Black Cube

The True Holy Father & Clearing the False Father

The True Holy Father & Clearing the False Father

The false father is more than an archetype on this planet, it’s a spirit, a very dark, inverted consciousness. We can call this spirit Yahweh, Jehovah, the matrix, dark masculine, fallen father. There are many names and aspects to this spirit. Essentially, it’s a misogynistic, misandrist, dominating, punishing, patriarchal field of energy. When we look at the architecture of this field we can see the black cube or the cube of Saturn. It has every aspect of an abusive father who is harsh, cold, desires worship and utter submission and is very judgmental to anyone who dares to break out of its dogmatic barriers. Men who embody this spirit instead of the spirit of the Holy Father or the Christos/Melchizedek consciousness usually desire worldly power and wealth, they desire to work their way up the matrix system and they love the power afforded to them by this system…

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