How to be with Horrifying Sensations
I choose the word ‘horrifying’ because some feelings, experiences and sensations are unbearable in the moment and even horrifying to experience or witness.
In learning how to compassionately witness them it can be so uncomfortable, the resistance can be so intense and yet, it can deepen you tremendously – if you have this gift and can relate.
As someone who has the gift to create the container for miraculous healing (a gift given to me by the Holy Spirit – the only giver of all spiritual gifts), I have the ability to empath on a level that many people would not dare to go.
One example of what this means is that I can experience a demonic consciousness and why it is the way it is, what happened to it, its evil thoughts and sadistic desires. I can empath and feel the core of its ungodly self.
This has been the biggest blessing of my life but I battled with it for so many years
I can feel the thoughts of the elite and their blood lust for children, I can see them thinking of sodomy, torture and rape when I watch them talk. I can feel the destruction of their human emotional self, their draconian reversal current energetically, what happened that made them the way they are and exactly what it is in their body speaking with them to the masses. I can feel every ounce of their rage and hatred for innocence.
Mastering not taking this on and not allowing this to traumatize me has taken unbelievable strength
I’ve had to master my Inner Christ Spirit Filter that blocks me from the original traumas that they experienced and have forced others to endure. However, in communing with the Guardian Families they were telling me how the Feminine Christ Spirit is the ultimate empath and emotional body of God. That as I am on the Sophianic Bloodline I decided to be able to transmute cellular level, DNA blood core fragmentation and collapse reptilian systems out of people and bring the miraculous spirit of the Feminine Christ to witness them in total reverence and love no matter what, as long as they’re willing to heal and serve God.
There are many others like me who are currently battling this unbelievably level of emotional empathic feeling experiences that are way beyond what others want or try to feel or experience.
We’re looking at what nobody else wants to and feeling it so we can completely transform it and rehabilitate it with the Feminine Christ Spirit that is fully active within us
There is a reason why you feel on the level that you do, and it does matter that you don’t pull in others’ energy and try to transmute it if you’re not called on a higher level by God or in a safe container spiritually because this is when your gift goes into a leaky reversal position and others try to take advantage of this empathy – this is an entire invitation in itself to master this, trust me, it took me years.
This gift can be completely exploited and used against you if you don’t manage and accept it deeply
The quicker you accept the fact that your level of empathy and experiencing is that profound, the quicker you can start using it for a higher purpose to help and serve our mission here to evict the anti-christ forces off this planet.
This means you are called to be present with sensations in others and this world that others simply cannot stomach. You will be called to feel and transmute many levels of pain, anger and trauma in people that will be drawn to you and you will experience miracles around you because this specific gift is harder to hold but the outcome is so magical and so miraculous.
This level of empathy is what has been asked for by the collective consciousness at such dense layers and levels of the stored up gunk and astral debris here.
You, of course, won’t be asked to hold what will break you, but sometimes with this gift you will feel like you cannot handle it, but you can.
Jesus sweat blood in the garden feeling the sins of humanity and all the evil he was transmuting and clearing and this gift is from his bloodline. Hold it with high honor and also with deep compassion for yourself for what you can feel, see and understand that others may not be able to. You can help so many.
This gift is called Heyoka Sophia and it is a massive Crystal Blue Template in the heart that connects with a Golden Shield of Christ Light that houses it for protection.
Love You All!

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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.
Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.
If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.
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