Polarity and Leadership through the Cosmic Mirror of Christ Sophia

Women are not an extension of you or your leadership (completely) although that matters deeply. They are an extension of Sophia the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is an extension of the Source of life and Creation. She is the Holy Spirit of Jesus and the Feminine aspect of the Godhead. 

Jesus’s spirit is a Holy Innocence and Emotional Body of God that merged with the Cosmic Christ in the beginning of creation as one. This created the Union of Christ-Sophia which then created star systems, planets and universes. This then generated a Divine Union Blueprint that was seeded into planet earth to support those who are fallen or lost in rehabilitating back to God and their true Angelic Self as a mirror of the Godhead which is Divine Union at the highest level. 

Polarity and leadership of the masculine is only done safely through the Cosmic Mirror of Christ Sophia. 

If Christ Sophia is where you submit energetically and are inspired from on a heart/soul level, you are safe, you are truly holding the Law that the feminine will happily align to and become her highest self embodiment over Divine Timing. 

If you are not led by Christ, you are trying to create an extension of your own ego and idea of what femininity looks like In order to make yourself comfortable. Extending your own ego as the highest level of leadership without leading her to Christ is unfathomably arrogant and misleading.

Do not take the Creator out of the equation and his intentions for the feminine to become her true self. 

With that said, just like the masculine, the Feminine Principle has become so convoluted in our society and so separated from its Origin that we can’t trust the monster that ‘feminism’ has become. It creates unbelievable regret and rejection of God’s Law because it wants to thrive in its sickness without boundaries. We are looking at a satanic and architectural reversal that is so harmful and so damaging that while it is not irreversible, it is like a cancer that corrodes and distorts feminine power. 

Feminine power and the full expression of its potential have little to do with warring with the masculine and comparing itself to it. That is a trauma response that comes from the timeline trigger events of false masculine representation and tyranny that have desecrated and destroyed the overall experience of safety and trust with men. Draco invasion timelines of rape, famine and death are being responded to over and over again, while good men pay for the sins of corrupt, inverted masculine beings. It’s not fair, by any means, but it is the reality we find ourselves in. Masculinized women and that expression towards them is profoundly hurtful because it usually equals damaged women with painful childhoods who don’t see themselves as sacred and don’t utilize their youth to find a husband and end up jaded and alone with ‘honey-do lists’ and insane standards that no normal man could fulfill. 

While this is a painful reality on both sides, if we don’t see the original violation of the force that came here and trespassed upon all of us then we will never truly heal, we will only bandaid or unfairly idealize what it means to be feminine enough to be loved and devoted to. 

We will only try to lead the feminine to being a feminine submissive woman without addressing the original atrocity that caused the separation.

This is work only God can do. 

Christ comes first, and then a man who holds that frequency on some level can enter the physical reality and begin the process of loving and holistically leading a woman back to her true Soul Frequency and emanation – whatever that looks like. 

In true Union, who the other truly is, is what God wants us to love. 

This doesn’t mean taking on a woman that is fighting your purpose and leadership at every level and rejecting your innate purpose as a man. This means that if God has assigned your true feminine counterpart to you, you must weather the storm of this past atrocity in order to understand who she truly is at a soul level because that past pain isn’t technically her completely. It’s part of the work we are here to do – to process the false layers of forced trauma on innocent beings and look at the result of that experience in order to find unconditional love through transformation and alchemy. 

Trying to skip this process when you are called by God to carry the cross of another even if you did not create the original pain is impossible. 

Idealizing red pill and polarity teachings in order to project your own idea of the perfect woman is the same thing as a woman idealizing the perfect man and being unwilling to work with the very real wounds of the masculine as a result of life on planet earth. 

When God calls us to another and we feel it in our soul, it will not be a ridiculous spiritual projection of what a man or woman should be like. It is actually in many ways a very authentically painful, intense and confronting experience that challenges us at every level to love more and perfect our boundaries while still being present with what this world, this life has done to them in faith that they will be redeemed eventually through witnessing and extending presence. 

In this world, evil exists, hurt exists, shattering soul trauma exists and we are here to carve pathways out in order to be saved by Christ and restore God’s true Love and Empathy through the Union process. This means helping dissolve every possible atrocity against the soul with the one we are decreed to love and be with in this lifetime. 

Again, this doesn’t mean being a doormat, or not having an idea of what you will or will not accept, but knowing that the ideas of what is masculine or feminine while vital are not the end all be all of this spiritual assignment. It goes far beyond ideas of polarity and sexual attraction. It’s about saving the soul and the organic and authentic process of unification between two soul energies as God created them.

Love You All!

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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.

Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.

If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.



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