The Reclamation of Sophianic Soul Fragments

Right now, there is a Soul Retrieval occurring that is being supported by the Aquaferion Guardian Races and Elemental beings coming in from the Mother Arc Realms and in the Crystal Caves and Cathedrals in our oceans. 

This retrieval is helping us to re-assimilate Soul Aspects and fragments that have been heavily traumatized and held in catacombs, entombment, sexual enslavement and reptilian harvesting. 

There is a showdown between the Sophianic Feminine Christ Bloodlines and the massive bloodline demons that have been terrorizing and using every core wound against her through manufactured consent via unhealed trauma. 

I am seeing it in every female I’ve worked with this week. 

There is a reclamation of Sophianic Soul Fragments in mass as many who are expressions of her are in the final stages of evicting this consciousness via inherited karmic loads that manifest as low self-esteem, fear of standing in the truth, being persecuted, purgatory fields, leaky sexual energy etc. Over the last 8-months, Source has been allowing this confrontation within the Inner Feminine around giving her Sacred Essence to the inverted masculine who is sending that energy back up to the reptilian interface and powering up their NWO timeline. 

It’s very interesting to see how through Lions Gate there was a huge timeline shift that began with the 8/8 ritual of the FBI raiding Trump’s estate. I saw it beginning a real and very visceral political split in the matrix between the left and right that is causing a huge ripple of awakening and an off-feeling in very mind-controlled people for the most part. This is a stage of the Hijacked Great Awakening that will begin a soft and controlled disclosure from the false ascension matrix ETs working with space force and the white hat sect of the government. 

Even though the NWO timeline is taking the biggest hit it’s ever taken and from what I’m seeing is diminishing in power very quickly via God calling the Sophianic Collectives to reclaim their innocence and completely eradicate the feeding on soul fragments, elementals, body parts, jewels, wings and stolen DNA, the “elite” families and billionaires are going to push with everything they have to keep Agenda 2030 on track. 

I believe by 2024 there will be very clear signs that that is failing miserably, but there are a lot more “shocking” events that we will go through until we reach the peak and climax and then the hijacked global disclosure parading as benevolent extra-terrestrials that are actually the return of Yahweh, the Annunaki ( Old Testament) gods who will be throwing the demons into the pit (as it speaks about in revelations) for the second beast system (Trumps global leadership) to rise, and of course, this is the plan – we will see if it manifests as it is up to the collective timeline choices that are based on God’s Intervention and free will. 

I do feel this as a strong potential since humanity may need to go through more growing pains until it can handle the full scope of truth the Guardians want them to receive. I felt the next stage of a rippling Activation opening peoples Pineal Glands and Crown Chakras to begin hearing higher thoughts and perceiving beyond the smoke and mirrors, and unprecedented gaslighting of the mainstream media. It’s definitely going to another level with people experiencing a more profound intuition around being untrustworthy of what they once trusted blindly. It is actually so inspiring and hopeful to feel this in the field even if it’s another deception coming, at least it’s not a force that commits the same heinous evil towards children, but one that represents the false christ and false saviors through a final worldwide deception. 

I’m experiencing Kundalini and Plasma Surges like never before and in my Union, Aeleo is helping me through the Sophianic Soul Retrieval that so many aquatic, higher-dimensional beings are holding space for as well. 

I’m seeing the part of me that was warring internally, trying to fight the injustices I perceived against me, while not realizing that what I was needing was a massive levelling-up that came with the full intensity of looking and feeling the pain and completely forgiving it. It was very hard to stop trying to prove my worth to the world in a certain respect. I realized my innate value and the love without condition God has for me and that I rely only on God for this resource, and all the trying to one-up my enemy fell away and I started to make space in my body for the ecstasy of safety with Christ and letting love back in. 

You will probably feel and see a lot of Aqua Portals at this time as they are holding us through the internal and external warfare with the predator force and fallen consciousness that has tried to entangle itself within us so that it can harvest Source Energy to power up its dying systems. These forces will begin self-cannibalizing very soon as the already low percentage of mentally hijacked people dwindles with every passing day. 

There is an excitement and hope in this Soul Retrieval that feels like a nail in the coffin for the dark mother and reptilian collectives that are feeding from the Vatican. Something about this feels like a significant hit to their timeline. The emotional work is paying off as their dark grids destabilize. 

Our Inner Feminine is the Holy Spirit and Heart Field of God and all trauma done to us, is done to that aspect of us internally. The willingness to feel the trespasses against us and forgive them through recognizing the power of God’s Love and Truth and how it alchemizes and heals even the most soul-shattering trauma is the biggest superpower we have at this time. 

I hope this helps 

Love You All!

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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.

Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.

If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.



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