The Cathedral of Sophia
I want to start by saying that sometimes, we all want to give up. Sometimes, we just don’t feel inspired or we wonder if anyone truly cares or sees us.
You’re not alone if you’ve experienced a lot of ups and downs lately.
Oftentimes, we’re in the process of trying to digest our emotions, our life, the past, cellular trauma, transmuting core distortions that have been continuing false timelines that have kept us in a looping cycle etc that we’re now working very hard to break out of.
What I’m saying is that most of us are breaking free from the imprisonment and enslavement of miasma we’ve been assigned to alchemize and until we can go beyond certain experiences, sometimes we must experience them over and over to truly understand the wisdom of why it has been that way and what it means to dissolve and reintegrate these pieces of our soul.
Higher truths that we are an aspect of Source or that in the eternal reality nothing has ever been taken from us are not helpful in this realm unless they are completely authentic and have been reached through an organic process.
“Spiritual” perspectives that diminish real pain that must be witnessed and held no matter how high-level they sound are ultimately harmful if we are not honest about where we’re truly at and what feels relevant to us. It doesn’t matter if, to another, the reptilian interface is irrelevant or they understand a profound 12-dimensional Godhead perspective that invalidates it in their eyes. If that is not yet real for you, I suggest you continue to deeply analyze, feel and understand your story and the details of how and why, so that you can actually actualize Gods’ perspective through negative ego-death, emotional catharsis and the claiming of your victimhood before you release it.
Pain must be felt, claimed and digested before it can fall away for the true template and Source Signature to resurrect within it
Right now, as we face the false self that has been constructed through targeting, soul violation and soul fragmentation we feel all that is not truly ours, that was given to us and forced upon us.
The false self is the aspect of us our higher-self commands. The higher self allows or sets up experiences for true mirroring required for healing. As painful as it can be when we have an authentic mirror wound experience, it is what saves us from continuing on the false self, lower timeline path. Aggressive targeting/abuse and higher-self triggers are different although both are allowed in this reality so that we may feel the depths of sorrow and pain that are intentional here in order to find the map of how to heal it and what works so that we may share that with one another and ultimately humanity itself as well as to understand the futility of rejecting God’s Plan and what is trying to harvest energy to create a timeline for humanity that is far from God’s intention.
My point here is, don’t gaslight yourself away from what you’re feeling, don’t try to feel something higher or better than what’s present or reach a higher perspective without introspection with where you truly are and what you truly feel.
All unpleasant experiences absolutely can be alchemized and shifted through the internal investigation of how we have given our energy to it or what it is trying to take from us. Deep quantum work is as simple as feeling what you don’t want to feel about an aspect of life such as money/ relationships and allowing that pain to show you the decisions you’ve made that have given more energy to that core painful belief or trauma. When we authentically disengage energy from a place we were previously blind to, there is no energy to continue to create that experience. If that means getting away from another person ie: an abuser or false twin it makes sense because we cannot magically change others from our own internal work unless we actually do share a Soul Template with that person. (Hirogamic Union)
A lot is coming up around health right now.
This is quite a war in terms of the truth of our Avatar and how it can heal us of everything and the constant attacks on our health playing out now.
Through this process of digesting my emotions, I have healed chronic gut, liver and thyroid issues that plagued me for years. I’m not telling you what will work for you, but I didn’t even change my diet, I just started processing what I felt and symptoms began to relieve themselves naturally.
I think as these deep blocks clear we naturally make healthier more aligned choices.
I’m not a believer in forcing diet, workout and hardcore physical changes without the internal. t’s torturous, it’s painful and just doesn’t work for most people as well as being present with what is and not constantly seeking external fixes like supplements as that can be another bandaid addiction trap people fall into.
The simplest form of optimal spiritual, emotional and mental health are healing how we relate to our emotional body. I’ve seen people go from healer to healer, supplement to supplement, diet to diet and so on, only to one day just put their hand on their heart and start truly listening and realizing they have everything within them to heal already.
This isn’t a spiritual bypass either – when you’ve been to hell and back with health issues and for 11 years you try everything possible and nothing works until you start feeling and listening to your own emotional body you realize how much bullshit there is out there and how much we put ourselves through trying to find the answer. I was blown away when a symptom I’ve had for years dissolved in one processing session.
Of course, I’m not saying to not do external things. I would just feel into this simple solution and see if it works for you.
God created your body as an Angelic Avatar, there is no reason for your gut to not be able to digest food or heal very quickly from any issue. I know that death programming and beliefs around how we age, how we weaken over time definitely need to be cleaned up – they’re not ours. Bio-weapons and the broadcast of pestilence and sickness is one way that we’ve been weakened and now I feel that being confronted by the Holy Spirit.
How much of their 5G/vahckxene sickness programming do we truly allow to affect us?
