Rainbow Plasma, Christ Madgalene

Blue/White Dove Portal Opening

In this Update:

The Auroras are on a mission to blast as much hydroplasmic rainbow light into our earth as possible through the 11/11-12/21 portal.

This is breaking down satanic grids left and right. You will feel the expansion in your light body as well as dove templates that represent the Christ/ Magdalene Union anchoring into your heart.

We are going through a massive Union Return. This means we will see angelic power returning to the Union and igniting Unions. It’s definitely a time to deepen into the Hieros Gamos Fields and allow the old architecture to break down that’s holding us hostage in any corrupt masculine or feminine programming.

The ascension is the Inner Union, the merge of the Christ Sophia template to bring the 3rd energy, ( holy spirit ) to create miracles. These unions will be activating as I’m seeing the highest quantum timeline expanding for the collective and the progress we’re making is incredible!!

God’s presence in our current universe is as a Divine Union.

In essence, God expresses itself as masculine and feminine oneness that is in full alignment and harmony. This energetic blueprint is what we call the Christos-Sophia, or Hieros Gamos Template. This is the ascension.

Union is the ascension

The clearing of corrupted masculine and feminine programs until the feminine and masculine merge back together is where we are all moving for ascension to occur.

This is how we realign back to God’s Divine Will and Organic Timeline.

We learn how to heal our Inner Union Template by clearing inherited and/or programmed reversals from the reptilian genetic enslavement targeting that seeks to destroy the Union of the feminine and masculine.

The reptilian forces (godless, parasitic forces) want us to believe that Union is not possible here and that it doesn’t even exist. They have tried to cut our wings off so to speak, knowing that the Angelic Self and the Cosmic Christ Sophia energies are what God is comprised of and emanating directly into our earth as God/ Christ and the Holy Spirit make their full return into this area of our universe.

They know that the Inner Gender Principles and Inner Union are essential for manifestation, creation, purity, initiations, healing, divine love and truth for the Angelics and Starseeds that have come here to help evict the Azazael/Lilith false/corrupted layers of programs that seek to destroy the Holy Union through unholy union mind control that gets us to betray our Inner Christ Self and ultimately distort it so that we are seeking relationships that will only create more pain and confusion for us and pull us off of our trajectory towards a true Divine Union that liberates us by spiritually killing the false self and burning those layers of Lilith and Azazael (false union) programming out of our DNA.

There is an unbelievable labyrinth of elaborate reptilian/AI interfacing that they use to try and block these Christ Sophia Unions as well as bring in and target Angelics with false unions. Many of you have heard me talk about this and train others for years in the clearing of those systems and false unions to get out of their harvesting nets. I could go on and on but I’ll leave it at that because this is something that has been being cleared and dealt with and I don’t want to linger on it because we must push beyond the reptilian systems and into anchoring our Organic Unions and Timeline.

It is highly important to understand this information and learn how to heal and move into your alignment because even the constant obsession on dark attack can be a looping energy. We need to be clear that we understand and move through this so we can go into the Pure Union New Earth Fields.

If we know we are not in True Union then we will need to take the steps to clear and purify our Union Template to get all inorganic devices out or any being that is not our Union cleared from taking energy from our Union and pretending to be it – lots of imposter energies can be easily flushed.

God has made Union very clear for us to know when it’s happening.

Devotion/ Heart-based connecting and reverence for one another will be apparent in the connection. True Union will not abandon, reject, betray or go off with another, ever.

God created the Union as one soul and that soul will begin a very spiritually intimate process and the soul knowing will be apparent within seconds, minutes or days.

These kinds of Unions are not like regular relationships or soul mates so there’s no need to compare them. The recognition of your own soul will be something you will have your own gnosis around and as we get closer to the end of the year we are feeling these Unions begin.

So God set up the Unions to begin coming together in the timelines that we are in, this is what I’m shown this 11/11 portal is all about. I’m seeing that we’re being aligned to the Jesus/ Magdalene template (rainbow plasma doves) in the heart. This will begin a very deep flush of the corrupted coding I mentioned that will shift and create a magnetic and miraculous frequency that will move the Unions together as fast as possible.

There do need to be many High Angelic Unions for the New Earth to anchor. It’s absolutely essential that’s God’s Hieros Gamos System is aligned and anchored within us.

God gave us many examples of Divine Unions.

This portal is the Plasma Dove so we know that we are aligning to the Christ Magdalene, Blue Rose and Golden Cross blending with White/Blue Doves.

This is what we’ll move through here and then we’ll prep for the Keys to the Kingdom at the December 21st portal which me and Aeleo will give all the info as we link it all together.

Expect a lot of rainbow and a lot of flushing and activating. The energies feel amazing but are as intense and confronting as ever. You may feel this portal deeply healing the divide within you. You may feel the purification of the White Dove and you also may feel the memories of Magdalene or Christ in Union.

This all goes along with the Golden Chalice Magdalene’s Womb that I talked about in this post as well as this video.

There’s a huge acceleration for these Unions, so don’t be surprised if yours happens, you feel it coming, or you recently came into it. To those of us in them now, we know that this work is being done with us and our beloved.

This energy will be incredible and energizing instead of exhausting, not to say we won’t need rest to integrate. Plasma and Union Activations are some of the most orgasmic, ecstasy-based frequencies so you should feel heart expansion and sacral activation. Also, lots of crying and emotion as releasing the unholy union to make space for the physical manifestation of your Genetic Equal takes place.

I’ll update as we go if I feel anything new.

This is a great shift after the dark portal and timeline blocking (astral tears/ leaks) they were flooding us with. The guardians have really supported us getting through and back into some blissful love states for the coming mass Union returns.

Love You All!

PS: If this post resonated with you I invite you to join the conversation and leave a comment below.

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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.

Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.

If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.



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