Lyran Matriarchs

Sophia Return through Peach Rose Template (Bridget) Oracle of Avalon Grail Queen Lineage

Sophia Return through Peach Rose Template (Bridget) Oracle of Avalon Grail Queen Lineage

We are in the midst of a massive Sophia Return this month (August), working through the Halls of Lyra and gifted through the Peach Rose Template that originates from Source as the template and signature/architecture of the Bride of Christ.

We can feel the color codes of peach and rose gold rising through the image of the Leo/Lyran matriarchs. I can sense a group of Lyran Matriarchs working closely in the Halls of Amenti to expand our access points around the Akasha for ourselves and others as it feels aligned and resonant. We will be able to access more files and records as we initiate through these fields that are very difficult and require a lot of core/seed fear uprooting and processing…

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Field Update: Solstice Portal + Mother Arc + Emerald Melchizedek Masculine + White Lyran Matriarchs

Field Update: Solstice Portal + Mother Arc + Emerald Melchizedek Masculine + White Lyran Matriarchs

As I entered into some deep energy work last night in the field, I got a very distinct message around a lot of high level Angelics/ starseeds being stuck in the astral. I heard “there’s a timeline stuck in the astral” its a 3D timeline connected to the power of the true matriarch.

I felt into my solar plexus and could feel the intensity of the power struggle between the fallen ones and the return of the Mother Sophia on earth.

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Field Update: Isis Rainbow Wing Template Returns. Diamond Heart Sophia Networks Overriding Lilith. Overcompensation Clearing.

Field Update: Isis Rainbow Wing Template Returns. Diamond Heart Sophia Networks Overriding Lilith. Overcompensation Clearing.

We’re so close to the solstice and I’ve never seen New Earth energy pouring in like this.

We truly are living in a higher dimension at this point, we have allocated so much of our essence over to the Organic Timeline and I can see it so clearly, it brings me a feeling of awe seeing the colors, the effervescent pastel New Earth Temples and Grids.

We are more locked into 5D then ever right now and extracting the last aspects of our energy from the matrix.

You will start to see the matrix for what it is, more then ever before.

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