The Law of Structure and the
12 Sphere Tree of Life Template
The hatred of God and the desire to harm God in defiance of the Divine Law that says: “You may not do whatever depraved evil thing you want without severe consequences”, is something we’re all feeling intensely from the fallen ones right now. Hence why they’re in the midst of a public crisis of desperation and unparalleled tyranny that is both laughable and deeply intense to handle due to the chaos factor.
The exact pain they cause will always be self manifested back at them
If you spend all of your time using black magic and necromancy to override Divine Law and therefore escape it for a significant time, once it all hits it will not be escapable ever again.
Satanists (once human) are now housing demonics and mental illness, are promised eternal life by the different fallen ETs and the ability to reincarnate into realms with children at their disposal for whatever they can think up. This is a lie told to them to get them to give up their life, Soul and live to do whatever the hell they’re told to do by their higher ups in command. Some of them have been given a few lives to continue and play the role of a celebrity or political figure and reincarnate into satanic bloodlines for the “fun” of it. This has been going on for thousands of years. Eventually, the promise that they will be able to do that forever will be shown to them as the satanic lie God warned them of in their heart before they agreed to do such evil.
(God has shown me the free will of others is everything but God will always give someone the chance to change their mind and not make a detrimental choice for their own Soul that would push them away from God because God doesn’t want to lose anyone to the hell realms)
When they’re thrown into the hell realms or blotted out of existence in the coming years for a Godless eternity of experiencing what they’ve dished out so cruelly and ruthlessly – God doesn’t punish, God allows Divine Justice. Our own Soul records everything and then the extraterrestrial tribunals will bring in the ultimate reckoning through fair trials where all can witness the atrocities done in darkness.
They’re the weakest they’ve ever been, that’s the truth that my entire body and Soul feels
They’re weak, starving, angry, desperate, losing, flailing and utterly failing.
The media psyop is at an all-time high. They’re all together discussing what to do next, constantly rolling out new agendas, trying to harm and scare people and even creating weather storms right now to get global warming narratives going as an excuse for their own man-made BS storms. It’s sad and I want to pray for those affected by these tornadoes, this is the kind of ridiculous stuff they’re doing. Manufacturing storms to cause pain, fear and death while they lie about the number of people vahhckxed. It’s nowhere near what they’re saying. Not even close. I’m shown the numbers are critically low even for them so they’re now looking to other means of control, lockdowns, tyranny, and so on.
This means we will see shocking, random, bizarre events taking place that seemingly come out of nowhere. It will be shocking and painful. It will even make us question if they’re winning but I assure you, they’re not. They continue to eat their own and self cannibalize as they kill off those that support them trying to get the vahckx to roll out for everyone. It’s just unbelievable where they’ve pushed themselves through the desire to be their own Gods and keep us as slaves. They have had many Souls for hundreds of thousands of years in limbo here, not able to get back their Cosmic Citizenship.
They’ve kept this Christ being our Earth held hostage as well and it’s just not being tolerated anymore by the majority of people.
People are sick of it and would rather die fighting for their freedom than stay imprisoned. Even people who seem to be going along with it are feeling concerned and off. God showed me the majority of people know something is wrong in their gut. It’s spreading like wildfire. It’s unstoppable. We will see two massive events take place within 6 months – one very bad but a psyop and last attempt by Satanists and the other one, a worldly event of truth that is no longer able to be looked at as conspiracy. Something that shows an ugly but necessary truth that billions of people will witness and know that there’s no way around it any longer. Most people will celebrate and rejoice once this happens while others will have a breakdown and have to go through a long period of recovery.
We will also see the full damage from the vackx in the next 6 months. We will start seeing the consequences of going along with the false narratives to maintain a fake sense of safety. God will allow a lot of intense consequences from the vackx in order to speed up what must be done for the greater good of the children and humanity in general. All Souls signed up for this and we know the collateral damage is something the Guardians have been helping to lessen but cannot to a certain extent as it would be detrimental. Humanity as a collective has to decide on the ultimate event energetically through the light quotient and as the false alliance reads that, Trump and the GFOL (Galactic Federation of Light) will show up as our false saviours. This will be the end of the satanic reign that will move into the second beast system coded by the annunaki in revelations.
Me and Aeleo are still seeing this as a very possible timeline if not the most likely. This will be amazing in order to get the most evil force in our universe to where it belongs and then we can deal with the false ascension timeline scam coming.
I’ve received a very clear message to use the Tree of Life Christ Template in all of my work and tell others to do the same if it resonates with them. Including lives, posts, website, videos, courses and sessions.
I’ve been shown to build everything on the Tree of Life 12 Sphere Template to activate the Eternal Seal around everything I do in preparation for the fall of the monetary system and the matrix. It’s Gods’ Eternal Structure Template that builds the eternal foundation and Holy Spirit Light into everything that comes through so that it doesn’t crumble when the matrix does.
Anything that is not built on the Law of Structure (Tree of Life) will fall in the coming years and that includes everything with a spiritual brand that is not pure or sustainable energetically with spirit as wealth and merit. It’s a very clear message to only create with God’s Power and Structure and no longer use external reality for abundance or power validation.
That of course doesn’t mean letting go of all things material or no longer having a brand. It’s just a shift in how it’s created and sustained which will mean less fall out when shit hits the fan.
The Krystallah or Christos Blueprint is a Rainbow Diamond with a 12 Sphere Tree of Life within it that activates a connection to the Godhead:12-Dimensions/12 Chakras/12 Star Gates/12-strand DNA.
This is in the root area of our Lightbody and can be energetically placed into all of our branding, websites, posts from past, present and future and so on as to keep it filtered from reversals and faulty templating.
I was already building on this but had leakage due to solar plexus wounding which I was very clear about and working on for ages. I am now doing this with everything and am feeling such a shift. I noticed this stabilizing me in faith and alignment no matter what the external reality tries to cause – fear or comparison or false ego power plays.
This is true freedom/ power/ abundance energies as it lifts you into the higher heart and out of 3rd chakra spirituality which has not been filtered through the heart therefore and is creating with the ego/ personal will and bringing a negative outcome and cycle with it. This can all drop out now as we move through the portal.
Make a full commitment and devotion to the Law of Structure and see it transform everything!
I did a bigger live HERE and a free Tree of Life Foundation Activation HERE for this shift
Love You All!

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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.
Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.
If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.
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