Reclaiming the Solar Sophia Energies and Original Moon Templates from the Garden of Eden
In this Update:
Purging dark spirits from Biological Mother Bloodlines
Dropping karmic load and debt
Purgatory fields dropping around the heart
Reclaiming the Solar Sophia energies and Original Moon Templates from the Garden of Eden

Our Galactic Star Teams are allowing so much to come up to the surface.
They told me they’re sending so much through our dreams and sleep realm to help us process these layers of miasma, dark mother and so on. I’ve been sleeping so much, waking up to cry a bit and process a core wound around when I was pregnant at 22, the level of reptilian interference, attack and so many things wanting to come in to destroy Sophia, destroy Christ and how this targeting got me feeling like I did something to deserve it.
God wanted me (and wants all of us to get in touch) with my/our authentic innocence recently – who we were before we were full-on targeted.
I looked back at 3 incredibly traumatic events from my early 20s that all happened in unison as a plan to destabilize my Earth Mission. They felt that if they could take me down then, that it would collapse me and make me incapable of the spiritual work I was shortly initiated into.
I’ll never forget the night the Arcturians came to me, tapped on my head and surrounded me with so much love, letting me know my Soul Contract and that all hope was not lost even though my current life circumstances were so unbearable, and I felt utterly alone until that moment.
As I’ve been looking back and processing all of this, I saw a collective stream of curses on our biological mother bloodlines ready to be cleared and really showing up in our psychical reality.
There is so much misinformation around spiritual manifestation.
One thing that stops people the most from living a life of True Abundance and Mission is curses and superimposed karmic debt on their biological bloodlines. Because false light gurus don’t work with Pure Christ Energy, they don’t know how to stream and clear the bloodline curses and actually help people link into their Organic Abundance Blueprints and Primary Gifts of Origin.
Trapped in the shame and low self-esteem of targeted women before us is such a painful way to live.
The rape, torture, enslavement and hatred of Sophia started eons ago and the real clean-up is happening now.
God is wanting us to really deal with this aspect now, process it, atone for it all, stand in the light of Christ and resurrect Sophia within.
We need to feel into this and get in touch with feelings we know we inherited and stop running from them.
This is the next layer to the dark mother purge – the wounded mother, the mother aspect that wants to revitalize through the Mother Arc Sophia within. (Whether or not we know it, some dark forces want to rehabilitate and go back to God while others do not)
Karmic debt of the biological bloodlines is specifically used against powerful, Christed Bloodlines.
Using blood contracts from ancestors, undealt with trauma, black goo and miasma, they take the darkest events from the past that we are connected to and make us unclog and untie them stream by stream, timeline by timeline with all sorts of attack along the way.
This is very real and something many people deal with, but instead of untangling all of this over so much time, we are seeing the Higher Heart ready to purge karmic debts that are not truly ours, past pain and trauma that is not truly ours. Bad decisions and corrupted ancestors are not our responsibility to make up for, but we can help atone for the previous curses that have been used against us by knowing God’s Law.
God always has an opportunity for very fast clearing of bloodline debt and curses but we need to be willing to see, hear, know or feel what happened if necessary and we need to be willing (with our whole Heart) to ask the Light of Christ to wash clean our personal and family of origin timelines and bloodlines and forgive all that has come before and all present and future events.
This will wipe out imposed reptilian blood contracts that seek to hold us in contempt for things we never did. This will literally lift the weight off our shoulders and anywhere we feel we’re holding the world on our back. It will lift so much burden off our souls. It really is essential that we call up any karmic overlays to be purged now and be present as we can put together the pieces and energy leaks where the manipulation is getting in so that we no longer continue to take it on.
This aligns as well with clearing purgatory fields as purgatory sweeps are coming in.
Purgatory is just what it sounds like, being kept in a chronic, stagnant cycle of having to repay debts and suffer for no good reason.
This is another way dark forces manipulate people to stay out of their power. They wrap purgatory fields around their heart and get them to feel like they need to suffer to make God happy or that they deserve to suffer for reasons they don’t even know necessarily. I see this a lot with clients, they feel persecuted, they feel low, they struggle with addiction patterns or bad relationships. They don’t trust God, they’re chronically negative, they’re in a perpetual victim state.
This kind of looping misery is almost always a bubble and field of purgatory that’s been put over them or their bloodline. It’s like mind control and keeps the heart in a low vibration.
The heart being open and activated is essential for a thriving life, mission and union. Without that, life is just a depressing struggle. Therefore, we need to see if we have any of that hanging onto our souls and we need to free ourselves of that way of thinking because it attracts entities and doesn’t serve our Highest Timeline for long. It really is like being on a sedative and it zaps your inspiration and creativity.
One other thing I see with purgatory fields is people who never believe anything works out for them. Their trust and sourcing to God are very compromised. (I hope this helps anyone dealing with that on a big or smaller level)
This is all very hopeful as our teams are working so closely with us and holding us through these current processes.
These are such big blocks coming undone and what that shows is that incredible progress in the grids and victory as we become aware of our blind spots and energies that have been hardcore on us for a long time trying to get us to stay unaware of the deeper implants and forms of dark attack on us is taking place.
I feel after this layer clears an incredible magnetism will begin inside of us.
A magnetism that is so powerfully creative, a worthiness that is unbreakable, the healings of our DNA, the DNA of our children and parents, and so much more.
This should be great incentive for all of us.
The last thing I want to mention here is around the moon.
Obviously, Aeleo and I have talked in-depth about the lunar matrix. This isn’t about that necessarily. It’s actually about understanding that the moon was organically a benevolent being that has been enslaved and used for malevolent purposes and so demonizing the moon actually makes no sense.
Understanding the lunar forces and danger of moon rituals is essential, understanding the difference between the solar and lunar forces is essential, but know that there are Original Moon Templates that come from Higher Moon Beings that exist in many other matriarchal constellations – including one that is around 10d. A lot of Sophia Magdalene energies reside there and Pure Moonbeam Energy that is white and pastel blue and incredibly powerful, benevolent and feminine.
There is a way to help reclaim the Higher Moon and Solar Energies for inner peace and rebalancing.
While our current one has been taken over and enslaved for a very long time, there are millions of moons in higher dimensions not being used for evil purposes.
If ever possible, we could even pray for the freedom of the moon and ascension as we know the moon was a living being that may either still be being harvested or has left that vessel long ago.
Regardless, I wanted to open everyone up to the Faerie Blue White Moon Beam Templates and Solar Moon Templates that exist with pure love and unity in the Garden of Eden ( a Sophianic realm)
This all helps us reclaim our Organic Power and the truth that God is in control of creation and the creation is so vast and goes so far beyond our imagination. We don’t need to live in fear of the reversals we just need to understand them so that we may live above them and outside of their mind control programs.
Love You All!

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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.
Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.
If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.
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