
Completions of very Difficult Soul/Mission Contracts. Emerald Princess of Hawaii Sophianic Returns. Heaven on Earth Grids + Cervix to Crown Activations.

Completions of very Difficult Soul/Mission Contracts. Emerald Princess of Hawaii Sophianic Returns. Heaven on Earth Grids + Cervix to Crown Activations.

Right now is the time to trust in a higher power that can hold the outcome and cause and effect of current choices being made. There is more support and protection in the field than there is demonic energy and we can’t comprehend or understand why certain things seem to be being allowed, we cannot see the full picture yet here so relax, plan and trust to the best of your ability.

Im being shown that some of the most trying, difficult and dense mission contracts taken on by starseeds are being completed by April 1st – 21st, 2021.

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Field Update: Solstice Portal + Mother Arc + Emerald Melchizedek Masculine + White Lyran Matriarchs

Field Update: Solstice Portal + Mother Arc + Emerald Melchizedek Masculine + White Lyran Matriarchs

As I entered into some deep energy work last night in the field, I got a very distinct message around a lot of high level Angelics/ starseeds being stuck in the astral. I heard “there’s a timeline stuck in the astral” its a 3D timeline connected to the power of the true matriarch.

I felt into my solar plexus and could feel the intensity of the power struggle between the fallen ones and the return of the Mother Sophia on earth.

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Every time you fall down, stand back up and claim Christ

Every time you fall down, stand back up and claim Christ

“I (Jesus) have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart, I have overcome the world.”

There are spirits of darkness that hate the light of Sophia and the Holy Spirit. These spirits are raging in people right now.

Spiritual warfare is at an all time high and yet, there is peace and a calm like never before because what God has set forth, no anti-christ force can possibly stop.

This is proven time and time again.

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Channeling: Princess Diana

Channeling: Princess Diana

Imagine being the most threatening force on earth at one time to a legion of demons and you will begin to understand my life.

The unfoldment of events, each one symbolic. Symbolic of the war against the True Royal Bloodlines. The ones who are meant to be leading the masses through purity, grace and the natural ability to inspire hearts.

My angelic team named me the “Queen of Hearts” before I incarnated.

They told me I would be a glimmer of hope in a dark abyss of tyranny.

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