Grail King Update
King Arthur is Waking Up
In This Update:
The Second Coming of Christ
Grail King Update
King Arthur is Waking Up

The U.K grids holding the Original Soul Blueprints of King Arthur/Melchizedek Soul Groups are on fire right now.
God woke me up very early to begin to process this activation.
My experience with the Emerald Princess Moana of the Sophia Grail Line recently was a precursor to the Emerald Grail Lines both Masculine and Feminine going through profound regeneration.
We understand that false alien gods such as Thoth had been using the Emerald DNA for dark purposes which created a lot of false light beings parading around like good guys to make contact with awakening men and women and try to get them indoctrinated into their false light luciferian doctrine (this was done in the false ascension matrix using A.I) and therefore pervert the spiritual community and give power to leaders to rise that are corrupted by inverted spiritual teachings (unknowingly) to grow their egos and get them to ride the agendas of the beings who were wanting to get the true Azurites (disciples of Christ) Melchizedek lines (blue flame, emerald, gold) among others to be targeted and unable to awaken into their God-given power and therefore supporting the feminine and the men awakening into their purity and true ascension and leadership role.
This had worked out very well and many were deceived.
Due to many grid workers and those of us focusing on supporting the Grail Kings/ Melchizedek and Azurites (the true masculine) we have been able to secure the Light Body of King Arthur and DNA and wake him up.
This means King Arthur himself is in a male body walking by the earth right now, starting to wake up! ( so to speak ) He will pull the sword from the stone.
This update and process has been going on for a long time now and is reaching huge peaks of activation, awakening and the clearing and removal of false light.
I saw an Azurite blue stream of light, like a Grail Line representing the Azurites and the Blue Flame Magi.
I saw a pearl white stream of light with a beautiful dove in it representing the White Knight Elvin Collectives.
I saw a golden stream with a huge golden cross in it representing the.
I saw an emerald and ruby line blending together representing Arthur and his disciples the Melchizedek.
I saw as the blood of Christ purified and washed these lines.
Jesus then spoke to me and said “I am your sustenance”
He gave me the entire next blueprint for my own Godly mission, it was one of the most incredible experiences of my life.
Jesus is here to start giving us specific directions into our next Mission and Soul Blueprint.
He is excited about the Grail King Return and Mission and the progress being made.
The return of the king was made possible by those of us who suffered with the dark masculine and false light. We were able to have experiences that allowed us to lead the way for others to shift out of easier, carving a path for many to do it faster and with more efficiency.
This field update is pretty straightforward.
The men will be going through a massive resurrection right now and may be feeling death energy leave them, or at least the feeling of soul and DNA fragmentation – another stage of the Grail King Return and a huge one.
I’ve been following this for years now and cannot wait to create the space for the Grail Kings and Oracles to be connected and know each other.
With this many Divine Unions will be underway.
For now, I suggest feeling into this, meditating on this, opening your heart to what this means for you, your current, future beloved or the men in your life/ inner masculine.
Women have Melchizedek coding too! It’s the magic that once lived in Avalon, it’s the Protector, the Magician, the Knight of the Round Table.
(I’ve read Lisa Renee’s current update which I wrote a bit about in the post from my own words and in a way that is more palatable and understanding for the collective. All my downloads come directly from God and my own unique expression, though I am inspired by others speaking truth and bridge that together with my own knowing.)
Love You All!

PS: If this post resonated with you I invite you to join the conversation and leave a comment below.
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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.
Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.
If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.
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