciousness usually desire worldly power and wealth, they desire to work their way up the matrix system and they love the power afforded to them by this system. It’s men who love the world. They love what it allows them to have in terms of a surplus of worldly possessions. This can also include the desire to control women or other men and or gain estate, land, ownership and fame. These men benefit immensely from the current power structures in place. They love working their way up the matrix ladder and acquiring all that is possible to acquire. Some men do this blatantly and some do it more covertly – seemingly wanting to help others or with a spiritual label. The spirit of the dark father is unmistakable and I’ve met many women who also engender this spirit. It’s not sexist and can be embodied by anyone who wants to become Yahweh’s ‘bitch’ lol. 

We see celebrities and influencers with this spirit living in them a lot. It’s a worship of the god of this world instead of the One True Living God. Money money money, more more more. Filling the void and the god wound at any cost. This, of course, does not demonize the concept of wealth or privilege or any kind of social or economic standing that one may have. Life is filled with people of different backgrounds, stories and experiences so we could never say that every person who has a lot is bad or emanating dark father. I’ve met people who have a lot because it is a byproduct and blessing or a gift from their upbringing. This spirit is indistinguishable from a good-willed person who understands just how blessed they are and still has a beautiful relationship to the Creator. God loves all people and people can accept God or go into direct opposition to God’s Will. It’s not black and white no matter what resources they have acquired or been given. It’s the same as meeting a person who has very little and seeks to cause harm and destruction in the same way. The spirit of dark father can be directly tied into material, egoic, worldly obsession in people in a myriad of ways. It is intrinsically tied into a scarcity of love in the spirit that makes up for it with how much they can feed their lower base desires and avoid the God wound and inner void with things, sex, money, drugs etc. 

This spirit comes from the annunaki/reptilian/draco genetic predisposition that can result in a form of psychopathy or pathology/narcissism. Since we understand that the annunaki have invaded our planet, our DNA, our bloodlines and grids etc, we can see the original outline of this intended destruction towards the masculine polarity within humans. The annunaki were able to get boots-on-the-ground psychopathic people who ended up forming a kind of elitist governmental power structure bloodline in place to do their bidding for the exchange of power,  control, money and reign over all other humans by installing the current banking, medical and school systems that created enslavement of survival on Earth. They were able to find those who were already interested in this kind of way of living and then spread it like a disease all over the planet. Insidiously co-opting the planet and media through mind control. Many had their hand in this, for instance, Winston Churchill was in contact with the zeta greys and received their technologies and downloads from Aleister Crowley in order to implement World War 2 using Hitler who was also into the occult as a puppet for this agenda of destruction and war to further the control of non-human forces through their chosen human hybrids that would carry out these agendas in exchange for worldly estate and power. 

This has been a very long process, insidious and intelligently designed by those at the top “leviathan annunaki” even utilizing and coming together with the reptilians and draco’s who ultimately were interested in human children, genetic experiments, and hybridization of the human population so that they could survive and use humanity as a resource. Though the annunaki used the draco reptilian grey factions, they have always controlled them and even warred with them throughout history and we can see that playing out with Kamala vs Trump (reptilian vs annunaki) their control matrix is being warred over because the ascension/ burification of timelines and massive waves of plasma light hitting the Earth is causing a mass awakening. The Dark father (Yahweh) is intelligent enough to manufacture a synthetic awakening timeline on Earth in order to hijack the real one using Donald Trump as a ‘savior’ archetype while scapegoating the satanic factions and bringing false prophets like Elon and RFK to team up and, slowly but surely, awaken everyone through a soft disclosure to the satanic factions and crimes against humanity. Ultimately, they will appear to have saved us from the satanists when they reinstall Trump and do massive military tribunals of those lower-level satanic bloodlines. They know the real Christ Sophia is here and that the 3rd timeline is the real timeline of ascension so they have to do a dark-to-light trap in order to grab many awakening starseeds and try and pull them into the false utopia they plan to create once all is said and done. We must see Yahweh’s signature and the dark fathers’ signature in this and say no, we choose the real Christ and not the false messiah who will bring all kinds of false miracles and solutions to the Earth once they take down and expose the factions they have been warring against. The satanists have been set up as a boogeyman so that we beg for Trump’s return and fall for the psyop of Elon and other red pill talking heads who are so seemingly loveable and “awakened” and allow them to fix our problem, leading to the mark of the beast which is some kind of solution that will be artificial. There is so much to come in terms of the false prophets who will claim to save us from the darkness. We have to see and digest exactly who and what this force is and how it represents itself in our world. 

