Aurora Sophia Dragons and Blue Dragon Kings (Christ Dragon Guides)
Be prepared for massive change coming…
The last few days I’ve been receiving tons of data and different visions regarding the extent of the elite plan and their genocidal bloodlust.
I’ve had to map it all and piece it all together in order to comprehend the evil, psychotic death agenda we’re about to see on a scale that may be unlike anything we’ve ever witnessed.
The Kovid Vacksene, soul splitting, light body destroying technology is a parting gift of the Satanists.
As many of us know, the final days are ahead for the satanic cabal mafia deep state that has been in hiding for thousands of years on this planet behind all the mainstream systems. Full disclosure is on its way and the truth will not remain hidden (no matter what). This is something that has been told to us through the false light spirituality, that there was a massive change coming into the “Golden Age”.
We’ve had the false prophet Qanon and the “light” side of the shadow government consolidating evidence, resources and a plan since around the JFK assassination to take down the cabals of the earth. This involves a quantum financial system backed by gold/silver and a re-haul with Nasara/Gesara which is connected to the false ascension being Saint Germain and the Galactic Federation of Light who are the false E.T saviours of humanity, and the ending of the currency system now used by the Satanists who have hoarded physical and material resources for their world domination agenda. This involves a full change of power, from dark to light. That light, however, is the false light and is being strategized by Donald Trump/good side of the military who was approached and many other world leaders that want to end the satanist agenda to bring in the Luciferian false light one that is linked to A.I as its god. This is what Elon Musk is being prepped for.
False light uses artificial intelligence to uphold the false ascension matrix that harvests energy from people who are being spiritually deceived.
The kohvid kill shot is meant for massive depopulation and the killing of millions upon millions within the next 6 months (when we should start really seeing it). Every person who takes it is receiving a load of toxic material that is not human, not safe and meant to eradicate their connection to plasma light (source light body connection) and the ability to think/feel higher multidimensional energies and cause painful, fast deaths which diseases unknown to us manifesting beforehand.
Luciferase and hydrogel not only allow a persons every move, thought and emotion to be read and information/data of everything they do to be pulled to the cloud system the Satanists are using, but it can also send the information it wants into the person, influencing them with any thoughts/emotions/experiences it wants. Who is controlling this? The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is where I’m seeing a lot of these A.I Algorithms linking up to.
What the guardians have shown me around what Bill and Melinda Gates do with all their farmland is beyond heartbreaking and too corrupt and cruel to talk about in-depth here (it is being worked on to be stopped), but just know they want to link people into their hell on earth, child snuff networks/mind control systems and cause them massive amounts of confusion, sick/ upsetting thoughts and emotions and devastate their connection to God so that they can feed on the suffering and death count from what’s intended by the kohvid kill shot.
Since the Satanists are going down and the kohvid kill shot is their last event of loosh-harvesting up to the moon (where they have tons of bases/experiments) and black hole star/astral so they can all share the bounty of misery and pain of the ultimate destruction they have caused through the false pestilence program they’re calling the pandemic. Sickness and illness are signatures and frequencies that activate within us when we’ve already been injected with their multitude of vacksenes growing up and from what they put in the chem-trails, water, food and medical pharmaceuticals.
Belief in pestilence and illness in the way they present it on the world stage is what makes you truly susceptible to it.
When we awaken out of their lies and into higher awareness we simply don’t comply with their idea of sickness which is all bio weaponry and therefore we don’t connect with it in the same way as before.
We realize that many illnesses are made in a lab and sprayed out into the collective consciousness and lodged into the grids with alien technology. This technology runs warfare programming all day that can suck people in and keep them enslaved to it until they make their own free will choice to say no to it.
The Satanists have clearly told us their agenda in the media and what kohvid really is, by telling us the truth even if it’s mixed with lies and confusion is still fair game for (consent) to the lie and therefore energetic responsibility ends up on the heads of those who go around promoting the lies of the reptilian black magic mainstream media and regurgitating it second hand to anyone who speaks truth.
That truth, are not considered safe words to the mind control crown nets that are similar to implants over the mind-controlled part of the population, so they get vicious and angry at the truth and dig their feet into the sand by feeling righteous and holier than thou by getting the kill shot and rejoicing about it on social media like they deserve a gold medal. All the while, A.I Baphomet algorithms begin to take them over and they’ve now put themselves on a probable death timeline to be trapped through reincarnation to that lowest timeline and soul enslaved to the Satanists who still believe that somehow they will be able to leave and take those souls with them. I’m just repeating what I’ve been shown about what they think. I’m not saying that is what will happen.
