Divine Masculine

Collective Divine Masculine Update

Collective Divine Masculine Update

In this VideoCollective Divine Masculine Update: Organic Shiva Codes returned through power center and sacral that were hijacked by enki and polyamorous guru/messiah complex in male Starseeds  Sapphire Holy Father God World Codes  (This has been a massive block for...

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Waves of Transformative Ecstasy Moves Through True Masculine Presence

Waves of Transformative Ecstasy Moves Through True Masculine Presence

Many claim that they want a truly present man. A man who is in tune emotionally, spiritually and telepathically with them, who sees them in places unseen and touches them in places untouched.

I also have wanted this and after having now lived 4 and a half years with the experience of it, would like to share the fantasy of this vs the reality from my own gnosis and lived experience.

I probably have lived and been the definition of a “wounded healer”. My wounds upon entering Union were cavernous and my father wound was profound…

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Ruby Grail Line Return for the Masculine Christ Bloodlines

Ruby Grail Line Return for the Masculine Christ Bloodlines

I know a tall Shaman on the Ruby Christ Masculine Bloodline called “White Navajo” from my Gridwork and Divine Union work and have worked closely with him through the 2020 Solstice Portal.

I was so happy to see him again. He told me that there is a Ruby Grail Line Return for the Masculine Christ Bloodlines.

His body emanated with Rainbow Electric Fractals and I could feel the surge of the prophecy of the mass awakening coming in the blood and memory for the Ruby Grail 12-Strand DNA Template Holders.

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Purging from the Male Christ Lines Reawakening

Purging from the Male Christ Lines Reawakening

The masculine has been tortured by severe Reptilian Consciousness for thousands of years.

We must hold the Eternal Love of God, the Blue Fame of Sophia in our heart for them right now, that they may be liberated and have their full Return to serving the Christ.

I’m feeling and seeing the depth of pain and oppression in the collective heart of the True Masculine and his organic function today.

His Wings have been cut off and his Heart and Sacral split so that he can’t fully align to his inner and outer Union…

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