
Golden Ra Hathor Lyran Priestess Lineage via Jesus Christ Timeline Activation

Golden Ra Hathor Lyran Priestess Lineage via Jesus Christ Timeline Activation

As I was laying in bed last night trying to fall asleep, a profound vision came through

I was brought to Egypt and saw the Hathor Temple of Dendera, light filling it completely. I was then shown the Nile, the water also alive, brimming with the essence of the Holy Spirit.

The vision felt like liquid morphine in my cells. I knew that this was in the past and that I was timeline jumping. I saw Jesus Christ, unmistakably. His long brown hair and molten amber eyes. I had known about his journey through the Silk Road, that he had spent time in Egypt learning and had seen bits and pieces of what that entailed but this vision was related to something deeper and more profound…

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Amrita Womb Template, Maui and Unmet Needs

Amrita Womb Template, Maui and Unmet Needs

Amrita Womb Template, Maui and Unmet NeedsIn this VideoAmrita Template in Womb linked in with Breeding Programs and Womb Harvesting Timelines Maui fire devastation and current lashback in the fields - why does God allow it?  Unmet needs as a core theme of trigger and...

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Shakti Goddess Energy: The Crystal Seed Amrita Nectar Frequency

Shakti Goddess Energy: The Crystal Seed Amrita Nectar Frequency

I was thinking about my daughter today. Her aura and energy signature. It’s like a aeon of light in her tiny body. It reminds me of a fairy or some kind or Goddess Template she’s holding that has a mystical feel to it.

As I was pondering her origins and purpose, I was struck with the feeling of the Female God Code or Feminine God Essence that rolls off of her in waves and noticed that I had never fully been present to this before now.

The reason why it struck me so strongly was because I had felt triggered earlier today and hormonally off. I felt an underlying annoyance and irritation in my energy that I couldn’t shake…

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