God is merciful and probably has a plan of divine intervention around all of this.
However, I don’t think that means that we won’t see this big death event though. I am being prepped by the guardians to prepare for that event just in case it does begin to happen as it looks like it will within the next few months.
When the depopulation begins on a bigger scale, the awakening that will be coinciding with it will be the polar opposite. This will be the actual split and overtake from the false light sect who will scapegoat the Satanists and disclose all their crimes along with E.Ts and everything else you can imagine. The Satanists will be blamed for the entire vaxsinnation poisoning and the false light ones will be made to look like saviours and they will talk of God but their God is not the true God.
Again, I have many details and visions and can’t say exactly how this will play out but I can tell you that it does look like sooner than later. Donald Trump and his connections are starting to do a lot in terms of taking back power, however, they can’t do it so blatantly or it will cause a meltdown from the mind-controlled people fighting for their enslavement and defending the true nazi eugenicists like Dr. Fauci and Gates all while having their most sacred essence exploited and stolen from them with their “consent”.
This is why I don’t even argue with people who believe in this corrupt system, the truth is so beyond obvious and apparent that most of them are cowardly holding on to the lies so they don’t have to do the inner work and wake up.
A lot of people are scared of the change.
Ignoring the connections and child trafficking satanism and bioterrorism because of what a pseudo-medical doctor says instead of the thousands that are speaking out about the risks. Well, that’s a choice at this point and just sad.
Most of us could prove all of this not even using “alternative conspiracy streams”. We could pull the truth right from the news articles and videos the mind-controlled love referencing so much!
Please, be prepared for massive change coming.
It will move a bit slow and there will be intervention to protect certain people from what the vacks is meant to do as I am seeing, some of the vackseens don’t have the same ingredients in them, some are safer than others.
There are many beings and guardians sent through the holographic field in order to energetically protect and support us at this time.
Free will is something that cannot be messed with but those who may be waking up after taking the vacks and asking God for help will surely be supported.
As we know, God can override any vacksene or weapon from the enemy.
It all depends on the higher, Divine Will and what ultimately serves the Divine Will the most. Whether that be a very ugly wake-up call with a big event like this, or a complete stop put to the genocidal event.
Within the next 2 years, we should see them completely out of power and all crimes out in the open for us to see and the second beast, false saviour, golden age system rise backed by the light side of the military, E.Ts and other seemingly good beings from the false ascension matrix that brings in celebration that will be short-lived. (7 years)
This will bring Elon Musk to get us into all kinds of A.I (“miracles”) that mimic God’s power to the point of healing people completely to other ways of convincing people to embrace it.
That is when we will build the new earth.
That is when we will pull out of their system completely.
This is how me and Aeleo see it going down when the timeline does happen. Of course, this all depends on the collective agreement. We should see big factors around this occur, hence why so many people are getting red pilled right now.
I suggest you take the real red pill and stop choosing between the left and the right (Hegelian Dialectic) which owns both sides and is now trying to appear as good guys in order to stay in power that they’re meant to be losing along with the Satanists. This is why they have to end the satanists in front of us, so that we trust them.
In terms of how much death from the vackx, that is not up to us but we can pray and we can send our suggestion to the heavenly realms.
God is intervening and creating healing miracles but only God knows how best to allow this to unfold for ascension and the taking back of the souls of planet earth and the earth itself.
I highly suggest you put your faith in God’s will over your own at this time, that you may be supernaturally protected as well as your children/family.
The Rainbow and Blue Dragons from the 11the Dimension, Aurora and Andromeda have been healing A.I infiltration and low-grade frequencies from causing damage to our nervous systems and light bodies.
I have seen the Rainbow Aurora Sophia Dragons and Blue Dragon Kings (Christ Dragon Guides) doing major clean-up of red and black cube implants and algorithms that have been causing reversals in our energy field.
Take the time to call them in and have them cleanse your field with their color and plasma light.
They can repair the most extensive light body infiltration and damage and heal you with pure love.
They are all in direct devotion to Christ, therefore to us in all manners of ways.
We can call them in or just sense that they already may be around connecting with us and trying to get our attention by tapping on our heads or sending light drops of crystalline water.
Allow them to support you at this time as you step into your initiations from your higher self and timeline. I will do a live soon around all of this. I just wanted to give a heads up on some info I’ve been receiving and will update as soon as possible if more comes in!
Love You All!

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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.
Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.
If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.
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