The Easter Portal:
Purging the Anti-Christ
Planet Earth = many things, there are many wonderful and terrible experiences we can have here. There are many options in terms of this temporary life. I think that recognizing how temporary it is no matter how painful, is important.
Anyone can speak from a cozy perspective where they’re not enduring what you’re enduring and try to give a deficient solution that simply does not work or encompass the level of understanding you may need. This will happen on Facebook and Instagram with “teachers” and that’s where discernment and resonance with another becomes vital. Checking in with the voice of God inside of us and our own intuition is our responsibility. We need to learn this and honor this in order to have a good life.
One of the main things we experience on planet Earth is the Body of Christ (us) vs the anti-christ (those that hate Christ).
When I say one is vs the other, I don’t necessarily mean that there has to be some kind of war constantly or that we need to look at life in that way, however, there is a very real reality around this spiritual warfare. Some days we feel it and it’s overwhelming and other days things feel bearable, and even beautiful and wonderful. Whatever it is for you, I’m sure you’re trying to find the highest perspective in order to cope and ultimately overcome.
I trust in the strength of the human spirit above all.
We should all try to heal our trust wound with God and our God wound above all because that’s how we properly source energy and perspective accurately so that we can live the highest timeline possible.
The most important thing we can do here is try to correct our relationship with God so that we are sourced and can reflect God’s Love to others. We will all fall short when it comes to this but as long as we do our best we will be given profound grace, forgiveness and understanding.
God extends profound amounts of grace to those that truly strive to be one with (it) and honestly; even those that don’t. God will go to the ends of the earth to have us with (it), to love us back to wholeness
The anti-christ will ultimately destroy itself.
It’s on the path to a full boomerang effect, where it endures what it has forced others to endure, ultimately until it self-cannibalizes and has no more energy to harvest because it cannot convince another to feed it through deception.
This is a slow process that has been heating up the last few years as people awaken to a relationship with Christ and no longer need to lean on the delusions and lies of the anti-christ. This is a part of natural/universal law. You can only overcome God’s Will for so long until it realigns and creates equilibrium in all things.
This process of the anti-christ facing itself has begun and the result is an overwhelming desire to take as many down with it as possible. We are resourced enough in God to overcome their agenda. The anti-christ serves its base desires and perversions above all else and will do anything to be able to harvest source energy through traumatizing and trying to re-victimize innocent/ignorant beings over and over again creating a misery response that it can use to power itself up. It’s a process in order to clear that from our Lightbody and it’s a given coming to planet Earth that it would happen in various ways through family, belief systems, core wounding, fear and simply the way survival and society are set up. I don’t know many people that have it all together. I find that people who think they’re all good are the ones who need this work the most and those that know and own their issues are actually closer to their true path and their own personal and collective victories.
Portals are an opportunity and yet, every moment is an opportunity to come more into alignment.
Every person wants to be in their Mission and Union and not only surviving but thriving for the most part so that they feel the reflection of their work and the incentive to continue. We all need blessings, miracles and incentives in order to serve life with all that we have. If we get nothing but lash-back and hurt it can make us doubt and question the path we are on. Many of us are willing beyond intense lash-back to serve and that’s a matter of faith and trust beyond what we can see.
We will all be challenged profoundly if we serve the Christ.
We will all carry our cross in our own unique way. If we stop resisting what is, focusing on how others are doing and constantly comparing we actually have an opportunity to ask why things are the way they are for us personally and receive instructions for our personal transformation.
The more we resist and compare, the more we suffer and reject opportunities for alchemization.
For me and my guidance, the Easter portal is about purging the anti-christ. What this means is letting go of perspectives that are not true in God’s eyes, not true in the eyes of our Souls. To perceive ourselves with love and the filter of higher truth. To not be swayed by outside appearances and comparisons but our own set of ordained experiences and question, why? Why is this happening and what can I do now to understand the higher purpose or alleviate the intensity of it.
In Service to the one, Christ- Sophia.
Source is omnipresent and highly empathetic, God does not just lay back and let us suffer without a care or higher reason.
When we decided to come here, we knew what we would be up against, we knew loosely what our human experience would be like, and we made an agreement with a specific set of circumstances and free will that could intervene at any time and change the course of action if we truly want to.
Let’s agree to do what we came here to do and allow the Solar Consciousness of Christ to anchor in our cells so that we can remember our covenant with God and know that we are not here enduring what life is for no reason.
As I said before, life in this way is temporary and pain (as intense as it is) always passes.
We purge layers of where the anti-christ holds us hostage and we evict its hold on us and others as we recognize what it is and its agenda.
If we seek to serve life and serve the sacred, we will see that God continues to incentivize us beyond our human suffering and for a higher purpose.
We will be able to distinguish what is aligned vs what leads us astray and above all, we will learn to stand for God and not stay one foot in one foot out (lukewarm).
We must be willing to take a stand for Christ in order to overcome and face the evil that exists here.
We are representatives of love and truth and are empathetically experiencing what it means to be truly human until we are angelic in nature and resurrecting our Original Soul Signature before there was genetic invasion and persecution in order to sustain those that rejected God.

PS: If this post resonated with you I invite you to join the conversation and leave a comment below.
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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.
Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.
If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.
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