The Magnetic Heart Field of Sophia

In this Transmission

The Magnetic Heart Field of Sophia

Black Magician Astral Attacks

Miracles and Quantum Shifts Aligning after intense Death and Rebirth 

The Heart Field of Sophia is something sacred to behold. It provides a level of nourishment that is incomparable to any other essence in this universe. 

This Heart Field is the Feminine Spirit of the Christ – Jesus’s Holy Spirit. 

In the earliest and first interpretations of the Bible, Jesus would often speak of the Holy Spirit as Sophia and a she, however, the word continued to get changed until the Feminine was completely severed from the Trinity. After all, we cannot trust the translations of Moloch worshipping snake priesthoods or Annunaki worshipping Pharisees to represent Christ Sophia authentically, as that would have been the very key to humanity’s salvation. Instead, we were given a crucified Christ as a warning if we dared to represent and speak as Christ did and almost no Divine Feminine representation in the most popular religious-spiritual texts. 

The gnostic scriptures have also been horribly hijacked and infused with reversal AI synthetic light that allows for false indoctrination as well in what that Union truly represents and its origins in Creation. 

We cannot rely on religious texts for the full truth so we must piece together our true Galactic History and Origin Story to understand who we are and what being created in God’s Image truly means.

It is the essence of the Union of Christ Sophia. The Divine Union within is the Ascension Process. 

The Sophia as the Feminine Christ is a revered, Holy and Sacred Essence that lives within us and that expresses itself throughout the bloodlines and genetics of every race, creed, religion and country. Sadly, that innocent Essence is hated here in this reality and many are mind controlled to hate it in themselves and others, so this essence being healed and awakened within those that cultivate it is highly threatening and therefore undergo extreme levels of targeting, loosh tagging and black magic attack in order to destabilize their Mission and/or Union. 

The power the enemy has is getting us to believe its lies about us so that we shut down or feel like giving up. If we give up, it feels like it’s won. That’s why it’s so important right now to push through no matter the ego death, lash back, feelings of “failure”, triggers and various attacks we have all been undergoing in this process. 

Many of us have been gaslit into betraying our intuition and our sacred no.

As representatives of the Christ, we all have a very powerful authoritative no

This no and knowing ourselves have been kind of gaslit out of us by violating spirits working through profoundly wounded people who are unwilling to hold themselves accountable for their mess and how they project it onto others. There are many scared, lost, hurt, disturbed and confused people out there seeking someone to blame or project their own sickness onto. People like this especially seek for someone to fix them and target Spiritual Leaders with platforms or healers, therefore, it’s very important to be discerning right now and ready with a fuck no to that violating energy seeking someone to parasite or loosh harvest for the entities working through them. 

Some people simply cannot handle the extra-terrestrial and higher-dimensional information and experiences occurring for Ascension right now, and many try to step into what they’re not prepared for without knowing how to handle spiritual attack and stabilize, so when they get triggered they’re looking for someone to blame or they’re twisting spiritual truth to fit their own boxed-in narratives. It’s really intense and it’s vital to be aware of forces working through others as this spiritual war wages on and continues to the breaking point and fall of many forms of evil that have had power here. 

The sacred no is that innate boundary that just knows what’s happening is not right, is not reflecting anything we need to learn from and is not giving us a lens of reflection that we need to try on. 

After spiritual or emotional abuse, a lot of people internalize false reflections about themselves that are actually projections of demons and it hurts their self-esteem and confidence tremendously. Say no to these projections being thrown left and right. 

If you need reflection and you’re out of alignment, ask God and seek the Holy Spirit for the answer if there is anything you could improve, forgive or heal within yourself that could be causing harm to others

We all fall short and we all need healing, but that doesn’t mean we’re all overtly violating others and unwilling to receive reflection. We don’t deserve abusive reflection, we deserve grace and love if we are out of alignment unless we don’t care who we hurt and someone is defending themselves against parasitic and violating perspectives that don’t serve them. Know yourself so that you know when the enemy is speaking instead of the Holy Spirit Mirror that actually helps dissolve distorted ego patterns within us. Reclaim who you are, stand in who you are and be willing to say no to gaslighting and false light projections. 

I’m at a point where my peace, my truth and my sacredness are number one, so the idea of placating and feeling guilty towards people that choose to act that way is an absolute fuck no.

This was a long learning experience for me because as someone who holds the Sophianic Heart, there are reptilian, draconian and Annunaki forces that think they own me, that I am a sex object, or am their property. These spirits have worked through many to try and destroy me but Christ intervened and brought me miraculous rehabilitation, thank you God! 

