sexual misery

The Feminine Womb is a portal of Creation

The Feminine Womb is a portal of Creation

The womb of the Feminine is a portal of creation that holds the signatures of the Divine Beloved in order to magnetize him into her life when she is fully ready.

When those signatures get mixed up from sexual or emotional interaction with a man that holds Reptilian Genetics (narcissism/sociopathy) and is not in Devotion to her Soul, she can begin cycling in Sexual Misery and Martyrdom with a Fallen Male Archetype, end up feeding his sickness with her sexual energy and thus empowering him to continue to be energized through her Light Essence…

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Field Update: 4:4 Portal. The Angelic Human Resurrection. Christ Lion Solar Plexus Template coming online. Organic Creation Codes abound in the New Earth.

Field Update: 4:4 Portal. The Angelic Human Resurrection. Christ Lion Solar Plexus Template coming online. Organic Creation Codes abound in the New Earth.

As you know, today is about the most incredible being I’ve ever known. The Christ who lives within our hearts and is our primary key to ascension.

Through the last week this has been made very clear to Aeleo who has passed this sacred knowing onto me.

The number one key to the Organic Ascension process is the revelation of Christ in all ways.

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