Our spiritual authority over them is profound, making us an authority over all inorganic consciousness
That’s something to really deeply feel into. Not to spiritual bypass at all, but I’m starting to see incredible results as I clean out all beliefs around chronic illness, aging, body weakness, death etc.
This is Avatar Consciousness that is becoming more relevant. I won’t talk too much about it now until I’m on the other side of the integration but, I am seeing how simply and easily we were meant to heal and how that is coming online on the other side of the unbelievably tyrannical, genocidal agenda being played out right now. These things are delicate and need a lot of nuances to understand so take your time if you have health stuff and only do what’s best for you.
This morning in meditation I was laughing.
I saw Trudeau shaking in his boots and that he is being blamed by the controllers around the truckers congregating on the sacred Ley Lines. They’re telling him he better fix it. That he better do something, say something or whatever it takes to make it go away.
It’s obvious that he can’t do that and that this wave of push-back we’re all bringing strongly is at an all-time high and they’re feeling it. They’re feeling the light quotient rise, they’re feeling the domino awakening effect, they’re seeing the insane amount of truth being spread on social media and of course, the massive worldwide protests and low vackx numbers they continuously lie about to seem like they’re in control.
At this point, they are showing their true colors and people don’t like it. Even the average person is questioning and asking, “what’s going on here?”
The more they push, the more they self cannibalize and reveal their ulterior motives.
Their narrative is weakening to the point of collapse in the near future and the waves of light and push back are accelerating choice-points and massive awakening events on our collective timeline all throughout March.
We’re seeing massive collapse of the worst timeline for humanity and the anchoring of a much higher one
If you don’t have the majority of souls believing in you and your propaganda you simply cannot harvest enough energy to generate your timeline or even get the ball rolling enough to force it like a hunger games society. There is no forcing it at this point. Without consent or even ignorant consent of at least 75 percent of the population you really don’t have the numbers which means your narrative relies on smoke and mirrors until the final push and all events that have been recorded by space force of the cabal will begin to be released once the consent for this change is high enough.
That’s the whole next story me and Aeleo have covered in detail. I just want to be clear that I’m feeling it more than ever now. It’s truly emotional to feel the number of awakening souls. It’s as if the number is higher than the mind-controlled at this point or on the brink of shifting to that level.
I know the miracles to unfold will blow many people’s minds…. I also know further deception and multiple ET agendas are playing out in the midst of humanities’ ascension. Many forces are trying to pull us in many directions and it is up to us to fully see and know what is of Source and what is not representing Christ on our planet.
We truly are the representatives of Christ on this planet and we are coming to face this battle with the anti-christ. Our power is continuing to unlock and the Miracles within us are beginning to surface through the darkest part of this process where people are still allowing themselves to be told what to do by pedophile, draconian forces that are using them by exploiting their trauma. It’s unbelievably intense and all this, while exciting to feel victorious on some levels, on the other is very hard for the human self to feel the black magic and suffering of souls still in the clutches of these sociopaths.
We are all working so hard to get the most innocent free and we’re doing amazing!
Stay hopeful. It will all pay off soon.
Everyone has their own free will choice and that will culminate into big events and actual physical, worldly manifestations of this progress.
The last thing I want to mention is the Cathedral of Sophia – something so mind-blowing that I was seeing in the field.
I saw a massive 9D Sophianic Cathedral as I connected to the Andromedan Portal.
I saw the angelic architecture and stained window paintings of Sophia in all of her forms.
One of the main forms was Hatshepsut, the female Pharaoh who was trying to stop the patriarchal draco bloodlines from taking over ancient Egypt. She was working underground with other priestesses to try and stop the fallen forces from taking power positions and destroying all of the records of feminine leadership, Sophia embodiment/ resurrection and the Melchizedek female Sophia Bloodlines Covenants that were betrayed and breached around this time.
There was a stealing of her power and a desecration of everything she had built.
I saw a resurgence of this energy through a Sophia Cathedral and I’m receiving lots of the upgrades here – this is the organic template of feminine leadership in Union and also as she was separated from her Union.
It’s so next level. I feel these incredible healings taking place through us and many things through our DNA – the records that were wiped out.
There’s something around Organic Feminine Sophia Leadership and the Egyptian Timelines. It’s a powerful regeneration through the massive White Lyra Heart Network and grid in that area making a Sophianic recovery and sending that back to us.
The Cathedral is massive and emanates the Feminine Christ Lineage Restorations. Many tall white matriarch Lyran beings are supporting this and standing with us now. I feel so much warmth around this and it’s just beginning.
This is also a Cathedral of deep feminine orgasmic healing that I will be training in and bringing forward as well. I’m really excited, so if you’re feeling anything around this as well, now you know why.
Love You All!
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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.
Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.
If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.
Let's Chat!
Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.
Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.
If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.
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