Emily Sarah Christ

Choice Point & Timeline Shift

I can feel some choice point energy in the field right now as ancient trauma curse patterns are coming up for transmutation.

We can either repeat a cycle or choose to change it. Respond by surrendering to the core pain we have done everything to run from and deeply alchemizing via compassionate witnessing and presence.

This is breaking a massive curse that has…

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Timeline Choice Points and Curse Breaking

Timeline Choice Points and Curse Breaking

In this VideoCurse breaking and how to break a curse Timeline choice points to clear ancient archonic strongholds  Infections via Sophianic Template clearing Love You All!Did This Resonate With You?Subscribe to our newsletter below to receive the latest field updates,...

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Diana VS Dark Mother. The Crown Timelines Healing

Diana VS Dark Mother. The Crown Timelines Healing

In this VideoDiana VS Dark Mother (The Crown) Timelines Healing Boundaries and self-worth, not self-sacrificing Eclipse energy, tension rising Spiritual bubble mentality Spiritual Maturity The Little Mermaid Love You All!Did This Resonate With You?Subscribe to our...

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Dark Mother, Betrayal Wounding and Female Friendships

Dark Mother, Betrayal Wounding and Female Friendships

In this VideoBetrayal Wounding and female-to-female friendships Dark Mother and Fallen Feminine Energetics Wounds around Sophia and Lilith reversals to solar light Corrupt feminine projections Jealousy and envy and how to heal the wound Love You All!Did This Resonate...

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