Self Abandonment

The Spirit of Condemnation and Low Self-Esteem Triggers Coming Up 

The Spirit of Condemnation and Low Self-Esteem Triggers Coming Up 

An eternal/universal truth and gift from Source is our value.

Our innate value and worthiness have nothing to do with how many vacations we go on, how many people like us or our accomplishments in life. Accomplishing what we set out to do on planet Earth is amazing and very rewarding, however, it does not make or break our intrinsic soul value.

We can choose our value in any moment just as we can resist our value in any moment.

Our value as an aspect or fractal of Source cannot be negotiated or changed at any time…

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Self-Abandonment and Reversal Empathy

Self-Abandonment and Reversal Empathy

Someone asks you to do something or for something…

For whatever reason, your gut says no, your intuition kicks in and subtly tells you, “that doesn’t feel aligned”, or “no, you’re too tired, please prioritize your rest” or “no, I don’t trust that person.”

You feel this feeling but decide to bypass it out of guilt, obligation or a feeling that if you say no you will have to feel the tension of that person’s disappointment so you fake being nice and say yes even though deep down you kind of start dreading whatever it is you’ve agreed to.

You do the thing you agreed to even though you didn’t want to and then, something happens that makes you start to regret the yes…

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