Purging Dark Mother from Wings and Throat. Lovemaking with the Christ male body for healing
In this Update:
Lovemaking with the Christ male body for healing
Pummelling from entities in the astral is peaking
Purging Dark Mother from Wings and Throat
Christ Blue Ray Gridwork anchoring and fully activating

A lot has been streaming through since we were in New Mexico.
The first thing I want to mention is that yesterday, dark attack peaked. A lot of Draco energy was pummelling us from the astral and dark grids in retaliation for the incredible grid work we all participated in to resurrect the Blue Ray of Christ on earth.
We had some major lash back in the last 4 days that is beginning to slow and descend now.
I would say the main frequency they’re sending out is “hopelessness” and trying to trigger feelings of God’s abandonment or to get us to doubt God and God’s love/ protection for us.
They’re able to cause this sensation in people by using others close to them to turn on them, harm them, betray or demean them. They’ve been using whoever is weak and wounded enough to fall for their antics to flip out or lose control.
Aeleo and I witnessed an elderly man get sucker-punched for no reason in Los Angeles recently and also a 4-person car accident in which we were hit pretty hard but made it out with almost no damage to our car or us thankfully. It rocked us a bit and really made us pay attention to the surrounding energies.
The guardians told me that dark forces are in a retaliation cycle right now and to stay sealed in Christ, reflect on core wounds and stand firm in boundaries and know that we have true authority as we stand in the New Earth Fields that they cannot touch.
They can only affect 3D and inverted dimensional realms with their witchcraft and black magic.
We have mastered this realm many times and can essentially live here but also live above synthetic, inorganic, controlled Psyop Beast System tactics by claiming God/ truth/ Christ.
Obviously, that does not stop them from trying to persecute and shame us and hopefully get us to believe it so we hand over our power. What I’m saying is, be mindful as this energy begins to clear and hopefully this validates anyone who’s been having a rough time.
Over the last two weeks, I’ve also seen brilliant bioluminescence (sparkling electric blue) beings coming in from 13D. Galactic aquatic beings and signatures of the Holy Mother.
These beings are incredible and many of us are deeply connected to them through family of origin.
I’ve been receiving sonar and bioluminescent transmissions, hearing the call of the Mother Sophia through her dolphin and cetacean beings of so many different genetic blends. Such a loving presence of such beauty and power, loving us through our trauma, having a level of compassion that is Godly.
This is the returning energy right now (Mother Arc Energy and Beings) sending so much through the fields, calling for us to answer and receive the support. I spent last night clearing last layers of Lilith and corrupted encryption of the Fallen Goddess – the level of gaslighting is unbelievable that they’ve done and do to us.
Anyone running this reversal energy lives on gaslighting and shaming us for having boundaries or saying no. This energy has an air of superiority over others and a frequency like a spiritual bully that then acts like a victim. It’s a mind fuck.
As I’ve cleared it, I’ve been rebirthing Solar Sophia Mother Codes and running them into my cells and atomic structure, weeding out the harvesting of my core wounds which trigger with a feeling of anger and disgust. I am now breaking this cycle and done with the energy of siphoning and betrayal. This is a huge theme coming undone in us now as we go through another huge revival of Sophia Christ.
If this resonates, it is probably also happening within you, as I saw this affecting so many in a very positive way. I suggest taking this time to get in touch with “anger, disgust, betrayal themes and gaslighting” as this is burning up and being replaced with peace and knowing of self through also taking radical responsibility.
I also highly suggest for women to begin the process of lovemaking with the Christ Male Body, which is the Masculine Consciousness that holds an incredible power of protection and safety as we deal with core wounding from the Dark Mother energies.
It’s like a Spiritual Love Making process – you can imagine you are with a Benevolent King who is emanating pure Christ Light and that energetically you begin to merge and become one.
Through this, you become vulnerable and supported by the Christ Collective who are aligning themselves within the being that is also holding your true male counterpart’s signature.
You can hold yourself with him and feel, speak or express whatever energies as he helps you transmute them and fills you with light. (I’ve noticed doing this physically with my partner has shifted me and opened my heart and power incredibly!)
If your beloved is not yet in your life physically, you can tap into the masculine stream within that is always connected to the Divine Masculine and a perfect mirror and support system for you.
It is an incredible practice for learning the different levels of creation and activation with the Christ Male Frequency and how to align and become one with your own beloved. (I did this before I met my beloved and felt it really speed up my process to union btw)
As we clear Dark Mother, the throat and wings are most affected and felt now.
If we notice sickness or pain in either region including the crown, then this is a symptom of this purge from what I am seeing within myself. I got so sick and my throat and shoulders have been in so much pain as this massive pocket of density clears and releases so I can hold more Sophia LightBody Architecture and more potential and power for mission and serving others.
This will go for another 5 days. During this time we will start to feel the power of this return massively and our energy body will go so high in frequency and vibration after lifting this heavy dark curse energy off of us, thank God!
Love You All!

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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.
Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.
If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.
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