Rainbow Vortex
and 144K Template Igniting
In This Update
Rainbow Vortex
144K Template Igniting
Laurel Canyon Grid
Seal of God

Something I’m witnessing a lot lately from people is a loss of faith, people not trusting God and that God has a plan for us.
Do you really think God is going to abandon his children, especially now? That God is going to do nothing and just let this tyranny win and continue on its anti-life agendas with zero repercussions?
Overall, our sovereign choice is still there: you can choose to believe in the mainstream media and support it, God will never interfere with our free will, however, energy responds to the majority not the minority in terms of big events and creation timelines, the more that give their belief to a certain outcome create it on a collective scale.
The energy to keep the Satanists in power is just not there and is diminishing by the day. What we’re seeing right now is a last attempt of utter desperation from these soulless creatures and it’s honestly pathetic, embarrassing and hard to watch as they grab at straws and dig themselves into a deeper hole, exposing their true intentions to even the uninitiated.
I’ve been shown time and time again that their ability to use black magic over the masses as they have for so long is diminishing by the day.
We are the divine intervention, we represent the return of Divine Justice, Truth and God incarnate.
There is a plan.
There are tons of guardian beings working to protect us from the harmful bio weaponry and targeting that has been constant for the last couple of years.
If you only knew the ways you’re being looked out for and counted on by God to be what he created you to be here for this mission to succeed, you would never doubt him again.
Seeing behind the scenes, it’s so obvious that there are legions of Christ’s army off-planet and on-planet who have been preparing for this time.
They are well equipped and they know that no matter what the controlled narrative says it does not even account for 20 percent of the truth and what’s REALLY happening right now, which is going to blow you away as you witness it slowly but surely unfold.
Every ounce of your doubt in God is being pushed to the surface. Every part of yourself that has lost faith is being pushed to the surface.
God wants us back and is using this time to show us where we’ve given up on him/ her and ourselves.
Anywhere we’re relying externally instead of sourcing to the Godhead. It has to be dealt with if you’re truly wanting to serve.
If your heart is being purified and Christ has chosen you, you will be feeling this on some level.
There is a mission.
There is something happening.
The matrix is breaking down and through the cracks, you’ll begin to see it.
I don’t care what doubtful people say. I know what I feel, I’m confident in the voice of God and I’ve been in the process of giving up all the external distractions to know that we are in the biggest internal shift of our lives right now.
It is just undeniable.
I still wholeheartedly believe in the message and the movement me and Aeleo began speaking a year and a half ago and a big reason why is the field update I got this evening.
An image of a slow swirling massive rainbow vortex entered my field a few hours ago. I saw Laurel Canyon.
Laurel Canyon is one of the most fascinating areas of studio city in Los Angeles. There’s tons of history there where the revolution of the 60s occurred. You can find the houses of some of the most impactful artists of that time there where there are fascinating stories that you can research.
Aeleo and I have gone to Jim Morrison’s last house over there and had incredible surges of remembrance and activation as we retraced the steps of these semi-revolutionary, previously incarnated Angelics.
Although fascinated with the area, God wanted us right on the beach of Santa Monica to grid there.
This rainbow vortex was massive and expanding and yet moving slowly as it filled the space between the street up on the mountain of Mulholland Drive and Laurel Canyon, permeating into the heavy fog of Los Angeles. I watched these electric blue streams plug into the vortex and begin regenerating the timeline of “revolution” that began in the 60s but couldn’t finish due to infiltration.
It’s funny because so many people have fled California, everyone has felt that because it is heavily controlled by Satanists that it’s where the most chaos would ensue from the agendas they have planned. I’m not saying that there’s no truth in that, but I think the divine intervention that is occurring is something people still don’t have the faith to recognize because of the state of things currently. It’s understandable, but in order for us to do the work we need to do, some of us have to be on the more “risky” grids.
The risk may not be what it seems.
I heard the words the “rainbow revolution”
As crazy as it sounds, the energy we’re stepping into is actual revolution potential.
The probability that there will be a huge revolution soon is not unlikely at all.
The revolution is within those of us called through the cosmic Christ Sophia and Starseed missions. We are here to break systems down and rebuild them back to the organic nature of creation, not to conform to the ones set in place, but to work within them and collapse them from the inside out.
That’s what we’ve been doing.
- Why do you think you’ve been purging for 5 years straight or more?
- Why have you been being alchemized internally?
- Why has your false sense of self been demolished?
- Why has this world felt more alien and uncomfortable than ever before?
The ascension timeline is a revolution of the heart and soul. There is no dark plan that can stop what God has set into motion here on earth.
There is one more massive deception of “peace “ that will occur here while the real revolution is birthed.
There is more we must be very very discerning about, but this force that’s governed us for so long is almost over.
The rainbow vortex and rainbow frequencies are prepping the field, they’re prepping people for “change”.
This is what I heard and saw. I saw the rainbow mist causing incredible dreams. I saw people dreaming of what is to come. I saw smiles and happiness.
This vortex is a part of the intervention on the grids here. The grids that have held some of the worst misery you can imagine.
This rainbow vortex is beginning here and spreading through the earth like a blanket of plasma consciousness. Cellular awakening, opening through the mind of God. Clearing the hive mind matrix entrapment.
The 144k templates are buzzing. They’re running the harmonic angelic tones of the 12/24/48 and so on. The cosmic monad of Christ Sophia, the 144k are getting prepped for the rainbow revolution.
Much more than just 144k people, however, different groups have different missions. They have different assignments and work coming up. If you’re on the high angelic spectrum this message will resonate deeply.
Revolution attempt part 2.
I don’t know the exact timing of this, I can just tell you that this is what I’m seeing begin.
I’m sure more of these rainbow portals will open up and begin overlaying grids that are highly controlled by the demonics right now.
Source obviously isn’t joking around with this energy. I get the feeling that we are at the event horizon and point of no return around this change.
There is no going back, there is no avoiding our destiny.
The 144k rainbow revolution template is starting to awaken from a long period of being unplugged and suppressed. Another layer coming in strong. We will see how this chess move from the guardians sets in with the fallen ones. We have much more of a leg up than many can see right now.
Stop looking at their news and narrative to check what’s happening, it’s not what’s truly happening at all.
That’s why in this community we have updates and alternate streams of information coming in.
We are the ones who are getting the real info to share with each other that’s more truthful than anything they will allow through their Channels.
The Seal of God means that we will be able to do our mission unharmed, untouched.
Ask God to Seal you and ask Christ to Mark you.
You are supernaturally protected if you claim the living God.
PS: If this post resonated with you I invite you to join the conversation and leave us a comment below.
Love You All!

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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.
Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.
If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.
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