Purging Azazael and the False Masculine Program for Embodiment of the

3rd Christ Return

I have been purging 3D power constructs and moving out of all false power wounding which has been a massive initiation. 

This is essentially the false masculine programming we all receive through generational miasma and reversals. This is the masculine who is self-serving, narcissistic, uses others as stepping stones, lies for his benefit, exploits and gaslights. 

We take this masculine on as an inner template for survival in the matrix – some of us get this worse than others depending on who our earthly father was and our generational/biological bloodline ancestors. This false masculine template can also be transferred over into spiritual teachings but appear very cloaked and have us running on the same program that is harmful to the inner feminine. 

This false masculine overrides the feminine heart field and emotional body through the absence of presence, safety, structure, foundation and devotion. This inner absence and suffocation of the masculine that represents the true benevolence and virtues of the Holy Father Christ can have us create our life and relationships from that faulty, broken template that continues to run cycles and looping patterns with money, relationships and safety, in general, that cause harm. 

As we alchemize and transmute the false masculine we are confronted with all the times we deeply needed a man whether that was a father, a husband, a friend, brother etc, whatever it was that we needed that was absent, abandoned us or neglected us. This was deeply painful to not be able to rely on that masculine stability and support. 

Obviously, at the highest levels, we are never abandoned by our Holy Father or Holy Mother, however, when we come to this planet we are hit with the abuse and agendas to get men into their service-to-self reptilian selves so that the vulnerable are less protected and easily harvested. 

This is a force that has worked to shut down the masculine heart and has tried to pervert the priorities of his true heart and the Divine Will that assigns men to care for us and take pride in doing so to instead take pride in getting himself to a position to have whatever he thinks he needs to feel powerful in the matrix

These experiences over and over create an epigenetic distortion that influences and guides us into false power constructs in order to stay alive essentially. We feel we must accept this false masculine/dark father energy and learn to work with it and even accommodate it. We feel this is just how men are here because we come in contact with that energy so often and we see it promoted in society in many sick ways – whether emasculated or overly tyrannical and egotistical, it’s not something we can ever relax or feel safe around. 

Right now, I’m feeling a massive Christ Return that is crumbling the false masculine in many of the awakening collective now. For me, the last week has been about feeling into this distortion and layer by layer clearing it and allowing the new updates to come through. 

I was shown to fully flush my solar plexus and update it with Golden Christ Light which has been deeply healing and very eye-opening for me in terms of how real this New Earth shift is getting. 

The 3rd Christ Return is coming through the Solstice Portal stronger than ever – this will activate the breakdown of anything you’ve built on that old energy or patterns in relationships or business and help you reestablish your true Soul Energy Signature into your brand as well. 

Although it’s been painful and intense to see where I’ve still been creating from some of that wounding, I see a massive opportunity for a quantum shift to occur as I shift this timeline for myself and I see that same opportunity for all of us

It’s fast, intense quantum energy and it’s within a matter of days and/or weeks that we can flush this and feel a massive Christ Return that will support the fall of the satanic timeline that thrives off of the false masculine power it’s stolen through black magic and blood ritual at our expense. 

As this happens, I feel the Christ standing with me and merging with me. I can feel us becoming one. I can see the ways I suffered immensely from how the inner reptilian genetic masculine wounding made me feel so unsafe, and yet I felt I had to numb it out to get through holidays or any experience where I felt I needed a man and yet could not rely on or call for one. 

As I embody and engender my own Christ Masculine, I feel very held and seen in my own Union and life can actually relax into my feminine and allow my full magnetism and self-care to arise. 

My false masculine felt very threatened by the Christ Energy in Aeleo. He taught me that when I fight and resist him it’s because my false masculine doesn’t want to die and feels confronted when its wound is being poked. I feel this now, my false masculine has been resisting and fighting this a lot. Now, I feel myself relaxing into the death of it and longing for God to slay this energy completely and totally so that I may embody this next level of Christ Return. 

I hope this helps!

Love You All!

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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.

Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.

If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.



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