Dark father is being rebuked and the voice of the accuser (satan) and the punisher judgment of (Yahweh) being dismantled within us as we reclaim the seal of the One True Living God Christ. We will see through deceptions of false light and darkness and we will reclaim the True Holy Father who will speak through us and emanate through us to cast out darkness and restore love and truth through the spirit of the Cosmic Christ Sophia. Teaching us what a real father is and should be since the original intention and archetype has been challenging to hold perfectly for anyone and that would be too much to ask with the state of the world and the many temptations and dark influences here anyways. 

Clearing dark father means processing anywhere that the biological father failed us in terms of our deeper needs and his ability to be and love us with the stream of light from the Holy Father. 

The attack on the masculine here has been ungodly and unimaginably intense and destructive. We are truly letting go of blame while also allowing ourselves to see and heal unmet needs of the father wound. We are seeing where the masculine has been tricked and even coerced into rejecting the True Spirit of Christ and taken on the survival of Yahweh’s matrix black cube system. Many have had no choice, they had to provide or they felt they needed to be something or someone in this world so it’s also important to remember not to demonize the matrix and patriarchy because there have been elements of it that are truly benevolent. Good men working hard jobs and slaving away, blue-collar men trying to take care of their families or have a purpose here. We never need to demonize good men in hard times who have no choice but to take care of themselves or those they love. There are only certain joys in life and freedom when it’s tied into being financially secure. We agreed to come here and make the best of it while also sussing out the demonic overlays and matrix traps and doing our best to avoid them. Spiritual Ego can be sick in many ways because it can try and destroy the humanity of men and their desire to survive or become someone in a world where so much is pitted against them. It can ask too much of people in terms of no compromise. We all have to compromise on this earth in some ways to survive. We all have to do things that feel hard and against our greater desires when it comes to putting food on the table. Obviously, I don’t mean compromising on intrinsic values or morality to the extent that certain men or women do when they carry the spirit of dark father. It’s just clear that the father energy has had to go out into this world and do something so that his family could have enough to follow their own dreams as well. It’s a fallen planet and many joined the military or became firefighters, some working very hard jobs to keep society as we know it functioning. I can think of so many professions and ways men have chosen to give of themselves outside of the self-worship and service to self luciferian professions that lower-level people will do anything to climb the ladder in. Men who are service to self instead of the feminine and innocence of children and greater calling of God for their own well-being are usually trying to break into levels of society where they can live out their hedonism to the nth degree or where they can make fast money (drug dealing/ trafficking/ pimping/ porn/ robbery/ crime etc)

We see that mostly men (not all) are in positions of power and authority in these kinds of settings and professions because the masculine consciousness when wounded or selfish leans towards the pathology that is psychopathic and heartless. It’s something we need to process in terms of the pathology of the inverted masculine. The ultimate distortion of a man is a psychopath or sociopath. Although there are many variations of the wound and how it manifests in our societal structures. It always takes on a violent or dominant role that tends to walk all over and block the flow of the loving masculine heart that would project and create safety for innocence. 

The father wound and masculine wounding for women in general is intense to explore and there can be a deep resentment to men in general for what the world has come to since God originally intended for them to be protectors. We know that men have betrayed that role immensely through annunaki influence and inception in ancient timelines as women have betrayed their role as a result of this feeling of unsafety. Once women realized they were not safe there was not much we could do but try to survive in our own way which also meant jumping into our false masculine to preserve our very life here. So many problems have manifested from the root of the original annunaki invasion. We all got so severely corrupted from our original self and path and so it’s important that we process this wound and come to understand that the true Christ Masculine Template and Architecture are available to us at this time and rehabilitation of the Christ within is here for all who seek it and do the work to rehabilitate reversal. 

This true Christ Masculine Template holds all the qualities of the Holy Father, beloved, protecter, provider etc. This does not mean that men will mirror perfection to us – we are still in the midst of profound self-healing, mirroring and work. Men have to make the choice to restore this template within or follow the Christ: Holy Father impulse within themselves. It’s about choice, recognizing the best we can do and being very compassionate to where we fall short since there is still so much temptation to fall into. The masculine is in the process of resurrecting and contending with immense pressure around so many core issues and challenges. Real union is about real love for the human and higher self as it is here after all the dark attack. We are returning the body parts of Christ himself, the data, templates, and genetics. It’s a hard job and takes time. I see many men who are working diligently to live a life pleasing to God and protect and love the feminine and children while also going through their own identity crisis and journey around their innate worth and potential. Many timelines and many atrocities to the masculine soul are being processed, many are calling back what rightfully belongs to them and many are still lost and trying to find this light again. Women are making space for this to be understood so that these unions can occur and reinstate the Christ Sophia template. Patience and understanding are vital at this time. He is being awakened and remembering slowly but surely in order to recognize his counterpart. 

