Real love vs False light love
– when we emulate God we hate evil –
Love. Unconditional love. Being loving. Choosing love.
Kindness. Being kind. Choosing kindness.
If you’ve been spiritually inclined the last few years you will know these terms well.
This is what God wants after all.
For us to be loving, to be kind. To not add pain to pain and add to the misery of others who are already suffering, some worse than others.
God even wants us to be kind to the guy who cut us off on the highway or the impatient Starbucks employee who doesn’t look thrilled to take our order.
Why? Why does God hope that we will treat each other well, even the not so pleasant ones of us?
From what I’m shown it’s because when we hate others it affects them more than we think. The more people that indulge that person being an “asshole” by reacting to their bad attitude, over time, it’s like a dark cloud that expands over their head as they become more and more bitter. The more we bless someone who comes off as grumpy the more it opens up chances for their heart to open back up and for them to change for the better.
Energy actually accumulates around people from other people.
An example is, have you ever felt someone speaking poorly about you and you can feel it in your spirit? It affects you, even if you wish it didn’t or try to act like it doesn’t. We truly do impact one another more profoundly than we can imagine, but because we are so desensitized and not taught spiritual concepts and quantum physics growing up we can become numb to that fact.
When we affect one another we have a responsibility for how we act and react because every action has a long impact that goes from person to person, that’s why a smile can go a long way and so can a middle finger and a fuck you.
God cares about how we show up for our fellow man and fellow neighbor a lot more than he cares about how abundant we are or the accolades we’ve earned from being successful.
The Angels have shown me that what God counts the most is how we treat others. So that means God cares most about kindness/ love/ compassion and cares little for how much we accumulated in this lifetime. If you were getting a life review, God would probably highlight your relational interactions more than anything and skip over a lot of what we think is “important”.
So understanding that we are all intimately interconnected and affect each other we see that God desires for us to care about each other as much as we can in our interactions because of the power we have to help someone’s soul back to God and have a positive impact on many or to add to their pain and affect many others negatively in that process.
As we integrate this knowing many questions will arise that are essential.
The first question and revelation is that love doesn’t always mean reacting lovingly or kindly in the way you may think. There is no love without the truth being present, so if there is absent truth in the “love” then it’s not real love.
All love is like a mirror and we can mirror a strong love that also reflects and shines the light on deeper pain to push to the surface.
Truth and love together are God’s perfection and the emulation of God on earth is working to integrate that through our inner Heiros Gamos or Christ Sophia template.
If we hold love with a deep gnosis of pain and shine both that knowing and understanding for that pain on another we can show up with authentic kindness or compassion that doesn’t require theatrics and putting on a big show like the false light consciousness trap of “unconditional” love. That trap is pushed unto us from so many unintegrated, fragmented beings who use the terms love and kindness as one of their primary bullying strategies towards people who are holding the Christed Sword of Truth.
Dark forces know that by distorting the terms kindness and love that they can get people to become totally spineless around evil and corruption. They know that if they can astral tag people and start channelling this false information around love and kindness and promote the false duality template that says those forces are working together and that evil doesn’t exist and is subjective, people will then start to make every excuse in the book for standing idly by while unimaginable evil defiles everything sacred. Not only stand by but actually begin to work for the agenda of that dark force unconsciously, all while feeling spiritually superior to others because they’re convinced that they have somehow transcended negativity and can condemn others for trying to stand up for it themselves by gaslighting them into oblivion with all sorts of spiritual bypassing and twisting of the truth. They can do all this all while owning nothing, having zero responsibility and saying that if you don’t allow it you’re not loving or kind.
This twisting of love and kindness allows rampant narcissism, doormat behavior, codependency, severe trauma from people gaslighting themselves, dissociation, anxiety disorders, “spiritual” predators, child trafficking, crimes against humanity, self-hatred, code/sacred teaching hijacking and so on and so forth.
This has been why being kind and unconditionally loving has caused many people to get resentful and pent up because it’s not aligned to the system God created which is (truth and love) cohabitating.
The unintegrated and uninitiated being is going to actually be putting on a show and not really feeling love or bliss or whatever other word they use to convince themselves that they’re a good person.
It’s because the one-sided inversion of love without truth is incredibly toxic and just gives until depletion with no sense of self or boundary.
Being Christed and being human is a process that we are undergoing right now.
As we ascend we drop the negative ego, not the healthy ego that is here to protect you and support you in what to devote yourself to. We will actually become incredibly loving in an authentic way when we drop the false ascension way of being loving.
When we get into our hearts, we start to truly initiate into God’s vision for us.
This is a process. Nobody on planet earth is perfect or completely loving, and luckily God doesn’t require that. God wants us to show up as we are and be honest about what we truly feel.
From that place of really feeling what’s there, we can begin to change organically, and when we do reach higher levels of love we can know that we’re not putting on a show that anyone with two eyes can see through that is ultimately self-serving if not done honestly.
Again, God wants us to show up authenticity so he can break down the walls around our hearts and speak to us so that the Holy Spirit can begin to move through us as we experience life and decide to have compassion in a moment where we would have reacted with trigger and anger.
God wants us to be kind but does not expect us to be fake or to not have boundaries or hate/call out evil. God hates evil! God detests evil. Our duty as followers of the Living God and Christ is to authentically love and to also mirror and reflect the truth that does kill the negative ego.
We are here to embody God’s love and God’s truth and that combination is an ego destroyer and an evil destroyer.
It is not just this soft, flimsy, weak gesture to someone so we can feel less guilt about our unprocessed pain. It’s the willingness to say okay, “I want to do better for the Lord. I want to make my mark here, one that changes the earth for the better.“
It starts with a calling upon God and really expressing what’s there and being open to having God work on your heart.
God is fierce and loving and wants you to be like him because he created you in his image. So just know, as we all burn through this process we will one day be that loving, that pure, that kind. That force to be reckoned with.
We will be that but we are not there now and that is okay.
Let’s stop gaslighting each other and acting holier than thou when that’s actually really off putting. There’s not anywhere that God says don’t call out bullshit and help end this dark reign of tyranny. We need to start to redefine love and add the most essential component of truth. This will restabilize our profound ability to drive out the demons and invoke the true light.
When we really do get to that place of unconditional love that is our power because that is who “we” are, it does not matter if “they” are not.
Who we truly are is our strength.
PS: If this post resonated with you I invite you to join the conversation and leave us a comment below.
Love You All,

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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.
Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.
If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.
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