The Divine Union Resurrection of
Akhenaten & Nefertiti
In this Update:
The Divine Union Resurrection of Akhenaten and Nefertiti
Golden Christ Ray Purification & Union Returns to Egyptian Bloodlines
Golden Ray Seraphim Angelic DNA Upgrades
Dark Grid of Truth Suppression Eradicated by Pure Golden Plasma Ray near the California-Arizona Desert
Lash Back through Social Media from Reptilians heats up through next-level Dark Algorithms and Censorship

I want to start by saying that today, we will focus on an incredible victory for the Christ Bloodlines and those of us on the Christ Sophia Return Missions.
I’ve seen a vision of Akhenaten – a Divine Masculine being that held the Christ Oversoul in his incarnation as a benevolent Egyptian Pharaoh who was working with Solar Christ Masculine energy and Emerald/ Ruby Father Arc Codes to heal the Divine Union Template, end child trafficking and adrenochrome harvesting that was occurring underground in pseudo-spiritual male priest circles that were meant to be sacred but were infiltrated by dracos that were perverting the Masculine Consciousness on earth, and beginning to plan their attack on Akhenaten and end his mission to heal the Christ Bloodlines and restore order through Christ Sophia and the return of our true Christ Father.
Basically, Akhenaten was here to bring the truth of the Christ/ Holy Father back, restore spiritual truths by sharing them all over the area and trying to make people aware of the looming, dark, fallen patriarchal father threat that wanted to take over the kingdoms of our earth and actually distort spiritual truth, all while harming the women and children and twisting the men through perversion and temptation to fall in line with their take over and do as they were told in exchange for power.
Since the dracos were victorious and assassinated Akhenaten, we’ve had the most egregious violence towards these sacred bloodlines and the human souls trapped here possible.
They were able to get their hands on Father Arc Templates and Christ Technologies to distort the Egyptian Bloodlines and those of us who are descendants of it by twisting our history and giving us false information, all while terrorizing us with black magic and Horus Ra Entities that have been targeting the men and women connected to the Christ Egyptian bloodline of Akhenaten and his Sophianic counterpart, Nefertiti.
In layman’s terms, they had taken over these timelines connected to the power of the pure Egyptian Kings and Queens which the majority of us have in our Akasha and Family of Origin, therefore, our ancestral or previous incarnations.
Obviously, this would affect us deeply and have a profound impact on the bloodline and trauma associated with it. This has caused us to not have access to the true history and power of these pure Egyptian Ancestors and the continuation of their unfinished missions here.
The Egyptian Timelines are some of the most damaged, distorted and disturbing timelines there are. They are definitely the most hijacked and they are directly linked to the 4th chakra (heart) as well as the lower 4th dimension (the Astral Realm) where they have held many in these heart wounds/ walls (especially the true Emerald Heart of men) by covering up the black magic and using mind control to keep men shut down.
This has all been being sifted through for a while now. Many of us have cleared our trauma in Egypt/Atlantis while others are still working through their heart trauma. Once you work through your heart trauma you are cleared and given back what we call the Golden Ankh Temple Template or Organic Pure Egyptian Timelines that are connected to incredible power from the previous huge souls like Akhenaten who lived it, and buried so much in the earth for us to dig up and start back up again. One of the main templates is the Golden Solar Christ Template and working with masculine Solar Energies in general, which are a huge blessing when truly tapped into.
There is a lot around Egypt and certain returns we have happening now within us
I saw a vision of golden light beaming from Akhenaten’s resting place. I then saw Christ Golden Plasma streaming all throughout the earth grids and annihilate a very dark grid that was all about persecution and deception. It was a stronghold of deception that they’ve had over the collective using black magic to keep people in a very asleep state and fighting for their abusers.
This Christ Plasma just eradicated a very black hub of mass mind control in preparation for the Solar Christ Return that is a massive dose of TRUTH unlike any that’s been able to be received en mass before.
The truth is coming out fast.
It’s moving like fire all around the earth but one of the main areas of stronghold was somewhere in the California desert. I saw this dark hub breaking apart, I saw it crumbling. Then, the scene shifted and I saw a vision of mark zucker berg and his “team” tracking and seeing the numbers of awakened people from their FB algorithm and the alternative media posts being shared – the number scared them.
The number of people awakened and spreading the truth on their platforms (which they have been trying to fact check) was beyond what they ever expected. The number caused major panic, anger and a desire to go super totalitarian to the point of these apps becoming a complete propaganda machine (nothing out of their narrative being allowed).
