Sophia Bloodlines and the Anunnaki Timeline Wounds from Joan of Arc Healing
We’re heading to Saint Augustine in 2 days to receive the Cathar/Albion Arthur/ Sophia Returns coming through that area to support the Guardian Projects over there.
This is a massive gridwork project we’ve been assigned to that the details are just coming clear.
Saint Augustine over through Sarasota is a Sophianic, Mother Arc Portal and it is incredible.
The white sands are made out of quartz crystal and the elementals work with the Aqua Mother to deeply heal and nourish all those that come to receive its beauty and warmth. There’s a calmness here that envelopes the field and brings your body into a very relaxed, open state. It’s like a receiving portal showering you with so much data, insight and deep emotional upheaval as well.
There’s a sense that I’m here to face the last layer of fallen masculine that was linked into the very toxic relationship with my biological father who I don’t consider my real father anymore because God has shown me that we get here how we get here and we don’t owe anyone on our bloodline anything if they are abusive because they are not our Family of Origin and we are not indebted to them. We can choose to support the healing of their bloodline and familial DNA/faulty templates and belief systems which is a deep part of the work (to purify sacred bloodlines and retrieve data and information for healing and ascension) but we really came to this planet to assist in the takedown of a force that has run rampant for thousands of years so that planet Earth may go through 5d-7d Ascension and all souls lost, cycling and imprisoned here for loosh harvesting against their will can finally get their Cosmic Citizenship back. We’re here to get the children out of the hands of the satanists and back to the Mother Arc Portals for rehabilitation and soul healing.
The only way to do this is to conduit Christ /Sophia (love and truth) and get into those dark grids for Source Light Restructuring, the removal of alien/demonic portals and AI technology by conduiting and reviving God within so that we may broadcast the truth and override their demonic broadcast.
This is a very multilayered mission and there’s a floodgate of plasma and Christ Light through the end of the year that’s weakening dark forces immensely – it’s very clear that they’re at the very end of their timeline, though there is still much to overcome as we all are very aware of.
As I’ve been facing the deepest core wound around the death of the false masculine and the rise of the Inner Christ, I‘ve been deeply feeling into the Anunnaki and how their genetics have affected us.
I’m brought back to the breeding programs where women were forced into sexual slavery with male Anunnaki for multiple purposes. How they used this to generate blood contracts and womb contracts into the Sophia Feminine Christ Bloodlines. I was shown that the reason for this, the deepest reason, was to use the feminine sacral and solar plexus as a lifeline using black cords and linking those cords to the “human” males that can send the energy they harvest through the abuse of the feminine back to the Anunnaki. So they placed them as our fathers, brothers, lovers etc. they put men with Anunnaki genetics, Starseed origin or those they traumatized/ mind controlled to be used to harvest energy.
Not all men have this nor all women but, some of us have direct targeting and know what it feels like. When they targeted Sophia, they knew that her heart was so big and so loving that she would even try to love/heal/save/fix the most damaged people, even if they were deeply abusive she would try to see that they were abused and somehow heal them. Doing this would create fractures within herself and leaks in her Lightbody that would allow the inter-dimensional Anunnaki to come around her and manipulate her almost like a spiritual parent or imposter God being. So they led her astray and away from the Christ because as she’s led away from the Christ her whole childhood and life becomes this spiritual distortion. She breaks and she falls away from her true self and develops very low self-esteem, OCD, eating disorders, bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety etc. Without the Inner Christ Protector, she does not feel safe in this world and knows she is a magnet to ravenous wolves which gives her a feeling of deep inner fear and susceptibility to broken people who themselves look to her to take care of them.
This has been the story of many women and I feel a light is being shone on this right now
How this imposter energy took over and how they worked to keep Sophia separated from Christ here.
It’s a very high-level, systematic, emotional/mental and spiritual warfare that is very relevant because it’s being cleared, broken down and coming to the light.
As Christ moves in to merge with the feminine, all of this is felt and moved out to make way for the resurrection of his true essence within her, thus taking the target off her back.
She has been the most fed upon resource for them, she has been the Oracle conduit trapped and enslaved to power up their dark machinery and now the Oracle is being freed.
