I  Relinquish all False Power

I relinquish all ideas of being powerful because of clout, likes, attention, money, how many people like or pay attention to my context or any external reality.

What is true, eternal and cannot be taken needs to be built by the Divine Law of Structure.

This means everything we build must have its foundation in God’s eternal template or it will crumble and fall like a stack of cards as we enter the Organic Timeline and pull ourselves out of the synthetic matrix.

All false power constructs will crumble in the New Earth – this will include money as we know it. Money will not get you into the Kingdom because the Kingdom cannot be bought. Therefore, your credentials with money will not matter, how many people listen or like you will not matter,  how big your following on Instagram is won’t matter and how big of a guru or spiritual elitist you are will mean zero.

God will raise his/her true people and they will lead while those who seem to have profited the most off of spiritual exploitation will be the ones most humbled. Those who are put last now will be first in the New Earth.

God’s people have been last because we’ve been the ones speaking the truth that fewer people want to hear right now and have been unwilling to comprise our integrity for the expansion of our income or likes.

The extent of my power is the extent of how present God is in my body and what God has chosen to give me.

My true power is how aware I am of the truth and how willing I am to stand for that truth.

It’s not in my sales this month or next, how many people will attend my webinar this month or being a spiritual badass who signed a 10k package.

Real power cannot be taken, expanded on your own, or bought through followers.

This is not a matter of judgment, it’s simply the message coming through my soul that I feel is important for all of us as we get closer to the big events that will completely change life as we know it.

I relinquish all ways I’ve looked externally to try and soothe my fears that I am not good enough or that I’m not valuable to others. I have zero desire to buy followers, blow up my brand, gain a massive following, or sell 20,000 packages this year.

If God wants to bring that into my reality I accept it, but I will not use any kind of tactic to bring that about. I will only share and offer from my soul for others who vibe with that.

Those who are meant to see my content or work with me will and no algorithm or inorganic consciousness can stop this just as I also cannot push this out or make it happen.

What is real will be seen as real when God’s Light permeates our earth and what is not will fall away and be seen as it is.


I will never compete, play a game, or create any false image of myself for any external power financially, socially or in the spiritual community. I don’t want to sit at the table with spiritual elitists who bully, target, exploit, or undermine people with their superiority complex or holier than thou attitudes.

I will create my own table where only the truest and purest of heart ( not perfect! ) individuals are allowed. Messy, real, authentic, loving humans who have been through hell and made sacrifices for God to serve humanity. Not entitlement and false promises around being free and powerful. I don’t condemn anyone as I understand free will, lessons to learn and God’s process with every person, I just want to be clear where I stand and where my work stands.

God needs conduits who want to truly serve the Divine Will and not the gross misuse of power and Pharisean consciousness parading around as abundant and powerful when they will quickly fall when all comes to light. Going through real initiations is the only way for us to pass through the bandwidths and end the corruption and evil in this realm. With true initiation and allowing God to decimate our ego, especially around money and power is where God bestows real power to his/her people – you cannot just take it or build an image around it.

The Messiah, Jesus, was not looked at as having all the credentials to be the Messiah. The Pharisees thought he was not “holy” enough or spiritually elite enough to be that, they thought he should dress a certain way, act a certain way, have a lot of wealth etc. They rejected him because he was authentic and real and not phoney/elitist like them. Remember that in these times, the ones who have the most to prove, the ones who appear to have figured it all out and have the most money, power and followers will be found out as spiritually bankrupt when it comes down to it. 

We are in a time where the truth is about to be unveiled and all matrix systems collapsed.

Leading the New Earth is a very real and important job for those chosen. We cannot compromise our integrity we cannot vie for power outside of ourselves anymore.

I am a believer in abundance, offering your gifts, building your galactic brand even… I just don’t vibe with what it’s being turned into and promoted as because it’s truly empty and not holding God’s Solutions to our current plight as we shift timelines.

I want to thank my beloved Aeleo for bringing forth this wisdom. I have to credit him with so much of this as he’s taught me so much. Christ through him has taught me tremendously and I am so grateful. I also want to thank my dear friend Susanne Amara for helping me around another layer with this.

I am far from perfect and guilty of attempting some of these things out of wounding, or thinking I needed to fit in. None of that was even possible for me ultimately and God allowed me to be blocked at every turn so I would be delivered from the false light rhetoric or religious dogma that is so damaging.

I hope this helps and makes sense.

If you don’t vibe with that you may leave my platform. I’m open for my real tribe and true monad to come forward and feel I’ve found many of them already. All of you that support my work, I love you dearly. I feel so blessed with what God has given me.

All Glory to Christ Sophia.

Love You All!

PS: If this post resonated with you I invite you to join the conversation and leave a comment below.

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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.

Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.

If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.



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