I Am Loved, Worthy and Choose to Receive my Rightful Inheritance
We are representatives of the spirit and heart of Christ and we’re born here with an inheritance that is God’s DNA and God’s Bloodline.
This means that persecution is something we are very familiar with because there is serious opposition to God here.
This is because demons from black hole dimensions and hell realms were able to team up with extraterrestrial beings that began parasitizing on the Root Races and Original Human Angelic Races here to then violently suppress and enslave them for the most heinous activities that involve generating misery in mass.
When we (the Cosmic Christ Sophia Angelic Races) returned to earth, we returned with a very succinct job which was to resurrect hope through embodying the spirit of Avatar Christ in a human body which is a direct link to the Godhead that emanates through us absolute benevolence, justice, safety, forgiveness, faith and love. To remind humans of God’s promise of their triumph over evil and also help them with the most fundamental aspect of their healing which is boundaries to energetic vampirism and the ability to see and call out evil.
When the Christ Sophia stands with humans and illuminates heaven on earth through transmuting black magic and miasma for the collective to lighten their unfair burden, they (humans) are no longer free-game for harvesting, trafficking, mind control and the stealing of their abundance and inheritance. This enrages demons and so we, ourselves, are targeted directly with lies from birth.
I feel for those of us who have come to help their main agenda because for us, that is to believe that we are bad and being punished or deserve abuse. Demons use lies and they multiply harm with trauma targeting and lies together and if we believe the lies of the demonics we begin to put up a wall of unworthiness and low self-esteem that eventually turns into depression, which in itself is an egregious lie.
God wants us to know we are worthy and abundant and completely loved in the spirit of Christ. We are fully forgiven, we are not condemned, ever.
The Holy Spirit is the giver of truth and gnosis and when we have a direct experience with the Holy Spirit, this spirit will show us if we’re off the mark, if we mishandled a situation or need to make amends, atone or seek forgiveness so we may free ourselves from the bondage of holding resentment, hate and/or anger towards others.
God and Christ know that in holding onto hatred, rage and not seeing our innocence or forgiveness that we are harmed, our wall goes up and we shut out the love that we’re totally worthy of and naturally entitled to.
We were created to be loved and in Union with the Creator
The devil wants us to believe that we are condemned, shameful, guilty and judged. This is the ultimate lie of separation and the opposite of what God feels and knows about us.
When you see yourself through the lens of what the dark forces feel about you and want to convince you of, it’s always extremely painful and feels awful. That is not a higher force. God heals through unconditional love and helps us to heal and forgive through shadow work and authentic processing.
God does not expect us to forgive inauthentically.
Our pain is deeply felt, very important and shared with the Creator, it is not indifferent to our Holy Mother and Holy Father. We are never condemned by God, guilty, ashamed or unworthy. Stop believing the spirit of lies.
Once you remember that you were covered by the Holy Spirit as you were born and that you are now always forgiven, always worthy, if you choose not to claim that and see that, that will cause you deep pain because you will begin to see others as you see yourself, as beyond forgiveness and you will become bitter living in the lie of condemnation which is a lie against your very soul. Stop letting the enemy convince you of that poison. Reclaim the truth, “I am loved, worthy and I choose to receive my rightful inheritance.”
God is not condemning you, God does not promote shame and guilt and unworthiness, the devil does. God, through Jesus, has claimed you, God is not sitting on all your mistakes and looking them over again and again. Demons exploit our pain and past while God blots out our mistakes and asks us to look to the new creation of the future.
- Disease
- Shame
- Guilt
- Condemnation
- Un-forgiveness
- Hate
- Unworthiness
- Bitterness
- Depression
Are not a part of the Holy Spirit, therefore, are made up by the enemy.
Stop believing and rebuke all spirits that promote this within you and are trying to get you to create this within your body.
Claim your rightful inheritance as it has always been extended to you and you don’t have to live another day in crippling shame and pain.
Love You All!

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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.
Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.
If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.
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