Choice Point

Choice Point & Timeline Shift

I can feel some choice point energy in the field right now as ancient trauma curse patterns are coming up for transmutation.

We can either repeat a cycle or choose to change it. Respond by surrendering to the core pain we have done everything to run from and deeply alchemizing via compassionate witnessing and presence.

This is breaking a massive curse that has…

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Transmission: An Ultimate Choice Point

Transmission: An Ultimate Choice Point

God has been pushing us through an inner transformation beyond anything before. Since Christmas it’s been unreal. We’ve been in a cocoon/ pressure cooker. We’re being faced with the choice to work for the divine and Gods will FOREAL or to serve ourselves and what we want.

God is asking us right now

Who is your master? Is it the world and opinions of others? Is it money likes and attention? Or is it me and your true mission?

This is an ultimate choice point.

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Field Update: The Courage to Love + Organic Timeline Choice Point + Crystal Clarity

Field Update: The Courage to Love + Organic Timeline Choice Point + Crystal Clarity

Jesus said to him, “Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God.” Luke 9:60

This quote was spoken to me twice in 24 hours by different people. One of them was my mom, the other one was a guy on my Facebook Live, totally unaware of each other, but in response to the same “issue”, I had been facing.

I felt God directly speaking to me through this scripture.

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