Me and my biological father do not speak. In a way, my husband is my father. He plays many roles for me. My biological father is not a safe person for me and has not been able to hold the stream of Holy Father in this lifetime, although he did in moments that I cherish. I do not blame or fault him or even carry resentment towards him. I understand that he is simply not capable due to his own trauma and so I look to the Holy Father, Christ and my beloved to source this masculine love and safety from. I no longer look to my father and suffer disappointment when I am let down time and time again. This pattern was too painful for me after trying so hard and being unable to receive it and then stay in anger and blame towards him. I understand that my biological father has dealt with the pressures of this world, his own childhood and the original annunaki invasion trauma in his genetics which made him desire to choose a path of escape. I tried for years to the point of being completely inauthentic and unsafe to try and make that relationship work. I longed so deeply for his love. After enough severe emotional and mental abuse I threw in the towel and began praying for him while understanding that he was so unsafe for me that I could no longer keep up a one-sided fight in order to gain or beg for his love. Our biological fathers can be representatives of the Holy Father in ways or not, we know that our true Father is beyond this world and the men who may have helped bring us into this world. I honor my father by remembering the good times. My best memory was when I was 17 and flew out to see him in Washington DC. He took me to the Lincoln Memorial and the Holocaust Museum. We even saw the Hope Diamond which was on tour at the time. I’ll never forget in the holocaust museum when he and I went into the room where there were scriptures on the wall and he started crying and wept intensely after all that we saw there. I cried to and hugged him and we felt like we had had a past life together that was hard. It’s a moment I cherish, tears fall as I remember. Unfortunately, we could not stay in that kind of vulnerable love and soon enough things fell apart and we just could not sustain our connection, though I will say I tried with all my heart and I know he did too. I miss my dad so much. We both love old movies and classic rock and we have the same sense of humor. When times were good we laughed and laughed and when they were bad, they were so bad. If it was up to my human self and not my higher self I would still be fighting for us. 

My intense compassion for men comes from my dad. He taught me a lot with how challenging he was. I do not throw the towel in easily when I love someone. I see now where he just could not overcome his anger and hurt and how that translated into the many painful moments of despair I felt on the other side of trying to love him and always fix it. This is not a post about outing my dad’s flaws. It’s just a vulnerable recognition of what could have been, what I deeply longed for and how I manufactured our connection to try to see what I wanted instead of what was. 

Now that I’ve truly begun my journey with the Holy Father, I’ve gotten to know a love that was so beyond comprehension for me before. The opposite of what religion taught me growing up. The opposite of what this world projects is a successful or worthy man in the eyes of the ego and material. The riches of the Holy Father are not of this world but can be projected here through a masculine heart – they are love, safety, honor, provider, and protector. It’s a spiritual covering with the wings of the archangel. A cherishing of my innocence. A stern mirror that makes me grow and expand all while loving me and holding me in immense grace. This is the kind of love of the masculine where we walk the Earth unscathed and yet not protected from uncomfortable truths. It’s a maturity and an innocence that’s allowed to live and breathe. The ability to find ourselves while knowing home awaits us and the structure of the temple is safe and calling us back when we are in need of reprieve. It does not abandon, it is not emotionally unavailable, it is a field of immense power, strength, truth, safety and emotional sustenance. In it we are held in a provision of needs met, wounds acknowledged and a field of masculine energy that allows the female spirit to flourish and become like a garden of Eden. From this field, healthy children and happy women live in bliss and joy, no harm can reach us. This is what the Holy Father intends while the dark father seeks to destroy and collapse us so that we seek his approval and lose our way. 

We are on the journey of finding “him” again, within and without so that this world can come back into harmony and balance and find its equilibrium. Men once again must find this, engender this and offer this while rebuking the Saturnian black cube and its fallen matrix demands all while giving themselves space to be human and do their best with the state of the world. 

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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.

Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.

If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.


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Let's Chat!

Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.

Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.

If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.


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