Solstice Portal
White Lyran Matriarchs
In This Update
Solstice Portal
Holy Mother Arc
Emerald Melchizedek Masculine
White Lyran Matriarchs

As I entered into some deep energy work last night in the field, I got a very distinct message around a lot of high-level Angelics/Starseeds being stuck in the astral.
I heard “there’s a timeline stuck in the astral”
It’s a 3D timeline connected to the power of the true matriarch.
I felt into my solar plexus and could feel the intensity of the power struggle between the fallen ones and the return of the Mother Sophia on earth.
Right now there is a massive power struggle that is occurring between desperate malevolent forces and the lineages of Sophia Mother Embodied on planet earth. She is the true Holy Mother Essence who is moving fragmented soul energy from children who have been SRA’d and ritually killed for black magic power for elites back through the Mother Arc portals and into safety within the heavenly realms.
She is the one who holds children in underground satanic pedophile networks through some of the most horrific experiences imaginable and away from these predators (back to Mother) to be healed to a state as if the trauma never happened.
Her presence on the earth is causing extreme backlash from forces losing their food supply as these networks slowly but surely will come to an end.
The mother reminds me why we’re here.
Were here to speak the truth and not turn a blind eye to these innocent beings who are enduring unimaginable cruelty at the hands of pedo-satanists. If this does not send a fire through your heart of wanting to protect them, reach them and get them back to their holy mother, I don’t know what will.
We cannot be silent, we must embody holy mother Sophia.
She is closer to earth than ever before now that we can reach those children (from the grid work) that has been done and continue the support of one of our most important missions which is guardian operation end child trafficking and the spirits that seek to abuse/neglect and defile them.
While they wage backlash, incessant black magic, the use of traumatized people as dark portals of hatred to those carrying the Christ Sophia genetics, we are clear that we must become immune and impenetrable to their tactics by standing in divine truth and unconditional love, regardless of the chaos and disharmony they incessantly throw our way, trying to break us, divide and conquer us, get us to give up and or get into suicidal ideation around not being able to bear the persecution.
All of this is an agenda to drive us apart and out of creating our own divine angelic hierarchies of divine power and authority.
If we are all in inner war and waging war then we don’t have time to be together fully and grow in numbers/resources and make huge strides towards the ascending timeline victory.
We are in the process of reclaiming our rightful position through the Christ logos and standing up for what is righteous.
If we are not doing our work we are still desperate for power and externalizing filling our God wound with overcompensation around our gifts that will be more in service to self than others.
We need to be very honest about where we are at and what we must do to support the greater mission and will of God above all else.
As we move through the emerald/golden gates of Solstice we find ourselves resetting our inner abundance blueprints to retrieve our divine right to having all our needs met by God. We will actually start to feel the fall out of false light abundance teachings that are so inverted and service to self luciferian implants around superiority and parasitism onto others in the name of “having” or “creating” whatever we want because (the universe).
That excuse is very old paradigm and at this point faulty, corrupt and a very broken system.
God is correcting how we connect and receive abundance and true wealth into our DNA that does not involve the gross exploitation and spiritual manipulation of synthetic Christ Consciousness grids that emit mind control and false white light that is so out of integrity with how the divine truly functions on this planet and what it means to be close to God.
So much narcissism and gaslighting go into believing such “abundance teachings”.
Anyone who is still supporting these are being completely used by false alien gods who twist and pervert true organic spiritual teachings, into total service to self rhetoric that truly benefits the one preaching it and not the one receiving it.
Either way, we all need to take responsibility for what we consent to.
This is not about victimizing anyone, it’s about what we are really needing from God and what we are looking to, to overcompensate for the lack thereof.
We can utilize these experiences to learn from and seek higher ground around where we source our knowledge around what it means to be in true abundance. As we move through the Solstice gate, we will see a lot falling away from this if we consent and desire it as God does.
Hydroplasmic Mother/Father light streams of divine accelerating timeline consciousness fully anchoring.
We see the tall blue white Lyran Matriarchs who have landed in New Mexico, so connected to the elemental realms there and the crystal caverns and crystal caves, working with the incredible Mother Arc plasma and elementals, arcing them together and setting an incredible tone into the earth for the force that is the Mother that can blast archonic energy out of this dimension (literally) we should call upon them to blast darkness out of our fields in the name of the Divine Mother and her heavenly hosts who are incarnated now.
I can feel the group of Lyrans with me surrounding me and supporting me in every way through this embodiment phase.
As we move into 2021 it’s more of a matter of the true ascending timeline and the false ascension matrix timeline.
Those still stuck in the reversal 5D astral will continue to be totally out of integrity to the angelic mission and therefore are being kept away from us until they’re ready to change and shift back into truth and love.
I’m seeing the plasma collapsing energy out of our lives like a tower moment tarot card, all those who cannot burn in the fire to align to who they truly are and stand with us in that full integrity are just falling away.
Anyone who is connected for misaligned intentions to any of those who accept the ego death and are not they themselves willing to serve on that level will need to go off and find themselves.
Again, the dark ones will use any wound they can to start war in our community.
We must start keeping our work more sacred with more boundaries so that they may not corrupt it.
Mother beings are very close to this as we consent to the crystalline DNA upgrades and soul connection: soul monad corrections and clearing anyone or anything misaligned to this heart/soul.
Source is not joking around.
I don’t feel God is waiting on or coddling anyone’s ego around this work.
I feel God wants us in pure reverence for His/Her Glory and speaking it truly in our work and how we show up.
No more boundary violations are being allowed unless to really awaken us.
The last thing I’m seeing here is some activity around the Emerald Melchizedek in Avalon.
I’m seeing the Melchizedek standing with his true feminine counterpart. I’m seeing him standing with her/around her. I can see these beings guarding Sophia or prepping her for return.
So we may see some powerful Union Templates through the Melchizedek/Oracles here very soon.
We may see the resurrection of men holding this emerald template as well.
Power surging into Avalon around this archetype and the men who were once initiated into these knights of Melchizedek circles (very Christed) (very initiated) very heart-based Masculine frequencies returning.
I literally feel this could be a template plugging the heart back into the masculine and therefore sending out heart-based activations of humility, honor, trust, huge returns that begin high-level unions.
Masculine heart coming back online to another level of ancient intelligence and heart-based relating.
Not only with Sophia Oracles, the beloved, but also in friendship and masculine leadership that still has a lot of layers of work to do here around Christos Embodiment.
We’re just getting started around this aspect and I will update more as I know more but this is a slow start. It’s just beginning.
I suggest the Masculine be very patient as this arises in his heart that he does not go looking for power but allows his integrity to build and is capable of checking his ego when he tries to seek for power outside of his organic initiation and templating.
We need to align to our true gifts and codes and not those of another that ultimately lead others astray.
We need to be very clear on our own compass/ascension template and the many gifts that are coming through.
High levels of integrity are called for here.
PS: If this post resonated with you I invite you to join the conversation and leave us a comment below.
Love You All. Happy Solstice!

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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.
Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.
If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.
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