I have been in the process of knowing who I am and reclaiming my Sophianic Blood, Heart, Soul, Sex Organs, Chakras, DNA, Ancestral Gifts, Galactic History, Personal Timelines and Truth. This process brought out the most vicious, demonic attack when I began to reclaim my Heart/Womb Connection and merge the Solar Sophia Aqua Crystalline Womb Energies back through my body. 

Annunaki forces try and make you feel like you shouldn’t dare reclaim Sophia here and how dare you try to free her as she is  (energetically) the bread and butter of the torture, blood sacrifice, rape, sexual misery and persecution of harming the innocence of humanity and the various Angelic Sophia Christ Bloodlines they have hunted and tracked or of whom had to go underground to survive and somehow try to keep the truth alive here. 

I am sad that we’ve been programmed to sexually exploit one another so egregiously. I’m sad that our Inner Spirit has not been upheld with the reverence deserved and that the Christ has been separated from her in all representations we’ve had. It’s awful how targeted the Heart/Sacral Connection is. The desire to shut the Heart down and keep the Sacral in harvesting mode is very strong, but we have been fighting back by reclaiming our Sexual Heart-Based Creational Power and the re-emerging of these centres for the ultimate New Earth Divine Union Sexuality Template re-emerging now. 

Today, I had a massive heart trauma release that opened up a Magnetic Heart field around me. 

Aeleo facilitated it with me during our morning workout. I had so much shame, embarrassment and fear around the essence of my heart and its incredible power. The heart shutdown and Annunaki targeting on my dad’s side had resulted in my dad’s two massive heart attacks, his brother’s heart attack death and his mother’s heart attack death – this was rooted in child sexual abuse and ritualistic abuse my dad experienced as a child that was in his bloodline. It was a curse on the Feminine Heart Energy. 

Removing it was very intense and resulted in a reptilian torture device clearing from my heart and sacral. Then, Aqua Emerald Light regenerating my Heart to this next level of Magnetic Capacity. So profound, so many tears; such incredible alchemy. I’m so grateful, thank you God! 

God is so present in every cell of my being right now and it’s very welcomed after this last month of challenges, intensity and death/rebirth. This new Heart Field is a potential for us all and something I’m feeling activating now that I’m ready for. I feel that many of us will have this Creational Energy coming online and the spark of Sophia regenerating through us so that we are led by our Hearts and not just our Sexual Energy. 

Being led by the Heart means that love guides us and the Spirit of Christ initiates us to hold more and give more. 

It’s an equilibrium and balance that is going to align our sacredness and our reverence for that sacredness that will change our lives and bring us to a feeling of love and ecstasy in God’s victory through us

I feel this will all be coming online more and more as we are ready. 

There’s also been a lot of astral activity from the lunar cycle and it’s been a massive disturbance in the field. 

The Guardian Lyras are doing some major draco takedown and satanic systems are being dismantled which will result more and more in the current chaos we are feeling because of the black magicians and hateful entities starving for energy – they will use a lot of tactics to manipulate people, try to destroy relationships and friendships and get people to attack, character assassinate one another and overall act out. 

At this point, it’s clear who’s on the losing end of this battle, but it’s important to know that trauma/drama cycles are trying to be stirred up within people so it’s best to stand in your knowing of who you are so that you’re not susceptible to getting caught up in it. It’s better to let those that want to fall out of your life to fall out and those that want to stay and align higher to do so. 

It’s important we have compassion, understanding and love for one another during this time, seeing each other as full spectrum beings and not in little boxes with impossible standards. How we treat each other during this time really shows where our heart is and who we are. Again, this doesn’t mean tolerating abuse, gaslighting and manipulation. Sometimes, love looks like a confrontation or blocking someone. 

Love is the higher will of any situation and will call for different responses depending on the situation

This death and rebirth cycle is extremely important because it’s where there will be addictions ending, timelines falling out, long term issues healing quickly, the end of bad habits and patterns and the most confronting love that offers change and redemption even if we have to let go of outdated, toxic, old energies we’ve been holding onto that have been protecting us from feeling a deeper trapped pain. Our pain is calling to be alchemized for God’s plan in this current timeline war so that we’re capable of being available and present for what God is calling us to do. 

I hope this helps

Love You All!

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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.

Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.

If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.


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Let's Chat!

Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.

Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.

If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.


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