The Christ Fields of Provision
There are two things that Highly offend the Creator/ Holy Spirit/ Christ
The first is hurting a child ( desecrating a pure innocent ), it’s just an absolute no and goes against God’s Will and Plan for humanity.
The second, worse, vital and important thing a being can do is to take the concept of God and what is Divine and misrepresent it for one’s own gain. To pervert the Sacred so that you prosper. The consequences will be vast and encompassing. Everything you’ve built off of this faulty foundation will crumble into nothing sooner than later. Everything you’ve preached from this arrogance will be seen in contempt in the court of Divine Justice. Do not do it – if you have a heart and a soul you care about saving.
Life is a gift and that gift should be used to serve life.
Most people serve love regardless of their trauma to the best of their ability. Most people try to serve truth beyond their trauma to the best of their ability. Do that. Do it imperfectly, instead of not doing it at all or making excuses to do it in a lukewarm way.
The Grace of God is beyond comprehension even for those that go against it intentionally, however, that grace will run out if the Holy Spirit (time and time again) tries to win your heart and give you chance after chance and you ignore it and harden your heart to it.
This is what it means to blaspheme the Holy Spirit – to reject every chance God gives you to rehabilitate so that you can hold on to the ashes that will soon slip through your fingers.
This includes spiritual teachings that include wealth and abundance energetics that are unethical and promoting that lifestyle – essentially selling your lifestyle as financial freedom or something that can set another free.
Money in this world, in our bank account, doesn’t equal or equate to our spiritual bank account.
Being spiritually bankrupt and teaching spiritual abundance doesn’t mesh well when it comes to Divine Law. True wealth and abundance encompass the spirit of Christ as the Leader and Giver of all Provision. If we are outside of the Christ Field, we don’t have sustainable Abundance…period. If we are outside of this field selling this idea to people we are in a deficit spiritually. This deficit will then expand into every corner of our spirit and translate faulty and corrupt abundance codes to others that then lead them astray. However, when we align to the spirit of Christ and figure out that that is our provision, we can then transmit that truth to others not only physically but energetically and they will never go without – although they may not have some ridiculous notion of millions of dollars as a saving grace to their inner void and God wound, they will have eternal life and provision that takes care of them and their family.
Shouldn’t this be the goal?
Accumulating resources and money in our bank account may mean that, for now, you can go wherever you want, do whatever you want and give you the power to try to entice other wounded or ignorant people into that temporary solution of “excitement” so that they pay you a ridiculous amount trying to emulate it. However, it does not equal Soul Salvation and what we know heals the void deep down. It gives a bandaid of social media flexing and ego satisfaction to those that feel inadequate as they are, as God created them.
Good luck with that hollow, superficial image when shit hits the fan in our world and people begin reaching to Christ as provision instead of your ridiculous teachings. You will lose half the people that desire that quick fix to feel better or max out their credit card for your course, quickly realizing they made a mistake.
The Christ Field, which is the field of abundance and provision, may not be a ridiculous amount of money, but it is sustainable and manifestable within your needs. You can always count on it and it will never leave you without what you truly need no matter the collective circumstances.
Money and millions secured do not secure soul salvation, redemption and safety in God’s kingdom.
It is a facade. There is always an uneasiness in it. Always something too good to be true. Making your way up the matrix ladder in order to have some temporary ego satisfaction and safety will crumble in the coming years as we come head-to-head with the federal reserve and its banking system. Do not be fooled into giving thousands to a false guru/spiritual leader even if many others are. If you have the guts to continue to preach faulty abundance codes to others through your arrogance you squeeze every ounce of source energy out of your field and begin harvesting them and promoting the soul-harvesting of others by tricking them into a major deception about financial freedom. You are essentially a part of a pyramid scheme that promises everything and yet delivers very little. Don’t get me wrong, those that emulate and fall for this and harm themselves financially/spiritually are just as responsible as the one who teaches it, there wouldn’t be such a market for spiritual narcissism if there wasn’t such a high demand for it, period.
This relationship between the person being exploited and the exploiter are very similar. There is a wound in the one falling for it while there is a wound in the one selling it. Both seek refuge in the material, in the superficial so that they can feel vindicated and say fuck you to anyone who ever doubted them. Okay, innocent enough right? We all go through variations of this. But no, when it goes too far, when many chances are given and nothing changes, there is a loss of merit and integrity that matters when it comes to accessing higher realms. You cannot access higher realms if you cannot energetically make it through the love: truth frequency that it requires in order to ascend and receive more sacred knowledge.
Be mindful of what abundance truly means. It requires devotion to Christ and representing God as authentically as possible while, of course, also having our wounded imperfect aspects.
We are here to be fully human and to transform the human to the Original Angelic Soul template.
This has requirements and boundaries. If uninitiated, harmful spirits who are in service to self were allowed into heavenly realms, they would cause major issues all over the universe. It simply cannot be allowed – how your soul signature impacts others is taken into account with the higher councils of justice that preside over Earth.
I want this to be clear…. your humanness, fallibility and mistakes are all understood as long as there is a recognition and a willingness to see and correct them over time, even if that’s done slowly.
There is no perfect person on a fallen planet and that’s more than okay. However, you can choose not to exploit others over a lifetime through the opportunity of their woundedness and your ridiculous egoic fantasy. If that becomes more important than leading people to God/ Christ/ Sophia, then you will experience consequences. You will experience Divine Justice eventually. You will see a fall in your sales. You will become more desperate in your attempts to live your lifestyle and you will need to rely on more manipulation and harm to sustain your “income”.
With all the changes on the world stage financially (and the paper dollar we all rely on being a creation from an Egyptian curse originally) the fall of the way it works, the unsustainable nature of it and the compromises in the matrix we must all align to, wouldn’t you start to see True Abundance beyond the worship of the dollar and in what makes a soul safe, eternal and trustworthy?
Honor the Christ Field of Provision in all that you do in your heart and you will not only experience miracles, abundance, provision and safety, but you will transmit that to others and be able to live your God-given gifts and mission out to the fullest. Yes, for now, the dollar is relevant for us all, we all seek energy exchange. We need to and that’s okay, do it with your heart, do it with the knowing that it can all be taken in an instant. Do it with the spiritual strength to lose it all and still have your soul. I’m not saying that we should be in fear of losing our money. I’m saying that if we understand the truth around provision and where it truly comes from we can invest our money properly and with actual value. We should trust where our heart and soul say yes as long as the filter of serving the sacred is as important as possible to us.
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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.
Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.
If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.
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Let's Chat!
Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.
Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.
If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.
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KeSyia on May 12, 2023 at 5:12 pm
I NEEDED this message💠 thank you endlessly!
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I NEEDED this message💠 thank you endlessly!