God deserves your Belief and Faith
When you don’t believe in a Divine Benevolent Creator, life is unbearable.
This is how it is for the elite. Aeleo explained to me that they hate God and they hate innocence because they remind them of what they’ve lost.
They’re in the midst of trying to manufacture eternal life because they don’t want to experience the death that is on the horizon – if they die, their death is deeper than just leaving the world they’ve had the most “power” over, the death is eternal because they reject God and so they have to experience a separation that will land them in some kind of hell realm where what they’ve done to the innocent will be done to them but for much longer with no end in sight by demons.
Their power to do so much harm in the name of trying to live forever and prolong their existence is the only momentarily relief and experience they get to actually feel. Their hearts are like black holes so they have to hurt children to feel a rush. They are reliant on extreme cruelty in order to get the energy they need to continue on even though their existence is, deep down, unimaginably miserable.
Satanic technologies and malevolent ETs can only do so much for them and prop them up via AI and harvested life force but it’s not enough and they cannot accept that even now as they are losing everything, slowly but surely.
It’s important to not underestimate your adversary and to pay enough attention to understand their agenda, the power they truly have in the situation and the wisdom of overcoming them. However, people continue to talk about black rock, vanguard and satanic-owned companies as if they’re the ones in control here. They continue to give their power away to these Saturnian black hole demons as if their future is set, they’re ushering in their timeline and it’s a done deal. Whenever I see that narrative I just see how people don’t trust God, the human Soul or heart and the Divine Spark that is waking the heart of humanity up. Humanity is actually in control, this is their collective choice, not black rock’s or Davos’. The world economic forum can only rely on their black magic, blood rituals and mind control tactics in hope that they can slow this awareness in the human collective but they cannot force it. They have been allowed to run rampant because of the state of humanity and that state is so obviously changing. If you cannot see that, it is clear that you’re not present in the light of this moment.
Like I said, respect the adversary because they’re cunning and master manipulators, but believing in their timeline because they have a lot of money is ridiculous. The actual dollar isn’t backed by anything and money is becoming worthless for them to blackmail and pay people off. Pay attention. What power do they have beyond what they’ve stolen from humanity through manufactured consent? If that consent begins to drop, the only real currency they can use to manipulate us is belief, energy, attention and the willingness to do what they tell us to do!
If humanity sees through them, what can they actually do?
They rely on our blind faith and our pushing of their narratives. It’s their absolute lifeline. Yes, it’s true there is still a decent percentage of humanity that believes in them, and they want to maintain what they have with that portion of humanity so this is where the control of information and fact-checking comes in. This is where the idea of a power grid collapse comes in because if they can watch the algorithms, they know that the amount of truth spreading is like a wildfire and it terrifies them how many people are actually interested in alternative media and no longer wanting to watch CNN or read the New York Post as much. They know truthful information and free discourse awakens the mind and then people begin asking questions.
Can you imagine trying to control the energetic, DNA, Soul Awakening and mind expansion through God’s grace?
It would be absolutely impossible and it is absolutely impossible.
Dark forces have technology where they can read future timelines and events that are likely to occur and they saw humanity’s awakening, they saw their end, they know it all which is why they’re taking every step to prevent it. It’s insanity because they cannot prevent their demise, they can only slow it down (at best) with distractions and gaslighting to the maximum at every angle. They want unlimited access to children because they are their number one way to harvest the purest, Source Energy and extend their miserable existence, unfortunately.
So the two goals here from the elite are 1) unlimited access to children and 2) us being docile and allowing it without a fight, which is why they’re trying to weaken us and worship eternal life via AI as their God.
This is what the vax is all about ultimately.
This is their plan for humanity but what is God’s plan for humanity and most importantly, what is humanity’s free will collective choice for humanity regardless of the intentions of both the Divine and evil and even other random agendas we have in the mix?
Pray for the human soul, pray for compassion, awakening and more open mindedness and work towards the goal of helping humanity awaken. This is our collective mission for humanity and why we are here at the highest level
There are multiple agendas at play, people playing both sides, a ridiculous amount of distractions and also challenges we face in overcoming this evil, it falling into the hell realms and humanity no longer being trapped in reincarnation cycles here and back as free agents into their evolution and organic creative intelligence.
So much has been stolen that is now being returned through the timeline wars playing out right now and it’s really the internal DNA and higher frequencies being pumped into the earth grids that are bringing a higher awareness among many and very challenging ego deaths as well.
Many humans will fight the truth because of the pain of their reality being decimated just as many will submit to the Higher Will and begin their awakening with more grace.
I see the “power” BlackRock and others wield in the material world thanks to their blood rituals and I also see how what they have isn’t as valuable as it once was in the societal sense and therefore is more like a front with a very weak foundation that’s crumbling. That crumbling that’s occurring is being kept from us so we continue to look at them in fear.
I also see many moves on the side of God that are shocking humanity awake and there are new ideas in the collective consciousness that were never allowed before that are moving through and landing very well.
It’s actually beautiful to witness the mass consciousness expansion and not just focusing on the failing powers that be and their vindictive control and gaslighting that is revealing how weak and afraid they are of their inevitable death. Imagine living just to war with God so you can do whatever you want to God’s people? You would do anything to stay alive because you know your death means you lose everything, even your Soul because of your unwillingness to rehabilitate and serve God’s Creation.
It never had to be this way, but it is this way and it’s important that we acknowledge the horrific damage done while also having faith that things can and will change and that Divine Justice is returning here even if we can’t fully see it yet.
If you’re listening to information that is not acknowledging the heart of humanity as well as God’s Grace through Christ Sophia’s Resurrection here then you’re going to be lost feeding the phantom energies that rely on your fear and belief in their victory.
God deserves your belief and your faith, not these decrepit demons.
Love You All!

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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.
Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.
If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.
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