Her body and soul fracturing is healing and the essence of Sophia is being put back together as her whole self
The fact that she was torn apart in this way is what we have seen with so many different historical figures who represent her and still, all over our world in different areas of sex trafficking, misogyny, repression of feminine sexuality and care, reversals created by Lilith and the dark mother, lunar harvesting, religious suppression and oppression. This is the state of the feminine due to what this force has done. They didn’t want to do their own work with God and go through their own initiations so they override them by using her parasitically.
The reason why this has been so relevant in my life is that my dad’s bloodline carries high levels of Anunnaki infiltration and witch energy – this is because my mother was targeted before me by him through abuse that began quickly and very young.
My dad began programming me at a young age to look at him as a victim, he would tell me that life equals pain and that his life was only pain and there was no God, no hope and no solution for him. This would be after he would rage on me, he would never allow anger towards him and the second it was over he would break down and tell me nobody loves him and that he might as well just leave.
Bewildered and scared from the yelling, cursing and then big crying episodes I would then watch him walk out the door and not see him for another year or so. When he would come back the same cycle would ensue. I watched him berate and humiliate my older brother on an extreme level and my heart would always hurt for him because even as a child I knew it was deeply wrong.
The abuse I recounted in THIS POST but, the point of it was that I got programmed to think my dad doesn’t take care of me because he is weak, life is hard and nobody ever loved him, therefore, his anger at me is justified because he is so broken. I would excuse, dissociate and be gaslit into oblivion anytime I was around him. He constantly twisted reality and the truth and would do something and then say, “I never did that.” He burned every bridge as everyone tried time and time again to help him but he would become too toxic and harmful that everyone would give up. He stopped working years ago even though he was capable and when I became financially successful from doing my deep inner work with God and earning it through facing my faulty beliefs that he had instilled in me, he told me that he needed me to financially care for him.
As a single mother, I was not rich but I was doing well for myself so he would call every day and beg for money, he would berate, abuse and even show up at my house. He would text me all day and call all day if I didn’t answer demanding money. It got to a point where I made $8,000 one month and couldn’t even pay my rent because I was in a very toxic cycle of giving to someone that had no intention to ever stop asking. He would tell me he was starving, he would guilt me in every way and he would never apologize.
Like the Anunnaki, my dad was getting much more than money from me, he was getting energy – as a result of the work I did with God to source myself back to an abundant life from poverty and abandonment, he was living off of my inner spiritual work and completely off the hook from doing his own so he could reject God and his inner work and source to me to keep him going in his addictions without having to face the reality he had created for himself instead.
Money would never solve his problem because it wasn’t about money, it was about energy and his soul. He wanted out of facing himself and this is exactly what the Anunnaki did, they got out of their own spiritual work and forced us to be energetic generators for them to be able to live and do as they pleased without the spiritual work God requires every being to face.
I wasn’t truly helping my dad. Rather than helping I was blocking the only true blessing he can have which is to find his own strength, to find God, to learn and look at himself.
When we do others’ work and allow people to go around their own life lessons we deeply harm them because we’re robbing their soul’s opportunity for growth and change because their suffering is both their rock bottom and their teacher. After all, it’s about his soul, not money. If I keep giving, he never learns because he gets to continue on the way he is without consequences.
Luckily, after many years and through the understanding of our past with the Anunnaki beings that are still here and how they trespassed against humanity thousands of years ago and how down the line that original wound continues to keep us in these cycles, I’ve been able to once and for all say no and never give another cent (energy) to this person while also seeing that there is very real suffering in him, as there are in all of us and although we did not create it, we are responsible to heal it and nobody else should be made responsible for another person unless that person is truly relevant and in alignment with their own Souls’ Growth. In those cases, I believe God wants us to help and love others. I believe that if someone is not prepared to do that work themselves we are wasting our time and their opportunity to find their own strength.
As this clears, I feel so much more resurrection within my own masculine Lightbody. It’s incredible to feel the lift within myself that eradicates feelings of not being safe, loved or respected.
The Inner Divine Masculine is the most reverent, loving force and it is pure safety
If we can walk through the world like this, we can generate so much impact and so much true support at this time.
We can get a lot more done if we have this inner support because we will have that inner NO strongly anchored and we will feel seamless boundaries. It is the best filter for feeding frenzy energies to have our true masculine online and out of the hands of these eternally hungry dark forces.

