Ascension Oracle

Extraterrestrial Contact and 7D New Earth Anchoring

Extraterrestrial Contact and 7D New Earth Anchoring

Extraterrestrial Contact and 7DNew Earth AnchoringIn This Video:Extraterrestrial Contact and 7D New Earth Anchoring Canaanite Bloodlines and Vahckscene Solstice Portal Theme and other updatesLove You All!PS: If this video resonated with you I invite you to join the...

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7D Future Timeline New Earth Update From Arcturus

7D Future Timeline New Earth Update From Arcturus

I’m in amazement at the level of intervention and support from the multiverse coming through for us now.

Recently, I spoke to my Arcturian Council Team who showed me that they’re working in the somewhat near future where earth’s 7-Dimensional Timeline exists. They’re sending the future 7th Dimensional Ascended Earth Records to us now so that we may accelerate a massive push towards the destruction of the black Sun draco timeline that is currently running omicron death seals and being more imaginative than ever with their tyranny and constant dark attack towards awakening Angelics and starseeds to try and block us from receiving and anchoring 7D timeline updates…

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Holy Grail Chalice of Jesus and the Womb of Mary Magdalene

Holy Grail Chalice of Jesus and the Womb of Mary Magdalene

Please remember that the blood of Christ has nothing to do with sacrifice and everything to do with the Rainbow Christos 12 Ray Elixir that can clear trauma like it never happened or ever existed.

This essence is stored in the Chalice Grail that Jesus carried with him in his physical incarnation as the Christ in the biblical timeline – this was taken and buried in the Earth and is now being activated near the Glastonbury grid in the UK as King Arthur continues his light body restoration.

This is pulsing back to life and this morning I saw a Golden Chalice in my womb. I traced it and saw the womb of Magdalene and then I saw it buried in the Earth ( the chalice). I saw Rainbow Christos Rays and the Christ emanating it through his body and eyes…

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The Divine Union Resurrection of Akhenaten and Nefertiti

The Divine Union Resurrection of Akhenaten and Nefertiti

I’ve seen a vision of Akhenaten – a Divine Masculine being that held the Christ Oversoul in his incarnation as an benevolent Egyptian Pharaoh who was working with Solar Christ Masculine energy and Emerald/ Ruby Father Arc Codes to heal the Divine Union Template, end child trafficking and adrenochrome harvesting that was occurring underground in pseudo-spiritual male priest circles that were meant to be sacred but were infiltrated by dracos that were perverting the Masculine Consciousness on earth, and beginning to plan their attack on Akhenaten and end his mission to heal the Christ Bloodlines and restore order through Christ Sophia and the return of our true Christ Father.

Basically, Akhenaten was here to bring the truth of the Christ/ Holy Father back, restore spiritual truths by sharing them all over the area…

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