The Spirit of Condemnation and Low Self-Esteem Triggers Coming Up
An eternal/universal truth and gift from Source is our value.
Our innate value and worthiness have nothing to do with how many vacations we go on, how many people like us or our accomplishments in life. Accomplishing what we set out to do on planet Earth is amazing and very rewarding, however, it does not make or break our intrinsic soul value.
We can choose our value in any moment just as we can resist our value in any moment.
Our value as an aspect or fractal of Source cannot be negotiated or changed at any time unless we go out of our way to reject God’s Will and overtly harm others time and time again with zero heart-based desire to change or do better.
When we are not serving the One, it affects an aspect of our value in terms of continuing the cycle of abuse and miasma we force others to inherit. This is called being destructive and feeding the antichrist timeline. Rejecting the Holy Spirit is an entirely fruitless option that affords power in the world for a short amount of time and then has severe consequences.
When we reject God’s Will, we run into energy deficiency issues where we become parasitic and reliant on others to keep us propped up to continue the cycle of harm. There is also a more innocent way where we reject God through rejecting our value and the value of our worth and intrinsic value. This comes from trauma and core wounding and while it does not offend God in the same way overtly hurting another for our own selfish gain does, this way of rejecting the self, while making God sad, doesn’t create a severe consequence beyond our physical reality on earth, it just creates a painful cycle in our life.
When we do not come to terms with our worth we begin looking for it externally, eventually becoming externally reliant on the outside to prove our value to us by making us feel better or somehow affirming it. This becomes an addiction cycle where we always look for our worthiness in relationships, money or some type of scenario where we feel constant approval that we are “good” and “ worthy” until we become so reliant on external validation that everything we do revolves around the other or the outside circumstances proving it to us.
Becoming reliant on outside circumstances is a painful trap because instead of going within to receive Source Energy and God’s perspective, we abandon the self and that sacred connection and try to manipulate circumstances to reflect this to us in a way we feel will be approved of by others. This acting often involves being perceived as good and nice, I call it the ‘nice girl’ or ‘nice guy’ program. It’s not authentic and it’s not honest. It’s acting, plain and simple.
This comes from childhood when we didn’t feel that we were loved as we were so we began acting to get a different result from our parents. We began curating ourselves so that we got the ‘stamp of approval’ or we got the attention we longed for. We learned there were things about our authentic self that were unacceptable, so we found ways to act, change and be something we weren’t so that we didn’t cause tension and were seen as good, then, we got our needs met and we learned to manipulate reality to get a result. This was so painful and yet needed in order to “survive” in our family life and therefore, this way of being seeped into every relationship we developed because we never built a strong foundation or sense of self that reflected who we truly are which affected our sense of innate worth and self esteem.
If we don’t feel we are loved as we are fully, then we learn to self abandon and leave our own internal frame to feel secure
This killed our magnetism and ability to feel strong in our opinions and differences.
If we are always worried about making others comfortable and like us, then we are afraid of the tension our authenticity causes others and it begins to feel unbearable to rock the boat or cause people to not ”like” or approve of us. This is no way to live and frankly, it’s miserable. I’ve noticed that my most authentic self is my most magnetic self when it comes to aligning to relationships and experiences that I actually want and need to grow.
Abandoning the self to make others comfortable is a way to reaffirm that our true self is unacceptable and too intense for others which, ultimately, is not true and our liberation is on the other side of this painful internal divide.
We have to find the courage to feel and be what actually matters to us.
We have to find the courage to handle tension in others, especially when they don’t like us or what we have to say. A person that holds their own authentic frame and soul signature will become magnetic to the right people, places and things that reflect their willingness to stand for their innate value – inner source connection.
When a person holds their connection to God as number 1, they begin to discover the Voice of God within them that works as a compass to protect them from experiences and people that don’t serve them. It works as a way to direct energy and resources in a responsible and healthy way. Their connection to Source also gives them all the energy they need, whether love, approval or how to generate sustainable abundance. I’m not saying that we don’t have human needs that need to be met, of course, we do! I can’t stand when people act like we should all just meditate on a mountain with Source all day and feel totally fulfilled and not need anything from anyone. This is an extreme in the other direction. When we are sourced, we are energetically connected to Eternal Light and sustenance. It allows us to be deliberate with our energy and much more protected from outside influences that would seek to take advantage of our self-esteem wound and try to manipulate us into giving our energy to it.
Many people don’t realize that codependency or seeking approval and attention to fill the internal void is a form of energy harvesting and makes us a perfect match to predator consciousness that would love to make us reliant on it instead of God for that feeling.
We all need each other and are here to serve each other, but nobody else can play God for us
Nobody else can fill that void.
A lot of times when a person is needy it’s because they are seeking to feel a constant next high, like a drug to make them feel better about themselves only to learn that they’re never happy with what’s already within them.
There is a spirit of self condemnation that comes with this codependency program and it’s a demonic spirit that always condemns our flaws and imperfections and holds us to an impossible standard in order to get us to act and stay docile when God is calling for our full self to come online and express itself.
Our authenticity is our protection and is a part of the Spirit of Christ that filters our reality
The authentic self as a filter means that anytime we are real and in our own internal frame we repel those things that don’t like it or would want to use it to their benefit.
I’m noticing in the fields people are struggling with their self-esteem and this universal wound is coming up.
It’s important to begin to build your relationship with God over seeking external highs to fill the void right now. This is a process, so don’t expect perfection. God is not condemning or holding us to an impossible standard. God is simply inspiring us through the gifts self-esteem and worthiness give to us when we own them without needing something outside of us to constantly affirm it.
I hope this helps,

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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.
Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.
If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.
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