This was pre-planned long ago, but for them to see it in this way was scary enough for them to plan this whistleblower scheme to call them out for not censoring conspiracy theories enough and exploiting the concept of teenage suicide from Instagram beauty standards and influencer lifestyles. This was the perfect idea, to pay celebrities and others to call them out for endangering people by not cracking down more on conspiracy theories using anti-vaccination fear-mongering and the Jan 6th insurrection (that is the far left media narrative).
They panicked, pulled the switch on all these platforms and uploaded spyware, chaos coding, beast algorithms and are about to go full tyranny knocking out all hints of truth being shared here. In no way was a trillion-dollar company allowing “conspiracy theories” to run rampant for money, they just had not had an intense enough demonic algorithm in place as they had to run previous algorithm experiments and knew they could not just fully get everything off of social media because of the push back. So they are now doing it in stages and we are entering the next stage. Again, this is in response to the Akhenaten Bloodline Returns and the wiping out of one of their most powerful mind control/ propaganda networks.
They feel the Golden Rays of truth eradicating their narratives and deceptions, they see the physical evidence of numbers on their platforms falling away from it and are beginning to see clearly. They are witnessing their own fall, and as they witness it, they go more and more extreme only exposing themselves further. The white hats are not taking their power server yet, I checked in and saw the higher-up dracos/ reps still in control and in the fight so to speak, holding onto what little power they have left around what they own which are the systems of the matrix. Their main one is social and mainstream media. Without them telling us lies 24/7 they would already be done. That’s the last thing keeping them in power over the 37 percent of the world’s population that believes them.
Through this massive return, we are seeing back magic come off the Christ Male and Female Bloodline descendants of Akhenaten and Nefertiti and clearing long term entities, mind control and reversal union imprints out of their ancestral lines and the receiving of incredible magic that had been lost, misplaced and misused to an ancient time. Thank you, God!
The Union Template of Akhenaten and Nefertiti is a Golden Ankh and Golden Serpent with a Golden Sun behind it.
This is being fully received now into all of us, marking another deep layer of Christ Sophia Returns within our DNA and light body. We will be able to once again communicate with Akhenaten and Nefertiti in a pure way and get to receive the profound love and power of their Union and their benevolent love for us to heal us from the curses/ betrayals and deeply painful deceptions that held us in these dark looping patterns from the distortion of our Egyptian connection.
This is holy fire, such truth and such strength. I felt Akhenaten’s presence so strongly writing this.
So much womb healing as well here with him.
Akhenaten was a man anchoring the Hierogamical Union Template and who understood the healing of the Sophianic heart/ womb and the true sacred sexuality of the Masculine and Feminine (serpent/ dove) Technologies that use Golden Plasma to heal all masculine reversals and distortions within the feminine.
He’s working within my field and it feels incredible because it’s such a divine love, witnessing and desire to anchor the true Union and sacred teachings back into us all. I feel I am transmitting it from him to the grids over here as well. You will do the same when you meet him as his energy is returning to break us free of the biggest block we have which is our heart!
The Golden Ray Lines ( Seraphim Angelics) have also been deeply affected by the dark father entities and black magic used to destroy Akhenaten’s Timelines and tomb area. This entombment and suppression of the Divine Masculine and the use of the Golden DNA Template is something that has made the Gold Ray Angelics who are holding primarily masculine energies to deal with major dark attack, DNA hybridization and reptilian encryption.
A lot of the Golden Ray Masculine Seraphim Angels have dealt with powerlessness/ addiction/ trauma: running away from their mission, feeling unworthy and trying to find love in sex. So this will begin healing and activating the 12-Strand Seraphim DNA within all of the Gold Rays to start healing these deep issues within their human self that translated from DNA damage by Horus Ra Entities that work for the Dark Father.
Basically, it’s like I’m seeing the Golden Solar Christ and all who are connected to it going through a profound cleansing and liberation, Unions returning that were blocked from these distortions and major Golden Solar TRUTH knocking out the dark grids holding the most deception.
This is causing a panic. This is causing lash back. It’s definitely intense.
I’m seeing healing through our Right Wing as well. So much there it’s insane.
We are going through this right now and it will continue to blast through us for quite some time.
This is a victory even if the 3D stuff looks like it’s getting worse, it’s actually just a lot of confusion and false power being thrown around.
If this resonates, then I would say you are deeply connected to this and it’s a very good sign for some of the deepest, most locked-in-heart trauma clearing and benevolent Solar King energies returning.
Love You All!

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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.
Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.
If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.
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