Soul Bankruptcy and Spiritual Entrepreneurship


Some have severely compromised their souls to be spiritual entrepreneurs and the cracks are beginning to show. 

They have not built their lives on God, and as a result, when the true Light of Christ begins to rise, their faulty, deficient foundations are beginning to crumble. Many are jumping ship without having a true heart change because they’re realizing there is an evolution that is occurring that no longer calls people to make investments based on a curated image via the so-called abundant and “financially free” lifestyle they’re selling. No person, lifestyle or accumulation of material wealth can give true freedom. Only a relationship with the Christ can give or promise true sovereignty on a soul level, eternally. 

Selling freedom through resource accretion and branding MLMs is actually becoming a soulless process unless one is doing it within right relationship to God’s Will for their life and via true integrity and care for others. Meaning yes, we live on a planet where the architecture has been inverted, therefore, we all have to make compromises to live on a planet that has been run by anti christ forces and in the process of being redeemed, nobody is beyond having to do certain things that don’t feel amazing to survive here, but the level of spiritual bankruptcy that’s been occurring is way beyond those unfortunate and innocent compromises one must make. 

It’s truly ‘wolf in sheep’s clothing’ vibes and the essence of false light. 

It’s truly sinister in some ways how far many have fallen from the logos and God’s intention for their life by chasing a high of money and sales. Although I’m not a spiritual entrepreneur and I don’t run a spiritual business, I’ve helped 100s of women out of the purgatory realms of trying to become ‘financially free’ through defective marketing promises and back into their true Soul Mission Template that links them to their true Abundance Codex as well as direct provision from the Creator. 

The only way to have truly stable provision is to build on the ‘Law of Structure’ which is the Tree of Life Template Source uses to build organically through love and truth ( Christ-Sophia). 

Fallen forces use the inverted tree of life (the Qliphoth) which utilizes the Saturnian black cube (matrix, money, anti-humanity) as a system to lock us into enslavement to an obsession with material wealth and power based on “having it all” at the cost of little pieces of your Soul until your actual spiritual bank account is empty. It’s scary how this Saturnian black cube has had a beautiful brand and image slapped on it and is called being a spiritual entrepreneur. Every person that puts others’ lifestyles on a pedestal and then gives their savings and/or puts it all on a credit card ends up learning harsh, painful lessons around trying to fit into the black cube when God deeply desires us to break those systems and boxes down and not chase the high of vacations, houses and cars as if they’re going to fill the void within us that only God can fill. 

Trying to fill the void by amassing more, more, more is utterly, spiritually exhausting and while you may get a temporary high, you also get stuck on the new-age hamster wheel of trying to find the next thing to fill the void when a relationship with God is the only way to gain peace and true abundance. 

I’m not saying that being impoverished is holy or somehow makes you a better person, it’s very clear that poverty is a manufactured problem on such an unbelievably abundant planet and that it is intentional for misery and energy harvesting via fallen consciousness. Poverty is used to control and also force people into soul-compromising conditions in order to simply survive and is just as evil. Poverty also powers up the black cube system. 

It’s just incredible witnessing all the people changing the way they speak, act and sell because they realize the old way isn’t working as well anymore – people are waking up to the deceptions and no longer demanding such a high market for those who would take advantage of them. It’s very clear that without such high demand, spiritual narcissists would not be so successful. Those who empower the wolves in sheep’s clothing and the ones who harm via personal self-gain at any cost have a profound lesson to learn and I believe these systems exist so that many can initiate into discernment and run back to a relationship with God and out of the spider web of the astral realm of spiritual deception. 

Those who were at the top selling lies and now calling out the coaching industry or changing their language to appeal to those who have had the true heart change are only doing it because the old way no longer works. I’m not saying all of them, I’m saying it’s making me cringe to watch people change once the money and clients started drying up. There are those of us in this realm who never manipulated for self-gain or sold our soul for money or power watching this all go down and seeing through it. Those are the people God is wanting to bless and lift up, the ones who have kept it real from the jump and done their best to truly serve, not just take. 

The ones that have succeeded off of the deception of “you can have it all” need to truly look at the damage done, have a true heart change and own anything they have done that wasn’t in alignment with representing true spirituality and what it means to serve God through business or through healing. 

It’s definitely okay to have energy exchange for the work you offer and it’s definitely okay to have a business, many different celestial genetic lineages are particularly gifted in those areas actually. It’s not about demonizing money or financial empowerment. It’s truly about looking at what’s been behind the monster of harvesting others resources, utilizing and perverting sacred concepts and twisting them to save your own skin and make sure you become a millionaire knowing damn well that the majority of people will fund that lifestyle for you while getting burned when they realize that first of all, it’s an illusion, and second of all, there is no true source code in what they bought into. 

They are definitely personally responsible for chasing that lifestyle and trying to sell it to others, but I see many who have been broke and broken for so long when it comes to trying to build a lifestyle where they don’t have to stress so much falling into the traps and luckily finding their way out. Those who exploited others to the last minute and are now acting like they haven’t or have changed their entire brand/image to appeal to the more authentic crowd should definitely do some soul-searching because an identity change and heart change are two very different things. 

To those who have not succeeded yet because they refused to sell their soul and never needed to because they’ve trusted God and stuck with their organic coding will be blessed, will rise, and will be taken care of in ways they hadn’t imagined. That’s what money is about – it’s about having enough, not an excess at all times. I always pray to have enough for me and my family, my intention is just to always have what’s needed and through keeping true to myself and God and truly giving my life to the Christ, I have experienced profound miracles and profound trials and tribulations/persecution for it. It’s interesting how the ones who have judged and persecuted us and benefited the most off of the way things were when the black cube was the most powerful will be the most humbled in the times to come. 

Of course, this isn’t a post of condemnation or judgment, just an astute observation. I pray all find the truth and I truly believe all can be redeemed in the eyes of God. 

It’s just a way of saying that people will start seeing through the facade no matter how appealing it appears to be if it’s lacking the true essence of service to others. If you haven’t made a true heart/soul shift and begun truly honoring God in your work then what you have built is built on sand and will fall apart as the burification and Christ Light rises, even if you change the appearance. Some need a complete overhaul and a complete rebuilding within alignment to God’s Universal Laws. 

This all goes so deep and there are many layers and kingpin false ascension beings behind how and why this has been and succeeded for so long, but it’s very clear that the change is here and many waited on the sidelines wanting and thoroughly working on themselves so that they could bring the true codes with as little harm as possible to others while also being able to take care of themselves. If that’s you, then I truly commend you as it has been so brutal out here and we’ve had to face/digest so much in order to bring the spirit of Christ-Sophia back to this planet.  

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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.

Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.

If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.



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