Grail Queen

Blue Faerie Guides Support Return to Eternal LifeStream

Blue Faerie Guides Support Return to Eternal LifeStream

As we return to Eternal Life through full reliance on God’s sustenance, we anchor the new earth and begin to align to victory over the inorganic timelines.

It’s interesting what I’m seeing. It’s like a breakdown of Luciferian, reversal serpent energies that have been feeding on the root/ sacral.

Joan of arc is a Grail Queen and a part of the Sophia Christ incarnation line and I’m feeling the devotional aspect Is what she’s highlighting in the field for us all. We’re being shown to fully reconnect through devotion with the Creator and as we do this, luciferian reversals that have been in control of some of these grids we’re all working on are collapsing and there’s these Diamond Faerie Devotional/ Eternal Life Streams that are just enveloping us…

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Channeling: Princess Diana

Channeling: Princess Diana

Imagine being the most threatening force on earth at one time to a legion of demons and you will begin to understand my life.

The unfoldment of events, each one symbolic. Symbolic of the war against the True Royal Bloodlines. The ones who are meant to be leading the masses through purity, grace and the natural ability to inspire hearts.

My angelic team named me the “Queen of Hearts” before I incarnated.

They told me I would be a glimmer of hope in a dark abyss of tyranny.

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