Golden Ra Hathor Lyran Priestess Lineage via Jesus Christ Timeline Activation
As I was laying in bed last night trying to fall asleep, a profound vision came through
I was brought to Egypt and saw the Hathor Temple of Dendera, light filling it completely. I was then shown the Nile, the water also alive, brimming with the essence of the Holy Spirit.
The vision felt like liquid morphine in my cells. I knew that this was in the past and that I was timeline jumping. I saw Jesus Christ, unmistakably. His long brown hair and molten amber eyes. I had known about his journey through the Silk Road, that he had spent time in Egypt learning and had seen bits and pieces of what that entailed but this vision was related to something deeper and more profound. I saw Jesus disrobe and step into the water of the Nile. A group of women were around him. I heard that they were of the Golden Goddess RA Lineages.
The word RA has been deeply distorted and is a trigger word that creates fear in many people due to the Horus Ra Reversal that represents worship of the false father and the tyrannical aspect of the dark masculine that works in the Egyptian timelines with Thoth and Anubis to deceive people.
The actual original RA consciousness was and is part of the true Christ (Holy Father) Lineages that represent Benevolent Masculine Kingship or Pharaoh Leadership that occurred in Africa, Egypt and Syria. It also connects deeply to the Lyrans and feline beings. These beings all hold a Golden Ra Essence/Template that generates true Masculine Light Codes of nourishment and can help anyone who needs that deep cellular healing around the Christ/ Father/ Beloved. (When working in the Egyptian timelines, I often notice that the Golden Ra will defeat and clear the Horus Ra dark father inversions or black magic overlays over the heart and womb for the feminine. It goes very deep)
Anyways, the Priestesses around Yeshua were emanating this Golden Feline Code. The name I heard was Hathor, which I’ll explain shortly. They were in the water with him, embracing him. I felt a profound sexual, sensual energy moving around this, but not in the way that’s some new age distortion of sacred sexuality or tantra. It was like they were all moving sexual energy and using the water elementals to purify the sacral. They were using light and water and healing the elemental sacral energy. At no point did I see physical sex occur. Not to say what Jesus did or didn’t do with his body while he was here, he did end up in Union but this was before that occurred. The experience I was having whilst witnessing this made me feel a kind of fire through my body. I felt it was alchemizing energy within my sacral. I was curious about the Golden Goddesses and wanted to understand them more – whenever I see a lineage or a memory in the timelines I’m always aware that something is happening collectively for them now and whoever has incarnated with those genetics. Sadly, the vision only lasted 15 minutes and then began calming down. I was sad that I wasn’t able to see what occurred after this but I did see inside the temple again, and felt whatever is happening there at this time is important.
This morning, I woke up and me and Aeleo ended up needing to do field work together for an upgrade and I remembered my vision. I can’t go into much detail, but I can tell you what occurred in our work together today was so important not only for us but for everyone working towards the resurrection of Christ on this planet. Aeleo has been studying, writing and receiving downloads for weeks. His physical body has been going through a massive upgrade as well.
In the session, we got a huge amount of Guardian support connected to the war that’s occurring over information and timelines. Aeleo has been removing black magic seals over important information that was previously hidden and very hard to receive in the Akashic realms and the lash back for that has been intense for us both.
The Hathor Lineages showed up in our session and we were able to negotiate through Universal Law in Orion (black sun) around his birthright to uncover the truth around certain highly corrupted esoteric knowledge and piece together the truth so he can help liberate others who want the truth as well.
These fallen beings backed down completely when we had the Hathor beings reclaim this right for the Christ Bloodlines through his avatar.
The information he was receiving hasn’t been mapped out yet, and was uncharted territory since the Jesus Christ lifetime, specifically in Egypt. So we were able to use the information I saw in my vision and what he was being shown to restore the Hathor Priestess, Golden Ray Template of support around him and all who want the truth and choose to receive it.
This Priestess Lineage has Lyran Genetics and holds the Lyran Priestess Template (taught in the Sphinx) and are initiates through the mystery schools taught in the Hathor Temple. They worked in the Nile a lot and knew how to access deeper elemental communication to heal and activate incredible sexual alchemy codes. They were just incredible when it came to this kind of masculine nourishment, to both receive for themselves and use as the Christ Code that opens up information in the timelines. They also knew how to activate it for others. They could heal torture around the male sex organs (the prostate, or sodomy, emasculation) or breaking of the spirit programs that come from Draco’s, restoring the flow of Amrita and Azoth Energies to ignite the sacral to run energy properly without harvesting from dark feminine.
It goes really deep but we saw all of this in the fields and were able to heal within ourselves as well. We had a really intense two weeks before this where we kind of felt like mush or the caterpillar to butterfly metamorphosis. It wasn’t fun at all. We finally were able to shift and overcome because of the Hathor support and Egyptian Timeline Healing that’s occurring in the Sophia Christ Bloodlines on our planet right now. It allowed support that was previously blocked off due to the need for us to authentically initiate and learn the lessons connected to the painful aspects of the last two weeks. Whenever we get these upgrades we kind of feel them ripple out into the community and others who are linked up with us receiving them. If you have a connection to Lyra you will probably be feeling this now. The Hathor Priestess helped me to receive the masculine nourishment through the Golden Ra Template as well and it shifted my entire being. This is a huge return of strength and feelings of groundedness and protection with the masculine as well as the inner feline essence some of us carry that can literally blast Draco’s into other dimensions.
I haven’t been able to articulate much until today, so I would say things are turning around in the fields right now. Huge physical body upgrades are occurring as every layer and symptom is coming up for emotional processing to shift the body template. Lots of solar energies, it’s not very fun, but very necessary for the heightening of the spiritual battle that the anti-Christ beings are in the process of losing. As they lose they lash out and lash back, and since the Lyran Felines are able to return to support us more deeply, we will notice a more stable few days or weeks regardless of our personal circumstances that we are learning through. Our bodies are doing their best to get to where they need to go even though they throw every kind of poison/ pestilence at us through any avenue. The Christ Seal will not allow them to harm us as we are here to do massive work and receive the Christ Returns and anchor them into the grids.
There’s so much more occurring right now in the fields that I want to say but I’ll do a live soon to go more into detail over the world stage events and the current situations. There’s no need to panic, things had just heated up big time due to the immense amount of compromise done to their dark grids and they are trying to grab as much energy as they can, so any blind spots we have are important to be aware of and bring presence and love into so that they cannot manipulate us.
I hope this helps.

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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.
Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.
If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.
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