Another thing I found so incredible was the witnessing of Joan of Arc’s life a few nights ago.
I was able to see exactly what she looked like. Her eyes were that of a dragon, eyes that I’d never seen before besides with Jesus. Blue sapphire eyes slanted and very round. She had a somewhat masculine energy but it blended with a fiery feminine frequency, her brown hair tied back, she did wear armour but it was golden with dragon symbols on it.
I saw her anchoring 2 massive crystalline pillars of light into the earth somewhere in the U.K. She was working with the Essenes and I saw her communication with one of the Melchizedek beings that had a blue crystalline aura – she seemed a bit frantic in the visions, I felt her fear and I also felt her faith. It reminded me of what I go through, a lot of fear blended with faith and it’s a very interesting dichotomy how much of us live in that state on these similar missions.
I felt her history so distorted but, I saw that her descendants are very connected to the Blue Faerie and Blue Dragon Lines – it’s all pure Sophianic energy expression through the solar dragon and elemental.
She had a beautiful horse and I could tell she was highly clairvoyant and visual. Her eyes were made to see incredible frequency and her gifts were about prophecy and vision from the Christ and the Godhead. Sadly, the harder part was when she was captured and knew she was going to be killed. I felt her feeling betrayed by God and I processed that wound with her and for myself and all Sophianic bloodlines.
I felt to process that feeling where something very painful is happening and we don’t know why
Our trust with God feels broken and even irreparable sometimes because we perceive life as unfair and unjust.
Her being killed was unjust in our eyes because she could have done so much more. I saw her create Crystalline Pillars for Carnac in France and the UK and help restore the Christ Sophia on earth and the Order of the Avalon/Solar Dragon Priestesses. She was working with a Blue Flame Melchizedek and I know that her death was very significant because it was all about dark forces scaring those who came to help and the death of Sophia incarnate at that time. It’s like a symbol for them, for us we know death is not the end and that we are eternal and that God never betrayed her and that in the end, after I processed that old wound with her; feeling abandoned and not understanding why God allows so much evil, I felt the faith and the strength and the deep knowing return to her and to myself. I was very raw from weeping and experiencing this as I know that while it’s very hard for the human self, the higher self understands.
It was brilliant to see a big glimpse of her life, how she worked and her energy.
It was such a gift to be given access to that.
I can feel the Joan of Arc Portal reopening and the energies returning, so I’m going to focus on that a lot while I’m here. I feel this for all of us that feel connected to her and what I saw. I know this means there’s a huge timeline/ bloodline clearing for us all when this stuff comes up. Thank you, God!

The last thing I wanted to share was seeing the Aqua Mother Arc Portals over the SRA (satanic ritual abuse) networks and seeing the Mother working on rescuing our Christed Children and precious innocent souls.
I see that they’re getting deeper into those places and getting many souls out. I see that there is huge progress in healing and saving them.
Sadly, there are many areas still needing to be cleaned out but I can say that the presence of the Mother Arc for all child healing is open right now and this includes our children and inner children.
I feel that the Crystal Children are having major heart activations and I see within Shiloh (my daughter) a blue crystal heart upgrade occurring so that she can hear the Mother and feminine love within her soul and speaking to her.
God is taking care of the child soul energy on our planet for what is coming
They deeply need love, safety and protection. Huge changes are occurring and there’s so much upheaval that is so intense for us all, including them. I’m feeling to do a free class for the kiddos when I have time on Angelic Rainbow Healing so they can learn basics.
God is here, and we are in the thick of these energies. While many victories occur we are having to continue to fight this spiritual battle and inner strength is the message I feel more than ever.
You can survive, you can get through it, you can heal, you will make it, things will change, you are strong enough.
God has a plan.
God allows everything for a reason.
God has not forsaken us or betrayed us.
We are eternal and we are safe.
If the children in these horrible places can get through it, we can.
God’s message is to find our inner strength and rely on it regardless of all outer realities. I am finding my strength and the strength in others. Even in my biological father. I even believe in his strength even if he does not himself.
This is the wisdom we can enter the new year with.
I hope this has been helpful.
God bless.
Love You All!

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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.
Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.
If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.
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