Reptilian Consciousness

Collapsing the Reptilian Interface

Collapsing the Reptilian Interface

We were all born with Divine Authority over darkness.

We would be completely unfazed by dark forces if we didn’t decide to take on personal/ collective and ancestral wounds/blindspots that give them consent to attack us until we become conscious of the wounds and heal them.

This means that as we actually reintegrate our Soul and heal all soul fragmentation, we will deal with less personal attack and become truly sovereign through Natural Law.

As we come up to the timeline of 2022-2024 (which is when everything’s going to come out) we are being pushed to face 2 main things…

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Purging from the Male Christ Lines Reawakening

Purging from the Male Christ Lines Reawakening

The masculine has been tortured by severe Reptilian Consciousness for thousands of years.

We must hold the Eternal Love of God, the Blue Fame of Sophia in our heart for them right now, that they may be liberated and have their full Return to serving the Christ.

I’m feeling and seeing the depth of pain and oppression in the collective heart of the True Masculine and his organic function today.

His Wings have been cut off and his Heart and Sacral split so that he can’t fully align to his inner and outer Union…

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